Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating. Russian proverbs and sayings about nutrition

The concept of a proverb goes back to ancient times, when there was only oral folk art, transmitted from generation to generation.

Proverb story

The oldest recorded proverbs are the teachings found in ancient Egypt. Thus, the older and more experienced generation passed their experience and teachings to the young.

onion seven ailment heals

The reason for the appearance of proverbs is that they helped people in a short phrase to convey a large semantic load. Most often, this type of folklore is associated with the observations and conclusions of a person about the world, the way of life, and the actions of other people.

Proverbs can be considered parables conveyed in one short phrase. Unlike sayings, they may not have a beautiful syllable and consonance, since their main purpose is to convey to other people the folk experience in various fields of human activity.

Lifestyle Proverbs

Centuries-old observations of people about the relationship of lifestyle and its duration are transmitted in folk proverbs. From ancient times, people were careful about their health, because they knew that they should benefit the community as long as possible. Even the elderly tried to be helpful in raising and teaching children while their parents were in the field or on the hunt.

Proverbs about the rules of a healthy diet, about a mobile lifestyle, constant body training were welcomed and encouraged in folk art. Expressions such as “Temper your body for good,” “Walking for a long life,” show the attitude of ordinary working people to a healthy lifestyle. These are proverbs - motivators that encouraged people from early childhood to move more, pour cold water and not be afraid of a cold.

when i eat i am deaf and dumb

In addition to encouragement, people like to warn against the wrong lifestyle and thoughts, for example, “You get enough sleep - you lose health”, “From someone who is foul, health leaves”, “It's sweet to eat and drink - go to the doctors”.

Peasants noticed that sweets badly affected their physical condition. In Russia, white bread, gingerbread, and sweets were eaten only on major church holidays, and from natural sweets they preferred healthy berries and jelly from them.

Even in ancient times, people noticed the changes that occur to them in connection with the wrong way of life.

Proverbs about nutrition

Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating occupy a key place in folk art. Since people lived their own work and depended on the harvest, weather, change of seasons, they had a very reverent attitude to food.

They dedicated proverbs not only to the rules of nutrition ("Eat well, but do it to sweat"), but also to individual vegetables and fruits, pointing to the benefits that they give people ("Garlic and radish, and firmly on the stomach"). This is due to the long-term consumption of simple and healthy vegetables that grew near each hut in the garden and helped people survive the winter.

Proverbs about food

Ancient people were grateful to the gifts of nature and their work. This was manifested in proverbs devoted to work in the field and simple peasant food. Before the meal, it was customary to give thanks to God for the food on the table (“God gave a mouth, and will give a slice”), as well as to the harvest, the sun and spring (“Spring feeds the year”).

Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating were passed on from grandfathers to grandchildren, indicating how to live in order to be healthy and strong. This concerned not only the food itself or its components. People often noticed what else can adversely affect health - this is an unhealthy diet.

This observation was expressed in proverbs - tips on how to absorb food. It was customary among the people to get up from the table with a feeling of hunger, as satiety, in their opinion, caused laziness and put them to sleep.

the disease is looking for fatty foods

The same applies to the rules of behavior at the table: "When I eat, I am deaf and mute." This is what adult children teach in our time. This very wise rule helps children understand that they should focus on food during meals so that they can be digested faster.

Proverbs about healthy vegetables

Eating certain foods, a person observed the result of their influence on his body. “Eat garlic and onions - it won’t take the disease,” people said and were right. The ancient Sumerians and Egyptians knew about the beneficial properties of these vegetables. In ancient Egypt, onions and garlic were placed in tombs, so that the deceased could use their medicinal properties in the other world. Also, these plants were sacrificed to the gods, giving people a rich harvest.

proverbs about healthy eating habits

"Onion cures seven ailments," - such a conclusion was made by wise people. Even in ancient Greece, this vegetable was revered as a source of strength and energy. He was given to soldiers before battle, and the ability of the bow to cause tears turned him into a talisman from the evil eye.

Sayings about junk food

The people believed that onions are the nutrition of the poor, and they could observe how the rich were adversely affected by the fact that they disdained this vegetable. Diseases among the poor were much less common than among wealthy residents. "The disease seeks fatty foods," they say, and this is completely true.

it’s sweet to eat and drink according to doctors

Poor people believed that fatty foods suppress the spirit and take away strength, make the body gain weight and become decrepit. Folk wisdom in such proverbs shows the attitude of hardworking people who earn bread by labor and sweat to unhealthy and unhealthy foods (“They treat Gorky and mutilate the sweet”).

Much later, when writing appeared, people who saw in folk art not only teachings, but also centuries-old wisdom, went through villages and wrote proverbs for future generations. After they began to print, and nowadays they teach at folk art classes in schools. Thanks to these people, folk proverbs about the rules of healthy eating have come down to our time.


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