The smallest thing in the world. Sculptures of Willard Wigan. Smallest gun

The attention of people is primarily attracted to bright and large objects. But products of unusually small sizes cause real admiration. Everyone understands how much effort, patience and labor has been invested in the manufacture of such things. It is not always possible to look at such an object with a simple look, for some you need a microscope or at least a magnifying glass.

We often hear on TV information that in some city they made the largest pizza or a huge pie, sausage of incredible size and chocolate. Having made the smallest thing in the world, the master proves true craftsmanship and demonstrates finely executed work. The most interesting thing is that such things are absolutely functional.

Mini phone

The smallest mobile phone is not the only kid among such products. Mini-phones produced by many companies.

the smallest thing in the world

For example, Japanese masters made a Willcom WX06A phone weighing only 32 g. The dimensions are also impressive - 7 cm x 3.2 cm. The thickness is a little more than 1 cm. The baby can work continuously for 2 hours, and in standby mode - as much as 300 hours.

It performs all the functions of a regular telephone; to improve communication, you can extend the antenna. There is no camera in it, but you can send emails. The smallest mobile phone in three different colors: pink, white and black. It costs a lot and is sold only in Japan.

Miniature revolver

In the famous Guinness Book of Records, the smallest pistol in the world is considered Miniature Revolver C1ST, manufactured by the Swiss company SwissMiniGun. These working revolvers have been produced mainly for collectors since 2005. Since the start of the production of tiny pistols, about 300 have been made.

smallest mobile phone

This firearm has a size of 5.5 cm and weighs 19.8 g. It is clear that the SwissMiniGun company also produces bullets for the smallest pistol. Their size is also impressive - 2.34 mm with a weight of 0.128 grams. Knowing the Swiss quality, one can understand that a pistol even of this size will never fail in difficult times. The price is consistent with quality and for a simple steel model is $ 6,700. Each bullet will cost $ 10. Fires a pistol at a distance of 150 meters. If necessary, you can use it in close combat. He cannot kill anyone, but he is quite capable of stopping the attack. Buyers store it in their collections and rarely use it for its intended purpose.

Baby teapot

The smallest teapot was created by clay master Wu Ruishen, who turned 73 years old. This is a famous ceramic artist in his country. Many of his works are kept in museums in China.

the smallest gun

The miniature teapot is made of clay and has the shape of a real one. You can pour water into it, which will flow out of the spout. The size of such a crumb is so small that it fits on a finger. The baby weighs only 1.4 g. A masterpiece of very fragile Isin clay was created on November 15, 2007 and has since been considered the smallest thing in the world.

Small camera

The smallest thing in the world of modern technology is the tiny MAME-CAM SLR camera, created, of course, by Japanese manufacturers of the company Thanko. The camera is two megapixel, it weighs only 11 g, but it takes wonderful pictures, given that its dimensions barely reach 3 cm. Photos are stored on the microSD memory card up to 32 gigabytes. From the camera via the USB portal, information can be copied to a computer.

the smallest person

The cost of a camera in Japan comes to $ 100. The battery can continuously take 35 minutes, charges quite quickly, a little less than one hour. To do this, just connect to the computer via the USB cable. But how impressive you will look with a miniature device on your neck! Everyone's attention is guaranteed. Indeed, even the Japanese company Thanko became famous all over the world after the release of such a wonderful baby.

House on the rock

In the center of the Drina River, not far from the small town of Bajina Basta, a local attraction is located on a rock, which has been cataloged as the smallest thing in the world. This is a one-room house. It was built by young swimmers in 1968. While playing sports, kayaking on the river, they noticed this rock and stopped there to rest for a bit. One of the guys came up with a wonderful idea to build a holiday house.

eye caravan

Work began to boil with might and main. On boats and kayaks, the guys brought boards and building material to the rock. Oversized objects were rafted in water. To do this, the logs descended into the water a little upstream. Together, the dream came true. Everyone liked the small miracle so much that it glorified the town for the whole world. Strange, but such a seemingly flimsy structure repeatedly withstood storms, strong winds, floods and floods of the river. And still pleases the youth engaged in kayaking on this river.

Smallest man

The growth of Nepal resident Chandra Bahadur Danga was only 54.6 cm. He was twice recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest person on Earth. He lived for many years in the mountains of Kathmandu, never once in his life was a doctor and took his appearance for granted, given by God. Although his wife could not be found. He lived with his brothers in a village, was engaged in weaving, sewing national clothes. All his relatives lived on this craft.

the smallest kettle

Usually people with this pathology do not live long, but Mr. Dangi managed to live up to 76 years. Probably thanks to the healing mountain air of the mountains of Nepal and clean organic food and water.

The smallest woman in the world

This baby is only 18 years old, and she has already become famous throughout the world, becoming the smallest resident of the planet. Her height is only 62.8 cm. Jyoti Amge was born in India, in the state of Nagpur.

sculptures of willard aigan

Despite the flaws, the girl is very cheerful and cheerful. She was born in an ordinary poor family, but thanks to her fame, she travels the world. The baby visited Japan, America, Europe. Communicated with many celebrities. He loves to fashion, dress up brightly, do defiant makeup and be a star of the company. Such beauty could not fail to notice the directors of Bollywood. The following year, she was invited to star in two Indian films at once.

Amazing sculptor

This miracle sculptor has earned worldwide fame and the title of member of the Order of the British Empire. From childhood, he was sick with dyslexia - a violation in which a child cannot master reading and writing skills - therefore, little Willard Wigan often skipped school in his native Birmingham, where he was born in 1957. Once, hiding from his parents in a barn, he became interested in the life of ants. Shortly observing, he decided to have fun and build a house for them from twigs. He took a shard of glass, made a building, then expanded the building by making a fence, a courtyard and a swing. Thus began the career of a miniature sculptor.

Willard wigan at work

Now he is working on his sculptures with a microscope. Shards of glass, the finest needles, serve him as tools. Instead of a brush, he has a fly hair in his work. Works of art are made from grains of wheat and rice, gold and lipstick, even a cobweb is used. The work of the master is estimated at hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The sculptor, making the smallest thing in the world, learned to meditate, slow down his heartbeat and hold his breath. It works only at night. He spends from a few days to weeks to make his sculptures.

The most famous sculptures of the master

Members of the royal family love the work of the master. In memory of the young couple about the festive event, Willard made a sculpture of Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton. It is made in the eye of a thin needle.

Prince Harry and Kate Middleton

After Willard heard a quote from the Bible that it is easier for a camel to go into the eye of a needle than a rich man in the kingdom of God, he immediately sat down to work and settled a whole caravan in a needle eye.

camel caravan

The themes for Willard Wigan's sculptures are surprisingly diverse, as are the materials from which they are made. He makes famous skyscrapers from pencil leads. Of gold - the famous Oscar statuette and the Harley Davidson motorcycle, placing it in the hair. Heroes of the favorite fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland", "Pinocchio", "Peter Pan", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", cartoon characters "The Simpsons", "Hulk", popular actors and athletes, the royal family, animals, dragons, trees, stories from the Bible, copies of famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, sculptures by Michelangelo and many others. It is simply impossible to list all of his creations in one article. He even immortalized himself in his work.

self portrait

Celebrities such as Elton John, Prince Harry buy his works of art. At the auction, his collection of 70 works was estimated at $ 20 million. The unique talent of the sculptor was appreciated all over the world. Exhibitions of his works are held in many countries and continents.

People do not cease to be surprised at his skill: it is impossible to understand how an adult man can create an elegant sculpture of several microns.


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