How to disable Steam compatibility mode without much effort

Maybe many did not know, but there are special playgrounds on which publishers post their creations of the gaming industry for a fee, of course, and where people can buy them, and if you're lucky, then also during a big discount. Few people know about such sites, because most recently all games were bought exclusively from people’s hands, the same products were previously hacked, that is, pirated ones. Unfortunately, there are problems with similar applications, therefore this article is devoted to the topic of how to disable compatibility mode on Steam.

Briefly about what Steam is

Recently there has been a trend: to play only licensed games. This trend, of course, has many advantages, among which the fact that a person always has the opportunity to access his applications, but only with a high-speed Internet connection. Previously, the Internet was much more expensive and inaccessible than now. The world is changing in all its aspects, so the purchase of games on the trading floors has become more affordable than the same purchase on the market.

how to disable compatibility mode in steam

The convenience of the Steam trading platform also lies in the fact that people can directly communicate with each other, play, exchange items from games, even give each other games, but sometimes there are problems with the application, which raises questions about how to disable compatibility mode in Steam In this article, this problem is solved as clearly and in detail as possible, without requiring special knowledge of using a computer.

What to do if Steam is running in compatibility mode?

Such a problem occurs when a person uses an outdated version of the Windows operating system, or a game from the Steam library requires a newer version, thereby the operating system adapts to its needs and it turns out that the next time you turn it on, the Steam application cannot start. The problem is solved quite simply, just follow the instructions.

steam launched in compatibility mode

Instructions on how to disable Steam compatibility mode:

  1. Launch your personal computer using the Windows operating system.
  2. Try to launch Steam. It happens that some problems are treated by restarting, this is one of the features of Windows. If this does not help, then go to the next step.
  3. Left-click on the Start menu, type “Services” using the keyboard and click on a program with the same name.
  4. A long list of Windows services will appear, among which you should find the "Program Compatibility Assistant Service", double-click on it.
  5. In the "Startup type" field, select "Disabled", then click "Stop" at the bottom, then you can apply all actions in the system with the corresponding button.


We hope this article explained to you how to disable Steam compatibility mode. Remember also that you cannot turn off all services, this can lead to a critical system crash, so think carefully about your actions.


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