DIY folk dolls

Dolls are present in every home. Today, neat little dolls and pretty young ladies can be found in the hundreds of counters. They are bought by their daughters and sons. Of course, boys have their own kinds of dolls. These toys have undergone evolutionary development during history. More recently, folk dolls were made that carried a certain meaning.

folk dolls

The doll came to us from ancient times. Back in the days of cavemen, mothers tried to make a toy for their child. Of course, progress does not stand still, and dolls have undergone modifications. They are created by human hands and therefore are charged with special energy. Previously, this process was treated with reverence. The Russian folk doll has its own special character. With their own hands, absolutely anyone can do it. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of history.

History of occurrence

dolls in folk costumes

The doll appeared the very first among the next toys. She has been known since very ancient times. Folk dolls have their own traditions and designations. Almost all women made dolls for their children. At that time, there were no stores selling these toys important for children. Historians claim that the doll is more than a thousand years old. Of course, very few traditional products of that time have come down to us. This is due to the fact that dolls were made of wood, straw and fabric. Material of natural origin decomposes and collapses in a matter of years. Especially if it lies under the earth.

Each village has its own doll making technique. Any hostess wanted to introduce a special zest into her product. To do this, a characteristic embroidery was made on the clothes, or a unique knot technique was used. At that time, dolls could not be thrown out and treated with carelessness. The Russian folk doll guarded the family and had its own soul. She was respected and played with her carefully. A special doll was made for the baby. She lay in the cradle of the baby. It was believed that such a product kept a sweet infant's sleep.

Puppets were made for the holidays and all special occasions. But they made them without faces. People believed that an evil spirit could not infuse such a doll. She decorated wedding cakes and walls of houses. They made dolls with a special meaning in each of them. Attention was paid to sizes, shapes and details. For example, a doll with ten hands was presented to a newly made wife. Such a number of hands testified that the daughter-in-law should be in time for everything. And the peasant had a lot to do.

Russian folk doll

Folk dolls carried their meaning. Some could be played. Some were hanged over the matrimonial bed. And there were those who were always worn in a pocket.

Play dolls

Such dolls were made for the kids' fun. Until a certain age, the Russian folk doll was intended for girls and boys. The toys in the children were the same until they ran around the hut in their shirts. But as soon as the girls put on their skirts, and the boys put on the ports, the interests were divided.

do-it-yourself folk doll

The most popular toy for children of three years was a bunny on a finger. It was made from a small piece of fabric. Such a rabbit was tied to a finger and was a friend of the baby. The kids talked to them and kept them carefully. The pattern of the folk doll was a square or rectangle. First, a head was formed, and then with the help of a thread ears and handles were designated.

Ritual dolls

In every region of Russia, special festivities and ceremonies were held. Such celebrations were accompanied by songs, ditties and dances. For this day, dolls were made. They carried a special semantic load. The most famous doll is considered to be Pancake week.

Shrovetide was made of straw and a wooden base. She was dressed up in textile clothes, tied a scarf. Necessarily a blush and eyes were drawn on the face. Such dolls were made in folk costumes. They were made at the end of the winter months. A week-long walk was held. People baked pancakes, the result of the celebration was the burning of a large doll. It was believed that it was necessary to leave all the negativity at this fire. Indeed, after the forgiveness of the Resurrection was expected, and after it came the Great Lent.

Amulets dolls

A do-it-yourself folk doll was made in each hut. They put a soul and a special meaning into it. Special charm dolls were made, they carried good and light. For each case, they made their own toy, which was hung in the house.

Kuwatka is a chrysalis that was given as a gift to a pregnant woman. She was hung in front of the door. It was believed that she protects from the evil eye and protects the mother and child. After birth, the toy was handed to the baby until the age of three. There were such dolls in folk costumes.

do-it-yourself russian folk doll

Zernushka is a symbol of prosperity. It was made after collecting grain. The housewives sewed a bag, making embroidery on it. During this, a song was sung and a prayer was read. The grain was piled in a bag, after which it was sutured. A head was sewn to the base, and a scarf was tied. Such a doll did not have a face. If the family was starving, then it was allowed to take grains from this bag.

Happiness - was given to women on holidays. A special distinguishing feature was the braid. It was believed that the girl has a longer braid, the more economic she is. Do-it-yourself folk doll was made . Scythe weaved long and served as a pillar of the whole structure.

Dolls for the wedding

The young one-handed doll was given to the young. A man and a woman in such a toy had a common arm. They were made from light shades of fabric. Usually it was made by the parents of the groom or bride. On the wedding cake was placed the doll "World Tree". The guests tried to present the dolls with meaning. To have children, dolls were presented with babies at the waist. They were made with love and prayers were read.

dolls in Russian folk costumes

Two folk dolls clung to a stick. One was male and the other female. They were made of colored pieces of cloth and put on folk costumes. The β€œHorse-Fire” dolls were especially fond of. They were a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the future family.

Manufacturing Features

They make dolls in Russian folk costumes without using a needle. The fabric is simply folded and tied with threads. Pieces are torn apart by hand without using sharp scissors. It was believed that it is necessary to make a chrysalis according to all established rules:

  • Do not use a needle and scissors.
  • The face is not drawn, since the product with the face is vulnerable to evil spirits.
  • The outfit was made not for beauty, but with meaning.
  • It was impossible to fit the body of a female doll. Sundresses should hide forms and charms.
  • For each holiday its own doll was made.

Folk dolls as a business

Many craftsmen make good money on folk dolls. Women make toys according to all the rules of ancient Russia. Such dolls are sold at folk art fairs. If you want to decorate your home with such a product, then make it yourself. You may like the manufacturing process, and you decide to take this craft seriously.

folk doll pattern

You will need only a few flaps of fabric and rope. Remember that the needle cannot be used. Choose natural fabrics, no synthetics. As a stuffing, you can use fragrant herbs. Pupae usually filled with soil, sawdust, herbs, or tissue debris. You cannot draw a face either. Only in this way will it be a real charm for your family. Give such a doll a place of honor near the door or bed.


As you can see, folk dolls are not a relic of the past. There are now many craftsmen who accept only such products. Simple and beautiful toys harmoniously fit into any design interior. Such products can be made together with children. You will not worry that the baby will get hurt or will be pricked with a needle.

They can be used as a gift or just decorate your home. Dolls will protect your family and bring prosperity and wealth to the house. Dolls will always be part of our lives. Without them it is impossible to imagine childhood. Yes, and adult ladies like to play with dolls. It is especially interesting to make them with your own hands.


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