Men's Turtleneck - Wearing Practice

A men's turtleneck, also known as a golf sweater, is considered to be a must-have wardrobe of a representative of the stronger sex. The love of designers for these clothes is explained quite simply - the functionality of a turtleneck makes it easy to fit it into any stylistic direction.

men's turtleneck

Something About Golf Sweaters

Men's turtlenecks are worn almost all year round: winter, off-season and even cold summer are perfect for creating an image based on them.

Like many modern fashionable things, the turtleneck was originally a subject of overalls. Divers wore it with pleasure, later pilots and motorcycle racers. And only thanks to Pierre Cardin and the legendary β€œBeatles” golf sweater began to be worn by all men.

Today, a men's turtleneck is represented by a wide range, which strikes not only with materials for its sewing, but also with textures and a color palette.

men's turtlenecks

Stylists recommend when you get acquainted with this wardrobe item to opt for a cotton golf sweater. Permissible inclusion of artificial threads, but within 10%. For further experiments, cashmere, woolen, linen models, as well as microfiber stitched, are suitable. Each of these fabrics is focused on a specific season, which should be considered when compiling a wardrobe.

A men's turtleneck, as a rule, is a simple tight-fitting sweater, complemented by a narrow long neck. But this is not enough for fashion designers, and therefore they boldly experiment with both the shape of the collar and the β€œbody” of the product. So, in winter turtlenecks, a design in the form of braids or elastic is actively used. Inlays made of leather or textures contrasting in texture are also popular.

fashion turtlenecks

Fashionable turtlenecks for the stronger sex are performed in the widest color palette. But classic is considered a simple black turtleneck. She is spectacular and sometimes becomes the hallmark of a man, as, for example, in the image of Steve Jobs. The same applies to all plain golf sweaters.

Recently, however, designers are increasingly experimenting with patterned turtlenecks. A cell, stripes, gradation of color, its contrast - all this fits perfectly into a fashionable wardrobe and allows you to deviate from some rules of wearing the thing in question.

Fashionable look

Men's turtleneck firmly established itself in three main areas of style - casual, college and classic.

Very often in fashion shows of clothes for successful gentlemen, a turtleneck is combined with a suit, put on under a shirt or as an independent sweater under a coat. In the classical direction, its combination can be carried out both in contrast with the rest of the image objects, and in keeping in a single color palette.

turtleneck classic

College style allows you to combine a turtleneck with tweed jackets, blazers, bomber jackets . Complement the look with classic trousers and boots or moccasins.

turtleneck style college

The loosest in terms of turtleneck combination options is casual. In it, a turtleneck can be an independent item of clothing, especially when it comes to its summer version. So, for a hot season, a golf sweater is chosen from the thinnest fabric, and its sleeves can be either traditionally long or shortened to the middle of the shoulder. The summer look is built on loose-fitting trousers, moccasins and a belt several shades darker than turtlenecks. In this case, it is better to forget about socks.

turtleneck casual

No matter how the turtleneck is included in the image, it should be remembered that it cannot be tucked into the pants, and the length of the sleeve with the arm freely lowered should reach the line of the wrist.

Compliance with these simple rules ensures the creation of ideal images.


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