Quotes to tears - review, features and reviews

Sad quotes are needed when there is no one to console a person, say a warm word to him. After all, such phrases help those in grief to create the feeling that someone understands it. Often such phrases are sought by those people who are unhappy in love.

quotes with meaning to tears

Sad phrases by unknown authors

Consider a few quotes to tears from unknown authors.

Yes, we laugh, we scream and fight, but the most important thing is that we never part!

It often happens in life that two people live together and cause each other suffering. They constantly receive advice from those around them that it is high time for them to leave. But they still do not do this, continuing to torment each other. In such a situation, itā€™s just right to ask yourself the question - if the couple ā€œscreams and fights,ā€ but ā€œnever partedā€, perhaps they should not do either one or the other? Maybe they will become happier if they adjust their behavior model and stop hurting each other even if they are together? Unfortunately, for many couples such an ideal remains unattainable. They continue to torment each other, but do not want to work on themselves to create a harmonious alliance. And their condition is very clearly described by the above quote to tears.

quotes to tears

The sad "lack of spring"

The following phrase may refer not only to the love sphere. After all, sadness in the soul can occur for many reasons. Often a person turns out to be lonely, feels himself useless to anyone. And then there comes a feeling of inner emptiness, lack of heat. A similar state is well described by this quote to tears:

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the lack of spring in our hearts ...

It is often difficult for those in this sadness to find within themselves the strength to move on. But this will have to be done anyway - after all, the ā€œabsence of springā€ is always very difficult to endure. And if you donā€™t create positive conditions for yourself, donā€™t learn how to look for warm and joyful moments, then lifeā€™s ā€œfallā€ can drag on for a very long time ...

And the following quote to tears tells about absolute loneliness:

Losing the one you loved is scary, but itā€™s even worse to never meet him.

quotes with tears

Often there are such cases. A man not only does not lose anyone - he never meets a loved one. In this case, it is difficult to say who is more unhappy - the one who has learned all the joys of relationships with a loved one and lost them, or the one who has never met a soul mate. Often such people can be orphans who did not have a father, mother, or other close relatives. In their life, they may not meet loved ones. In this case, their loneliness becomes especially scary.

And the following quote to tears tells about the terrible state that a person experiences having lost someone:

It really hurts when you miss someone who will never return.

In this case, we can talk about the death of a loved one, and the separation of friends, and the divorce of spouses. In any case, no one can relieve this pain. It cannot be repaid or compensated in any way. All that a person can do in such a situation is to accept his feelings as they are. And also a visit to a competent psychotherapist will be useful. Indeed, the state of depression tends to worsen - and especially often this happens when a person is left alone, without loved ones.

Imprint of sadness

Some quotes to tears with meaning especially accurately reflect those consequences of loneliness and spiritual emptiness that cause heavy losses to people. It happens that a person is forced to keep all experiences in himself. Here's what Natalie Clifford Barney says about this:

Time imprints on our faces all our shed tears.

A person can hide his feelings from others. But this does not mean at all that they will not make themselves felt in another way. The face of the person who constantly keeps within himself these "unbroken tears" inevitably changes. And over time, it becomes clear how much pain and suffering fell to her lot.

quotes short to tears

Sad phrases about sadness and loneliness

The following quotation to tears with meaning belongs to Mark Levy:

I am drowning alone, and for the first time in my life it seems to me that I canā€™t swim out.

It describes the state of a person in which he is helpless to do anything with his loneliness. Perhaps, in previous cases, he managed to find the inner strength in himself to overcome difficulties. But now his grief has become so immense that nothing can help this hero. Who knows, if the other person gives him a helping hand, then perhaps he will be able to swim out of the abyss of longing? In this state, one can only hope that someone will help him overcome this limitless loneliness.

And here is what brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky write in their work "Hotel" At the deceased climber "":

Loneliness is really a lousy thing with all its huge advantages.

Yes, being alone, a person can get many advantages. First of all, he is free in his actions. No one can limit it in entertainment or hard work. There is no one to report to, apologize, restrain oneself. But on the other hand, when people live alone, this inevitably affects their internal state. The world is gradually losing its colors, and life ceases to please. Perhaps those who do not want to live faded emotions and experiences will benefit from the rejection of the benefits of loneliness. But here is what Erich Maria Remarque says in her quote to tears with a meaning:

ā€œYou are well, you are alone,ā€ Hasse told me. Well, indeed, everything is fine - whoever is alone will never be abandoned.

In the world it turns out that lonely people envy those who are not alone. And family or friend personalities may envy the lives of singles and bachelors. Perhaps this is what human nature is all about - constantly wanting something that is not available. This quote to tears describes the case when a person is in a state of loneliness, suffering from it. However, even the aforementioned Hasse character envies him.

Quotes with tears and about tears.

Tears and sadness are an integral part of human life. This cannot be avoided in any way until evil and suffering are eradicated in the world.

female tears

That is why there are so many various quotes to tears. About a love and about deception, including oneself, about unjustified hopes and about unfulfilled dreams - such aphorisms speak of all these phenomena. Consider a few of these phrases.

  • Sometimes, shedding tears, we deceive them not only others, but also ourselves. (Francois Larochefoucault)
  • I cried because I didnā€™t even have shoes until I met a man who had no legs. (Saadi)
  • The sincere grief of one who cries in secret. (J. Byron)
  • Early tears harden. (Sigmund Graff)
  • We women have only two weapons ... Mascara and tears, but we cannot use both at the same time. (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Tears are the silent language of grief. (Unknown author)
  • Unrequited love lasts the longest, hurts very deeply and causes strong emotions. (Unknown author)
  • Love is not verified by distance. If you really love, then the distance will not change anything ... (Rita Savich)

Short phrases

Long sentences are not always needed to express the accumulated suffering in the soul. Short quotes to tears will help tell another person about their experiences even with the help of words - after all, they can be used as a status, or as an SMS message.

  • Remember I told you that you were my dream? I woke up.
  • - You need to unwind! - Yeah. Ashes in the wind ...
  • It's hard to love a person knowing that you will never be together!
  • We often do not appreciate the fact that weā€™re not around for a while.
  • The pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are most lacking.

Phrase Features

Similar phrases have the following features:

  • They fill the reader with a state of sadness and longing, hopelessness.
  • They always represent the world in sad tones.
  • In such phrases universal human experiences are displayed. They can belong both to the pen of great people, and to unknown persons.

Reviews of sad aphorisms

In general, reviews of such phrases fall into the following categories:

  • Some people are completely contemptuous of such maxims, considering them a manifestation of weak will.
  • To others, they like it, as they help to free oneself a little from mental torment.
  • There is a third category - those to whom such phrases are completely indifferent. On the one hand, sad quotes do not inspire them; on the other hand, such people do not feel indignation over them.

One conclusion can be made: such phrases will be useful to everyone who is currently in sadness and longing. The most important thing in this state is not to lose hope. After all, even the darkest night ends sooner or later with dawn.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7639/

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