Coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory. Coat of arms of Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory

His beloved land, where a person is born or lives, takes on special significance for him. The ancients believed that love of the motherland is akin to the adoration of a mother who gives life. Therefore, people tried to create special characters in which they reflected the originality of their land: wealth, courage of the indigenous people, a brilliant history of the formation of the region. The coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory is a whole history of the fertile land, captured on the canvas.

coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory

A bit of history

The year 1860 was marked for Russia by the transfer of the lands of the glorious Black Sea Army to the Kuban region, the center of which was the city of Yekaterinodar. This event caused the need to create a unique coat of arms for the region. The prototype of the modern symbol was the approved emblem of the capital of the region of 1867. At that time, there was a specialized system for building state symbols, which was developed by Baron Kene. According to the rules, the center of the coat of arms should not have more than three objects. Therefore, the emblem of the Krasnodar Territory was an image of a fortress wall with wide-open gates and Cossack regalia placed between two turrets. The imperial eagle changed its location - from the wall of the building, he moved to the head of the coat of arms. And on the chest of the bird now was not the Moscow coat of arms, but the so-called Caucasian cross.

The urban design of the new coat of arms differed from the regional one in the style of jewelry: instead of wheat ears that framed the shield, they placed oak branches. The green of the tree was braided by the Alexander ribbon. And, of course, symbolism could not do without banners of high-ranking and revered rulers: these are four banners with the monograms of emperors Nicholas I, Alexander I, Paul I and Empress Catherine II. Monograms are depicted in the form of a wreath, which is decorated with laurel and oak branches. The shield was crowned with an obligatory subject for all areas - the ancient royal crown, and above it the standard of the emperor Alexander II developed.

Heraldic symbol description

The coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory was officially approved on January 31, 1874. His official description accurately enough conveys to us a picture that corresponded to the main symbol of the Kuban region: “On a green shield stands a gilded battlement with two round turrets. The gates are open and framed by black seams. A golden flag rises above the tower between two silver bunchuk with gilded tips. The head of the shield is decorated with a black Imperial eagle with a Caucasian cross on its chest. At the head of the shield is the ancient Tsar’s crown and decorations made of oak sheets connected by the ribbon of Alexander (emperor). In the background, four azure banners with monograms are laid out with a cross. ”

coat of arms of Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory

Modern change

In 1995, the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory approved the official drawing and a detailed description of the regional symbols. However, in 1996, according to the decree on the State Heraldry Register, the question arose about the official registration of the coat of arms of the region. It was then that all the significant flaws of the previously approved symbol “surfaced”.

It was necessary to bring the emblem of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory in accordance with the requirements of the rules of heraldry, for this in 2002 they created a special commission. Painstaking work and correspondence was carried out, which lasted more than 2 years (with the presidential council on the history and formation of the region). All elements of the coat of arms were discussed, and a separate decision was made for each. But the result was disappointing - in connection with a number of reasons to accept the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory as a whole is not possible.

Reasons for inconsistencies in symbolism

The thing is that the Krasnodar Territory is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a territorial entity that is part of the Russian Federation and cannot contain a coat of arms with symbols of the imperial crown and golden oak branches framed by the Alexander ribbon. Even in pre-revolutionary times in heraldry, these elements were clearly associated with the arms of the owners, which emphasized the absolute absence of sovereignty. That is, the arms owners openly declared full submission to the supreme power of the emperor. That is why the coat of arms and flag of the Krasnodar Territory cannot contain these attributes, since the Territory is a sovereign entity within the federal state.

coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory photo

New life of the old coat of arms

After numerous discussions, it was decided to amend the image of the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory. Instead of a red (scarlet) ribbon, it was proposed to depict two ribbons of the orders of Lenin, which would be connected under a shield into a bow.

The banners and standards with the monograms of emperors, which were awarded to the Kuban Cossacks as a reward for the valiant service to the Fatherland, will certainly be left unchanged as a reminder of the valiant history of the people. Experts say that if in the future the region receives the highest state awards, their symbolism will be included in the official stamp. But the main style and images in the form of a golden fortress with gates on a gilded field, and the black imperial eagle carrying the Caucasus cross, will remain unchanged. This is a symbol of the border region of the Russian Federation, but at the same time a statement on the peacefulness and hospitality of the people.

description of the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory

Keeping traditions

Despite the fact that the heraldic commission recommended the removal of all the symbols of the empire, an agreement was reached on some details of the image. The coat of arms of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory will contain the princely crown (cap). It will reflect the history of the ancient Russian principality of Tmutarakansky with its center in modern Taman, which is located on the territory of the Kuban Territory. The sizes of the standards in the coat of arms, the shape of the banner itself will also be changed.

The modern look of symbolism

A modern description of the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory, which was changed in accordance with the laws of heraldry: "A green shield with a golden battlement framed by black. Two round towers and wide open gates. A gilded feather leaves out between the towers, on the sides are two silver bunchuk with spikes on gold poles . The head of the shield is decorated with the image of the two-headed eagle with a golden beak and a red tongue, on whose head -. imperial crown on the chest bird -.. In the Caucasian cross shield located azure banners with gilt monogram of W andarty decorated with fringe, tassels and gold. Bow crowned escutcheon. "

coat of arms and flag of Krasnodar Krai

Character Meaning

Note that the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory, whose photo you can see in our article, is not just an image - each item has its own meaning and deep meaning:

  • The green field is a symbol of the abundance of the Kuban open spaces, the hope for a bright and rich future.
  • Opened gates - the peacefulness and hospitality of the people.
  • Pernach is a symbol of power.
  • A pair of bunchuk is a symbol of the Kuban Cossacks.
  • The black eagle is a memory of the time when this land was granted to the Cossacks by Catherine II.
  • Caucasian cross - this symbol recalls the final accession of the Kuban to the Russian Empire.
  • The princely crown hat is a memory of the glorious times of the princely rule of the Old Russian Tmutarakan kingdom.
  • Banners and standards with monograms are a reminder of the valiant Cossack warriors who proved to be excellent at defending the southern borders of the empire. Thanks for the courage of the people.

the coat of arms of the Krasnodar Territory


Our ancestors always respected the symbolism of their lands, sacredly keeping traditions and recalling past feats. Therefore, it is so important to maintain a coat of arms that will tell about the glorious history of the Kuban Territory - the land of fertility and brave Cossacks.


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