"Left-handed" - a summary and plot

Nikolai Leskov created many wonderful works about the life of ordinary Russian people. The whole world appreciates and loves this talented Russian writer for his perspicacity, patriotism and humanism. One of the most outstanding works of Leskov was and remains the story "Left-handed".

southpaw summary

It begins with the journey of Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich through Europe: in order to “see miracles”. Platov, a Cossack from the Don, does not support the Tsar’s surprise, for he is convinced that the Russians know how to do no worse.

The story “Left-handed”, the summary of which is the story of the creation of a masterpiece (savvy flea), describes in detail the most diverse miracles that exist in the world. Upon returning to their homeland, the sovereign boasts of his courtly amazing acquisition - a dancing mechanical flea.

After the death of Alexander, his successor Nikolai Pavlovich appreciates this flea, but his vanity and national pride push him to find among the Tula the masters who can shame foreigners.

summary of the story lefty

The following is a summary of the story “Lefty” describes Platov’s journey through Russia, his meeting with three masters, one of which is Lefty. Those, before starting work, decide to visit the temple with the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then they are locked for three days in the house of the oblique master Lefty.

He just doesn’t want to tell Platov the secret of the action of the created Levsha’s masterpiece. The summary is further based on the fact that Platov has to take Lefty to the palace. However, the king and his daughter are furious, seeing that the "abdominal mechanism" of the flea is inactive. Therefore, the masters not only did not perfect the curiosity, but also caused damage to it!

For this, Platov brutally "rattles" the deceiver, demanding that he confess his sin. But in response, the master explains to him that one should look at a miracle with a stronger “small scope”. And the sovereign does as Lefty tells him.

left-handed story summary

The summary of the story should be continued in that this microscope did not reveal a secret to the king. And then Lefty proudly declares: you need to look not at the whole flea, but only at one leg.

How astonished the autocrat, having made out a tiny horseshoe on every flea foot! And Lefty still declares that the master wrote his name on the hat of each nail - in what!

Further, the story “Lefty”, the brief content of which is presented here, takes the reader along with the master abroad, where he is sent in order to present the flea as a gift to the British or, more simply, to wipe his nose to foreigners.

The British are sincerely surprised at the skill of a commoner, they offer him to stay there, to marry any beauty. But he refuses these honors, but Lefty nevertheless draws his attention to the state of the “Aglitsky” rifles!

A summary of the final part of the story is a description of Lefty's journey to his homeland. How great the longing of the Russian patriot! How great is his desire to return home as soon as possible! He is not even afraid of the approaching storm.

On the way, the Lefty is shamelessly drinking to argue with the skipper, as they say, to hell. Because of this, the skipper ends up in the embassy house, and the Lefty in the “quarter”, where he is deprived of English gifts. From there, the wizards directly sent in an open sleigh to die in the hospital for the poor.

Polshkiper, who was quickly put on his feet thanks to the "kutta-percha pill", has been looking for his "comrade" for a long time and learns that he is already at death. Left-handed sent by the skipper to Dr. Martyn-Sobolsky, the Lefty manages to say a phrase that worries him.

The patriot's last words were not personal requests, but excitement about cleaning Russian guns. After all, the British do this not with a brick, as in Russia! However, these words never reach the emperor. That is why (in the words of Leskov) the Crimean War ended tragically . Ah, if those in power would listen to the voice of the people!

left handed book cover

Leskov’s unforgettable story today remains one of the most widely read and republished not only in Russia, but throughout the world, because it contains ideas that are relevant to this day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7648/

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