Skirts with frill for girls

Representatives of the fair sex probably know how important it is to look feminine. The embodiment of tenderness are skirts and dresses. If a lady wants to be a true lady, there should be more than one romantic set in her wardrobe. Wardrobe items that make the image softer include skirts with flounces. About how to choose, with what to combine and how to sew such a skirt - in today's article.

Brief description of the model

True fashionistas are well aware of what this model is, but nevertheless we recall that a skirt with frills is the original cut of a free skirt, to the bottom of which decorative fabric elements are sewn. The model looks festive, voluminous and attractive - shuttlecocks always attract attention.

Who is it for?

Despite the beauty of this product, the model is not suitable for all women. Here are some tips to help you figure out if a skirt with flounces is right for you or not:

  • overweight women will visually add unnecessary volume to the skirt;
  • for ladies with a wide chest and voluminous shoulders, the model is ideal - the volume of the skirt will equalize the top with the bottom;
  • if the figure resembles a rectangle, a similar cut will help to highlight the waist;
  • pear-shaped forms from a skirt with frill should be abandoned, because the wide hips visually increase. An option for women with this type of figure can be a long and straight skirt with a flounce at the bottom.

Determine what type your figure belongs to and decide if this model is right for you.

Types of products with shuttlecocks

To choose "your" skirt, we recall what types exist:

  • long maxi skirt;
  • medium length, midi skirt;
  • short miniskirt;
  • straight;
  • pencil;
  • flare sun;
  • school uniform;
  • knitted skirt.

Long skirts

One of the most delicate images can be created from a skirt to the floor and a lace or light top. In addition, a long skirt with frills will perfectly hide the imperfections of the figure that you would like to hide from prying eyes.

During hot summers or warm springs, this model perfectly complements the everyday look or working office style.

pink skirt

The advantage of the skirt is the possibility of using an open top. You should remember the rule that with a free cut of the skirt, the top should be tight-fitting, otherwise you run the risk of getting a completely formless something. A top made of lace or a tight-fitting material is perfect. For cooler weather, you can use a long-sleeved T-shirt that emphasizes the curves.

As for shoes, you need to focus on your preferences. Remember that such a model of skirt involves shoes on a flat stroke. Perfectly complement the image of light ballet shoes, leather sandals or stylish slip-ons.

Short skirts

Confident and willing to demonstrate their legs the world should take a closer look at short skirts with frills. Do not forget that such a model is suitable only for slender young girls. On women aged, a playful short skirt will be somewhat inappropriate. Why wear a skirt with frill so as not to look vulgar?

Combine a short skirt with slim jeans shirts or a slightly loose cotton shirt. For colder weather, you can choose a sweatshirt. A short skirt goes well with half-closed tops or blouses, so you should not focus on any area of ​​the body except the legs.

short skirt with frill

Shoes can be selected according to the weather. To create a stylish rocker look, try wearing a short skirt in combination with sneakers. For a walk around the city, opt for slippers or light sandals.

Skirts with straight flounces

One of the most popular models of the last season is a straight skirt with waves at the top. Such a cut is suitable for slim women who love to wear heels. The model of a straight peplum skirt perfectly emphasizes the curves of the body and emphasizes sexuality.

In addition to the Basques, there are many more options for straight skirts with frills. They can be located on top, bottom along the hem, obliquely or in several layers "ladder".

long flounce skirt

A classic straight skirt with flounces below and knee-length is especially good with open sandals with thin heels and a tight-fitting top with thin straps. This bow favorably emphasizes the fragility of a woman and her sophistication.

Flared sun

A similar style of skirts is most often used in cases where they create images for theatrical productions or thematic dances. Due to the large amount of fabric, the hem of the skirt perfectly stretches up and can serve as an element of dance.

If you decide to choose a sun-flare for everyday wear, then keep in mind that moderation of the upper and shoes are important here, because all the attention is taken by the noticeable cut of the skirt.

As a top, a tight-fitting silhouette blouse or top, preferably monophonic, is suitable for this type of skirt. If the skirt is made of printed fabric, then the top should be as simple as possible. Jewelry is best used minimalist and sophisticated, shoes fit without a heel.

Skirts for school uniforms

Today, schools are increasingly introducing the rule of wearing uniforms. But girls are girls, in any case they want to look smart. Therefore, a skirt with shuttlecocks for a girl is a great solution.

children's skirt

This type of clothing is suitable for most young schoolgirls. In combination with a white blouse, this tandem makes the image very feminine, but at the same time relevant to the requirements of the school.

How to make a skirt yourself?

If you want something like that, playful, but there is no money for a new thing, we advise you to make a new stylish skirt from the old one. In order to get started, you will need:

  • unnecessary skirt in black;
  • 1 m of white and black material, similar to the fabric of the skirt;
  • threads
  • sharp scissors;
  • centimeter.

How to sew a skirt with frills - further in the instructions.

1. Lay the skirt on the table and cut the bottom diagonally from it. It is not scary if the rest is too short, but for a more accurate measurement, we recommend that you first try on the skirt, and if necessary, mark the place of cut.

2. Measure the circumference of the remaining skirt with a centimeter.

3. Fold the white material into a square and 2 times in half, divide the circumference of the skirt by the number of layers into which the material is folded. The resulting result will mean the top of the semicircle to be cut. How long the shuttle will be - choose for yourself, it all depends on the length of the skirt that you want to receive.

4. Do the same with black material.

5. Pins one semicircle to the other and sew one edge on the sewing machine. Turn out the future shuttlecock.

6. Next, you need to decide what color you want to get the shuttlecock on the skirt - white or black, and based on this, pin the hem to the skirt with pins and align it, stitch it on a typewriter.

7. The skirt is ready! If desired, you can embroider the hem of the skirt with beads or translucent sequins, decorate the black part of the skirt with embroidery or any other decorative element. An example would be a skirt with shuttlecocks in the photo.

Skirt Patterns

If you have sewing skills, you can try to sew the skirt yourself. We offer to see the patterns of skirts with flounces. Perhaps some of the options will appeal to you and inspire you to work, because what could be more pleasant for a woman than to know that the thing worn on her is a unique copy in a single form.

1. Pattern of a long skirt with frills from the waist line. In this case, it is better to choose light flying fabrics, such as chiffon. If you complement the skirt with a top and ballet shoes, you get a wonderful summer look.

pattern skirts with flounces

2. Pattern for a strict skirt with frills. This option is more suitable for office or special occasions. The material of the skirt implies a certain density, so the top must be chosen more weightless, for example, a silk blouse. The contrasting shades look great with each other. For example, a black skirt and a raspberry blouse, a cream shade of the skirt and a blue top.

skirt pattern

Dresses with shuttlecocks

Romantic and feminine images cannot be created without dresses. A correctly selected style is able to hide everything unnecessary and emphasize the dignity of the figure. A dress with frills on a skirt makes it more interesting, more magnificent, and therefore more solemn. That is why such models are often chosen as outfits for events and celebrations.

dress shuttlecocks

There are a lot of models and variations of dresses with flounces. One of the stylish solutions can be a straight monophonic dress with a long sleeve and contrasting wide flounces on the skirt, or a knitted dress in delicate colors with frills of thin black leatherette. A similar thing can be done independently. To do this, you just need to sew on a leather hem to an existing dress. How to do this, we described above. Leather shuttlecocks can be sewn to the shoulders - the dress will become more elegant and interesting.

For a festive look, we advise you to pay attention to dresses with flounces along the entire length. It can be sophisticated, made of lace, or it can alternate materials layer by layer. This option perfectly emphasizes the fragility of a woman and goes with almost any type of figure.

Fancy models

There are also unusual styles of skirts. Having found this on store shelves, you can be sure that you will not go unnoticed.

Unusually and at the same time, a skirt with a flounce on the back looks stylish. In front it is an ordinary pencil skirt, but if you turn around, you can demonstrate a flirty β€œtail” of bright color. In combination with heels, a playful look is obtained. Walking in a similar skirt along the street, do not hesitate - dozens of men will turn around after you.

back flounce skirt

Pay attention to the trend of recent seasons - a skirt of different lengths. A great option for those who want to show their legs, but shy of the frankly short length of the skirt. Pick up beautiful wedge sandals or thick heels. The skirt has one remarkable advantage - you do not have to worry about whether the skirt is pulled up from behind, as is often the case with short models.

unusual skirt with frill

We hope our tips will help you decide on a skirt with frill, and you will find exactly what you need!


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