How to swing a guard in PV. Skills

The game "Perfect World" opens up many opportunities for gamers and characters. You have a chance to try yourself in the role of a tank or a fragile druid. But today we will again touch on the topic of how to swing the guard in the PV. This time we will talk about the magic skills of one of the races of the Ancients.

Who are they

Those who have just begun their study of the guides on the Perfect World game should explain who such a guard is in PV.

how to download guard in pv

If you are an experienced player, then, most likely, you are already familiar with siki. So called the guards in the MMORPG. These are players who are something between a var and a magician from the Ideal World. They hit with both physical attacks and magic. That is why the PV guard is a rather popular comrade. Maybe he will be both a DD and a tank in some cases. Under a good healer, such a character is quite suitable for some dungeons as a tanking and collecting player.


So how to swing the guard in PV? The fact is that each “Persian” in the game has his own skill tree, which is necessary from time to time to pump from the mentor of the kickers. An important branch is the attacking skills of the guard.

The warlike spirit of the mountains is one of the first, but, nevertheless, a low-priority skill that needs to be pumped at the beginning, so as not to slip from one blow. It is cast very quickly.

The warlike spirit of the moon is another attacking skill. Deals base damage plus additional metal magic. It makes sense to pump it when there are other attacking distant skills. At the first levels, you can not swing it very much.

guard in pv

The sword of the fiery spirit is a ranged strike. For 8 seconds, it paralyzes your opponent, while delivering a very powerful blow with physical attack and metal magic. You need to pump it by all means. A range of 33 meters makes it possible in case of failure to quickly flee.

The emperor’s sword helps to teleport to the enemy and stuns him for 3 seconds. A very useful thing, especially if you pump the paradise branch. She gives extra camp time.


How to swing the guard in PV? An important aspect of this process is the development of AOE attacks. For the siker they are important, since this race is a good mini-tank. For example, instead of a war, you can take a guard when going to the Master or the Master. He will beat with massive blows no worse than a warrior with his carousel. But AOE at the guard is not so much.

A hardened sword is one of the first blows by which you can collect a chain of mobs and hit them with one skill. This skill deals damage to physical strength and reduces the magic defense of the target. Download is worth it, especially at small levels. Nevertheless, you can wait a bit with him. It’s best to take a paradise branch.

PV Guard

The void sword strikes targets only with physical force. Useful, especially in combination with other pumped skills. The Paradise branch deals an additional 1500 points of damage. Just a death blow.

The power of a furious bear also beats only with physical strength. It’s definitely worth downloading, because all the mass skills, even the initial ones, play an important role for the guard. Here the hellish variant is at the highest levels.

The strength of the sword of nature inflicts physical damage to targets, while additionally finishes with a percentage of the weapon. It has a long cast, but you need to use it first. With timely quality is killer.

Sword of universal power - a blow from which all enemies will shake, even real players. The skill is hung on the siker himself, so that you can safely move, causing huge damage to all enemies. If you combine the skill with buffs, the result will be simply magnificent.

The Sword of Invincibility is the guardian’s metal strike, which will replace the warrior’s carousel. It looks the same as the carousel of vars, but it beats more powerful. All bonuses apply to him. The only negative is a huge mana zhor. If you use cans and dumplings in time, you can feel like a real winner!

guardian skills


A very useful thing in the guards - these are buffs. They are hung on the character, help to withstand strong opponents. The player himself has a lot of them, but you shouldn’t download everything in a row - it will be too costly.

The magic of the blade of unity is hung on the down guard. Gives extra protection and magic damage.

The magic of the blade of the universe is a buff for 30 minutes. All allies located in a radius of 15 meters increase attack rate. Useful, especially if you are hesitant to play solo.

Empire blade magic is another buff that takes half an hour. This time, a party strike helps to increase maximum magic defense rates.

Illumination sword gives a chance to evade negative buffs of the enemy, increases this indicator by several seconds. It is very quickly casted. You can download it when you have extra money and spirit.

Iron flesh increases physical defense by 30 minutes. Useful when a magic class is running around you, and opponents extinguish with physical blows.


Now you can decide for yourself how to swing the guard in the PV! We hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you.


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