Iberian Mastiff: breed description and reviews

This is a large breed of service dogs, molossoid type. Her homeland is Aragon - a locality located in Spain and bordering France. Here is the main part of the Pyrenees. Hence the name of the breed. Originally used to protect animals on pastures. Today they are great guards, bodyguards, companions.

Pyrenean Mastiff

From the history of the breed

Since ancient times, the Pyrenean mastiff was appreciated primarily for its magnificent qualities as a security guard. These dogs have proven themselves as assistants to shepherds. Physically strong, incredibly hardy, these animals perfectly resisted predators - bears and wolves. Surprisingly, these formidable dogs for predators are very affectionate and attentive to their “wards” in the herd.

For a long time no one was engaged in breed. They were peasant working dogs, so no one was interested in their appearance.

They were first presented at the Madrid exhibition in 1890, and from that moment on the Pyrenees mastiff began to rapidly gain popularity. In 1946, the first expert description was published and the breed standard was adopted.

In the middle of the 20th century, Spain is experiencing a serious political and economic crisis. It becomes difficult for peasants to keep such powerful dogs, therefore their number is significantly reduced. The breed is on the verge of extinction.

Pyrenean Mastiff photo

Amateur dog breeders undertook to save the endangered breed, who, having united, decided to develop it at all costs. Their work turned out to be productive - in the second half of the 20th century, the Pyrenees mastiff (we posted a photo in this article) began to appear again at exhibitions. In 1974, representatives of this breed Iru and Perrault received the championship and a lot of praise from experts. Once again, the popularity of these dogs is increasing dramatically. In 1977, the Pyrenean Mastiff Club began to work. He united not only Spanish breeders, but also their foreign colleagues.

In 1981, the Spanish Canine Society approved the breed standard. In the same year, it was recognized in the world (FCI No. 92).

Today the breed is in a state of active development, although it still remains not too numerous.

Iberian Mastiff - breed description

This large and at the same time elegant dog has a large massive head. The skull is wide enough, rounded. It features a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle, which has a square shape. The eyes are almond- shaped, small, usually dark brown. The triangular ears are not very large, hanging flat along the cheekbones.

Pyrenean Mastiff Nursery


Pyrenean Mastiff - a dog with a body of a stretched format, with a strong skeleton. Powerful cone-shaped neck. The back is dense, muscular, wide croup slightly sloping. Tight and tight belly.

The limbs are strong, with well-developed muscles. A feature of the breed is profitable fingers. Paws are rounded, "cat", with arched fingers.


These dogs have a thick, dense and hard coat of medium length. On the neck, shoulders, hind limbs, abdomen, it is longer.


Always white, with a distinct “mask”. On the body, spots of the same color as the mask are allowed. All white or tri-color is not welcome. Paws and tail tip should always be white. Acceptable colors: white with gray, bright yellow, brown, black spots.

pyrenean mastiff reviews

The height of the males at the withers rarely exceeds 77 cm, bitches - 72 cm. These animals weigh from 55 to 80 kg.


The Pyrenean mastiff gives the impression of a harsh, even formidable dog. Of course, there is some truth in this, because these animals are shepherds, guards. And for the sake of protecting the life and property of the owners, they are ready for anything.

In the family, they are very affectionate and peaceful, immensely attached and devoted to the owner. For children, this is a reverent and caring nanny.

Care and maintenance

The Pyrenean mastiff, whose characteristics are not much different from that of other large dogs, needs space and quite serious physical exertion. Keeping it in an apartment is not advisable. Even if the apartment is spacious, it will not give this beautiful giant proper space. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of time on walks, and not every owner is ready for this. It is much more correct to keep a mastiff in a country house.

Walk it at least two times. Walks should be long - at least an hour. Try to ensure that your pet has the opportunity to run and play outdoors.

pyrenean mastiff dog

Hair care

The Pyrenees mastiff is naturally endowed with a magnificent “fur coat”. The coat is very thick, there is a lot of it. But this should not scare future owners. Caring for her is not so difficult. It is enough to comb it once a week with a brush. During molting, this should be done more often. Wash and cut it is not recommended. You need to bathe the dog only if it gets very dirty, using good shampoos for dogs.

Periodically, it is necessary to inspect and clean the ears and eyes, as well as cut the claws.


You can feed such a pet with both natural food and dry food. The first option will require you to cook daily for your pet. Feeding dry feeds is much easier, but on condition that they will be premium. They are fully balanced. In order for this food to go to the dog for good, follow certain rules:

  • the quantity must fully comply with the instructions;
  • do not give your dog additional vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • make sure that there is always clear water in the bowl.

Novice dog breeders need to know that experts do not recommend feeding animals with mixed feeds. In other words, organic foods and dry foods should not be mixed.

Pyrenean Mastiff puppies

Particular care must be taken when feeding puppies. If you plan to feed the animal with dry food, you should know that at different periods of the baby’s development he will need different feeds - during the period of active growth he will need calcium and proteins in large quantities, an adult animal will not need such a large amount of nutrients.

A young Pyrenean mastiff should not be lethargic and lethargic. If your pet has become sad and inactive, consult your veterinarian. It is possible that the food he receives is not quite balanced. Remember that a dog’s main health problems start with improper feeding.

Puppy selection

Mastiffs are in good health. The bitch is easy to whelp without assistance. At birth, puppies weigh an average of 750 grams. By two months - already 15 kg, so it is very important at this time to provide babies with a balanced diet.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept. The room should be spacious enough, dry and clean. It should not have a pungent odor.

It seems to many that the Pyrenees mastiff is not particularly playful. Puppies should be mobile, moderately active. Pay attention to how the mother relates to babies - she should feed them and not show aggression towards her cubs.

Pyrenean Mastiff characteristic

Despite the fact that the Pyrenian mastiff breed is not too widespread in Russia, a nursery engaged in breeding these animals in our country can be found if desired. For example, “Star Shine” in the city of Yekaterinburg, “Amanauz” in the suburbs, the nursery “Polini” in the Moscow region, etc.

It’s not for nothing that we started talking about nurseries. Buy a puppy of the Pyrenees mastiff should only be in a specialized institution or from a well-established breeder. Only in this case you can be sure that you get a purebred and healthy animal. As a rule, in the kennel, puppies at the time of meeting the new owner (8-10 weeks) are already completely independent, vaccinated, have some behavioral skills. Moreover, they are ready to move into a new family.


As already mentioned, this is a very smart and curious dog - the Pyrenees mastiff. Puppies from a very young age are eager to learn new skills. They strive to please the owner as much as possible in order to earn his praise. Puppies and young dogs can learn commands very quickly. However, you need to know that sometimes a mastiff can be stubborn, and then the owner needs to gently but persistently seek submission. Physical impact on the puppy is strictly prohibited.

Pyrenean Mastiff breed description

Training should be built in the form of a game in which puppies happily join. Training should be regular, without long periods, otherwise the young mastiff may simply forget the knowledge gained.

Iberian Mastiff: owner reviews

Everyone who purchased this dog for living in a country house is 100% satisfied with their pet. This is an indispensable guard. Mastiff owners note that these animals fearlessly protect their territory and property of the owner. Along with this, it is an extremely gentle and peaceful creature in relation to adults and small members of its family. Many owners admire the ability of these giants to play with very young children. They will never harm a child, even by accident.

And owners who decide to have such a dog in a city apartment are often disappointed. Their pet feels very uncomfortable, requires long walks, for which many owners are not ready.

The Iberian mastiff attracts the attention of dog breeders with its unpretentiousness, peaceful and balanced character, and the ability to be a friend to the whole family. Mastiff owners value their pets for their loyalty and nobility, endurance and strength.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Based on the feedback of the owners, we once again strongly recommend that before buying a puppy, weigh the pros and cons well so as not to be disappointed in your pet and not to make a living creature suffer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7657/

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