The most common skin diseases in a child

Human skin is a complex organ. She reacts to any changes that occur in the body. Diseases of the internal organs, as well as pathologies that are allergic and infectious in nature, primarily cause some changes in the skin. After some time, the main signs of ailments begin to appear. Skin diseases in a child are quite common in medical practice. And this applies both to newborn babies and to older children. Skin diseases in a child can be allergic in nature (neurodermatitis, eczema), be a consequence of an infectious or fungal infection. In any case, you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

skin diseases in a child
Skin diseases in a child


This ailment is a consequence of untreated sweating, when staphylococcus penetrates the skin through the inflamed mouths of the sweat glands. As a result, the usual redness is replaced by a rash. Small bubbles form with a cloudy liquid inside. As a rule, they are located on the buttocks, in the skin folds, groin, armpits, neck, head and on the surface of the abdomen. If untreated, the ailment can spread deep into the skin and into neighboring areas.

Dermatitis ritter

Some skin diseases in children whose symptoms are quite painful can cause a serious condition for babies.

skin diseases in a child
Ritter's dermatitis also belongs to such ailments. As a rule, the disease becomes noticeable at the end of the first week of a newborn’s life. On the femoral folds, in the corners of the mouth and around the navel, reddened, moist areas appear. They spread very quickly to the area of ​​the trunk, head and limbs. The skin looks like a burned word. The causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, which causes intoxication of the body. With this disease, timely medical attention is very important.

Prickly heat

Skin diseases in a child often arise as a result of blockage of sweat glands. A striking example of this is prickly heat. Usually, well-meaning parents dress their child for a warmer walk. As a result, the skin stops breathing and sweats. The first sign of this ailment is the appearance of small dots of red or pink.

skin diseases in children symptoms
They are localized on the shoulders, neck and head.

Diaper dermatitis

The causative agent is streptococcal infection. Waterproof panties for newborns, diapers that prevent the evaporation of moisture provoke the onset of the disease. Symptoms are as follows: on the skin of the hips, buttocks, scrotum and perineum, dense bluish-red rashes appear, resembling papules and surrounded by an inflammatory β€œrim”.

skin diseases in children photo


It is the most common childhood illness. At first, the disease causes flu-like symptoms (aches, runny nose, etc.). Then, rashes form on the cheeks and throughout the body. Erythema is given in the airborne way. The disease for seven days before the appearance of redness is contagious.


Skin diseases in children, the photos of which are presented on this page, are usually caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus. Impetigo is transmitted through personal items and close contact. Symptoms of the disease: red spots appear on the face, which then turn into blisters. Over time, they open, forming ulcers, which, with proper treatment, subsequently become crusty. The patient is prescribed antibiotics.


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