Kharkov Zoo: photo, description, address, mode of operation

Founded in 1895, Kharkov Zoo. This is one of the oldest menageries in Europe. In that year, an exhibition of birds and domestic animals opened at the University Garden on an area of ​​2 hectares. Learning about such an idea, residents of neighboring villages began to replenish the collection of the exhibition with wild animals. After a while, silkworm and apiary appeared on the territory of the future zoo.

A bit of history

In 1906, as the local newspaper reported, the construction of the main building of the aquarium was completed in the University Garden. Four years later, the South Russian Acclimatization Society invited the exhibition management to organize a zoo following the example of Moscow. With funds allocated by the company, summer enclosures and winter indoor premises for animals were built, and wild animals and birds were purchased.

The civil revolution brought zoo ruin. Recovery began only in 1921. We started repair work in technical buildings and aviaries. Planting of decorative flowers, melliferous herbs and medicinal as well as industrial plants began. Slowly, but still restored the exposure of animals.

Second discovery

By the end of spring 1922, the Kharkov city zoo again opened its doors for visitors. In 1928, the society of zoos (Germany) gave this menagerie a train with animals. There were geese, parrots, monkeys, mongooses, kangaroos, llamas, leopards, lions, etc. Pelicans, swans, and many other species of waterfowls were brought from the North Caucasus. A pond with an area of ​​over 2,400 m 2 was built for them.

Kharkov zoo

By 1930, the park was (as today) 22 hectares. During this period, Kharkov Zoo already had a mountain aviary. This is a fenced artificial mountain area in which mouflons, gazelles and tours coexisted perfectly. Also, they built aviaries for ungulates, a special house, a monkey and an elephant.

By the beginning of World War II, the zoo presented guests with more than 5,000 animals. By the end of it, almost all were exterminated. Zoo buildings were also badly damaged.

Park restoration

Recovery from scratch began in early 1943. And on August 29, according to the order of the local Executive Committee, the zoo opened to visitors. Gradually lined up new aviaries for large animals, restored the aquarium and planted several tens of thousands of trees, shrubs and grasses. They rediscovered the pond, in which there were goldfish and several species of waterfowl.

Kharkov Zoo photo

By 1986, the project was completed to expand the zoo to 120 hectares. Its value reached the sky-high amount of 70 million rubles of the Soviet period.

Another devastation

But the dashing 90s came. These were the years of reform, and for the zoo - the time of another devastation. First, the number of visitors decreased significantly. Then the cost of feed base and other financing was reduced. They didn’t talk about the extension anymore, to survive ...

Change for the better

By the centenary of the zoo, which was noted very widely, the pheasantry was reconstructed. And invited guests brought mandarin ducks, mangrove monitor lizards, a female kulan, a lion, Amur leopards and a urial. By November 1997, the zoo was still replenished with animals from the menagerie of the city of Nikolaev and Askania Nova. Among the bison, deer, and llamas, a purebred pair of Przewalski’s horses showed off. And by the end of 1999, they completed the large construction of an aviary for bears. By this time, the leadership of the zoo gradually revived the tradition of philanthropic assistance. Citizens, farmers and organizations helped the zoo feed animals and transferred money for urgent needs.

Kharkov zoo animal photos

What is now with the menagerie?

By the beginning of 2013, the Kharkov Zoo, a photo of which is presented in the article, was in charge of about 230 species of protected and rare animals. Unique conditions have been created for them, as close as possible to their habitats. Some animals even in captivity give offspring. The zoo, honoring traditions, protects, protects and studies the wild representatives of the animal world from all corners of our planet. It provides many excursions for adults and children. Specialists give advice on the protection of nature and fauna on a global scale, give interesting lectures. Zoo workers talk in animals in kindergartens and elementary schools and even sometimes come with them.

Playground with young wild animals

In spring, hype occurs near an open special aviary, in which young animals of various animals born in winter walk.

Visitors can for a long time, without stopping, watch the teddy bears fight, the Dingo dogs and little dogs race with the puppies, lion cubs watching young, all afraid of goats, like kids - wild boars and other cubs are busy. There is also a contact area. Non-dangerous animals walk here. They can be fed and ironed.

Herbivore House

There is not enough day to go around the whole Kharkov zoo. Photos of animals will help you plunge into its atmosphere a little. The largest zoo building is the Herbivore House. Black-faced kangaroos are marsupial, and rodents are agouti from Central America and Patagonian mars. But the main tenants of this house are a variety of artiodactyls. Most often, visitors linger near Cannes and the Blue Wildebeest. In spacious open-air cages there are maned rams, wild boars, European fallow deer, bison and other representatives of this group.

Kharkov Zoo work time

In the antelope, in addition to numerous ungulates, live herbivorous mammals, not at all relatives of antelopes. These are the Central Asian turtles. They settled here because of the similarity of habitat and lifestyle. And iguanas live with them, whose real natural zone is Central and South America.


The Kharkov Zoo Aquarium presents visitors with over 140 species of fish. They came from the tropical and subtropical ponds of South America, Asia and Africa. There is an aquarium on the top floor of the original building. 22 aquariums hold more than 100,000 liters of water. They are home to almost 30 species of fish listed in the Red Book. Inhabitants are matched to each other according to their natural needs. There is even an aquaterrarium imitating the rain forest of South America. The geometry of the aquariums is diverse: one resembles a coral atoll, the other resembles a granite boulder.

Kharkov Zoo working hours

In mid-2008, two showcase aquariums with huge dark fish appeared in the zoo. These are herbivorous piranhas. In places of natural habitat, they eat fruits that have fallen in water. Among the most popular inhabitants are red atherin, black barbus, shark ball and, of course, labyrinth fish. These are pretty macropods, gourami and fighting “cocks”. There are also rare fish in European zoos - pangasius (shark catfish) and red-tailed orinok catfish. The real pride of the Kharkov menagerie is the shell pike. This is a very hardy predator. It lives mainly in the waters of the Caribbean Islands.

House of Predators

Kharkov Zoo also has a House of Predators. 4 of the most stunning species live in it: lions, jaguars, panthers and tigers. After reconstruction, the year-round enclosures now have wood structures and natural shrubs.

Reptile hall

Fans of various kinds of reptiles can also visit the Kharkov Zoo, whose working time allows you to conduct both morning excursions and evening ones. The reptile hall appeared only by the centennial of the menagerie. It has more than 10 terrariums. They live about 50 species of reptiles from around the world. Terrariums have unnatural grottoes and rocks and are decorated with intricate artificial plants and real natural snags. Here you can see the Nile crocodile, striped and Cape monitor lizard, iguana, crocodile caiman, boa constrictor, python and many others.

Kharkov Zoo Address


The Kharkov zoo is rightfully proud of its large and small ponds. There is a huge number of different types of waterfowl. Here you can find mute swans, geese (Canadian geese), mountain geese and dry-cheeks, carolina ducks and tangerines, as well as other representatives of birds from around the world.

Over its long history, the Kharkov Zoo has undergone many trials. It was rebuilt, and the occupied territory was increased, and restored after the Great Patriotic War, and reconstructed. In the 80s of the last century, the Kharkov Zoo was given the status of a protected area. Many people ask how to get to the Kharkov zoo.

Where is?

And today, in the beautiful garden named after T. Shevchenko, the old Kharkov Zoo operates, whose address is Sumskaya Street, 35. More than 400 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish live on 22 hectares. Among this set there are rare animals included in the Red Book.

Kharkov zoo where is

Kharkov Zoo: mode of operation

Every day from 8 am to 19 pm, this wonderful menagerie works without days off and holidays.

Cost of visiting the zoo:

  • children under 5 years old - free of charge,
  • children from 5 to 13 years old - 10 UAH. (about 27 rubles),
  • children from 13 years old and adults - 40 UAH. (a little more than 100 rubles).


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