Monuments of Moscow architecture: modern and historical

The city of Moscow is not only remarkable for the fact that it is the capital of our country. It has preserved many cultural heritage sites of the country. Already from the 15th century, Moscow architecture has become an expression of national culture. Architecture is considered the "mother of all arts", as it not only reflects the stages of their development, but also is the basis for the preservation of frescoes, wood carvings, paintings and sculptures. The architectural monuments of Moscow have incorporated many of the features of ancient Russian architecture and the work of foreign architects. The most famous of them are of global importance, as they are historical objects and the result of the work of great architects. Architectural monuments of the world reflect the characteristics of the cultural development of different countries and the main historical events. Therefore, they are protected and restored in order to preserve a unique heritage for future generations.

Monuments of architecture of Moscow

The list of cultural heritage preserved in the capital is very long. The historical center of the city is especially rich in them, but many palace and park ensembles, monasteries and entire streets in different parts of Moscow are also its sights. What objects can relate to architectural monuments:

- Separate buildings and structures, something remarkable. For example, Arseny Morozov’s mansion , Pashkov’s house , Bolshoi Theater or City Hall.

- Palace and park ensembles and architectural complexes, such as the Kuskovo estate, the Kremlin in Izmailovo, Poklonnaya Gora or Tsaritsyno Park.

- Historical centers of the city. In the capital, this is the world-famous ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin.

Moscow architecture

- Squares, quarters and streets. These are Red and Manezhnaya Square, Arbat and Garden Ring, Vorobyovy Gory and Chistoprudny Boulevard.

- Monasteries and temples, of which there are many preserved in Moscow. The most famous of them are St. Basil's Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Novodevichy Convent.

- Architectural objects of civil, industrial or military significance, for example, the Ostankino TV tower, Moscow Metro, VDNH or the GUM building.

Features of Moscow

The oldest building in the city - the Moscow Kremlin - was laid in the 12th century on Borovitsky Hill, at the mouth of the Neglinnaya River.

monuments of architecture of Moscow
And its shape therefore repeated the outlines of this peninsula. The turbulent situation of that time required the construction of high walls and ramparts. Therefore, during the expansion of the territory of the city, new fortifications were created. So such architectural monuments of Moscow as the Kitay-Gorod wall arose, and in the place of other walls appeared the Boulevard and Garden Ring. Until the 18th century, most of the capital's buildings were wooden, and in recent centuries, almost all of them have been replaced by stone. In addition, intersecting radial highways were a feature of the city’s development. The face of the capital has changed dramatically with the advent of Soviet power. Plans for the modernization of the city and the creation of broadband highways required the destruction of many architectural monuments. Only some of them were subsequently restored. And many high-rise buildings were built, modern blocks of uniform development appeared.

Styles in the ancient architecture of Moscow

1. Wooden architecture.

All buildings in the first centuries of the city were made of logs. The most famous of them were the Church of St. Nicholas, the temple of Daniel Stolpnik and the Moscow Kremlin itself. But not a single ancient wooden building in the city is now preserved.

2. Stone architecture of the 14th - 18th centuries.

The first stone building was the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin, which has not survived to this day. During the reign of Ivan Kalita begin to rebuild the walls of the Kremlin. And by the 16th century, the main architectural ensemble of Moscow takes on an almost modern look: white-stone walls, the Annunciation and Arkhangelsk cathedrals, as well as the Faceted Chamber, were created.

monuments of architecture of the world

3. Classicism in Moscow architecture of the 18-19th century.

After the fire, most of the city's buildings were rebuilt. Many Italian architects participated in this, in the construction classicism began to prevail. The most famous architectural monuments of Moscow at this time are Pashkov’s house, Ostankino estate and the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

Styles of architecture of Moscow 19-20 centuries

1. Moscow Art Nouveau. Structures in this style began to be created from the end of the 19th century. These include the Medyntsev mansion, the Pavlovs estate, the Yaroslavl station, the Metropol hotel and many others.

2. The architecture of Moscow during the years of Soviet power was distinguished by its scope. New regions grew with great speed. The most famous buildings of that time are the seven Stalinist skyscrapers.

3. The modern architecture of Moscow is represented by office buildings, business and cultural centers built in the style of postmodernism and eclecticism. This, for example, the shopping center "Nautilus" or the restaurant "White Swan".

Ancient architectural monuments of Moscow

1. The Kremlin is the most famous and ancient cultural heritage site of the capital. He experienced a lot, he witnessed the rise and fall, revolutions and wars. On its territory there are many cathedrals and buildings, which are also architectural monuments: the Assumption Cathedral, the building of the Arsenal and the Senate, the Diamond Fund, Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the famous Spasskaya Tower with chimes. This ensemble belongs to the World Heritage Sites and is mentioned in any source where architectural monuments of the world are considered.

2. The Gostiny Dvor was also created back in the 15th century and was rebuilt many times. Now it looks a little like a monument of architecture, but it is still a famous landmark of Moscow.

3. Red Square all over the world is a symbol of Russia.

Moscow architectural monuments list
This architectural ensemble is the most visited place in Moscow. Of the preserved ancient buildings, the Kazan and Pokrovsky cathedrals, as well as the Resurrection Gate, are known.

The most famous monasteries and temples of Moscow

The entire cultural and spiritual life of the country is connected with the capital. Many of its monasteries and temples are known throughout Russia, some of them have survived from the first centuries of the city. We can say that these are monuments of Russian architecture, dear to the heart of every resident of the country.

monuments of architecture of the city of Moscow
Which of them are the most famous?

- Novodevichy Convent, which in addition to being active, bears the status of the State Historical Museum.

- Donskoy Monastery - notable for many beautiful churches and picturesque towers.

- Danilov Monastery is one of the oldest not only in Moscow, but also in Russia.

- The church of Gregory of Neocaesarea is very picturesque with a bright orange bell tower and tiled inserts.

- The Cathedral of Christ the Savior - known for being restored in the 90s of the 20th century after complete destruction.

- St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most famous sights of Moscow. So called Pokrovsky Cathedral, located on Red Square. With its colorful painted domes and rich decoration, it attracts many tourists.

Monuments destroyed in the Soviet era

The accelerated development of the city and the expansion of highways in the 30-70s of the 20th century led to the fact that more than 400 monuments of world significance were destroyed. Among them are such well-known structures as the Holy Monastery, the Assumption Church on Pokrovka and the Armory. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up, which, however, was subsequently restored. But many unique buildings were lost, for example, the house of the poet Khomyakov or the house of the Lopukhins. The historical center of the capital has changed a lot, in particular, many buildings on Manezhnaya and Bolshaya Yakimanka streets have been demolished.

What is remarkable about modern Moscow

Many call the city’s modern buildings tasteless. But along with the faceless high-rise buildings, you can also find quite original buildings:

- interesting house is the "egg" on Mashkov street;

- The business center "Pulman" on Myasnitskaya impresses with an interesting combination of glass and concrete;

- the residential complex "Embassy House" is interesting in a semicircular shape and diagonal windows;

- business center "Kitezh" in the form of a multi-decker liner.

monuments of Russian architecture

Modern Moscow is striking in its mix of styles in architecture. Now it is mainly high-tech, constructivism and modern. It is these glass and concrete buildings that stand out on the streets of the city. But the ancient architectural monuments of Moscow are not forgotten and attract tourists from all over the world.


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