How to make a do-it-yourself bead bracelet

DIY jewelry always attracts the attention of others. They are original, interesting and always perfect for the image of their owner. Want to do something unique? Learn how to make bead bracelets below.

Threads and Beads

threads and beads

Today, thin accessories are in fashion. Jewelry that visually looks like the bracelets of the ancient Egyptians are no longer relevant. Thin chains, strings and a minimal amount of decorative elements - this is what is trending today. How to make a similar bead bracelet? To make it, you will need thick threads such as iris. You can choose any shade. Choose the color that will suit most of your outfits. Cut three threads and tie them together in a bundle. Pass the bead through all the threads and tie another knot. Start braiding. You need to weave it somewhere around 4 cm. Take shiny beads and put them on all the threads. Continue to weave the braid, but now in its center you will need to insert a shiny ball at each interlacing. Continue to weave until the bracelet can wrap your arm around twice. After that, you can remove the beads and weave an ordinary braid, which you will need to complete with knots and a plastic ball.

Ribbon and Beads

ribbon bracelet

This jewelry looks very gentle. A ribbon and bead bracelet can complement your evening outfit or become a stylish accessory for a festive look. How to make a decoration? The bead bracelet will be collected on a fishing line. Cut half a meter of fishing line and tie a knot at one end of it. Take the ribbon and the contrasting beads. Step back from the beginning of the tape 5 cm and get to work. Thread the needle with the fishing line through the silk strip and string the beads. Now you need to bend the tape and pass the needle through the double thickness of the silk. Again we string the bead and bend the ribbon again. According to this scheme, you will get a beautiful one-sided bracelet. If you want to create a less classic thing, then you can insert beads at the other end of the ribbon bend. For the manufacture of such a bracelet, you can use not only monophonic, but also multi-colored balls. In this case, you will be able to make an accessory for every day.

Two-color bracelet

Two-color bracelet

A simple but very effective accessory can be made in just an hour. To make a bead bracelet, you will need plastic balls of two colors, a fishing line and metal fittings. Let's get to work. Beads should be worn on the line. Balls of different colors should be strung from different ends. You should get about 5 such stripes. So that the junction of colors does not look the same everywhere, you need to try to make it look like a gradient. Before reaching the middle, in a piece with white beads, add through one ball of blue elements. The same thing needs to be done on the blue side. Moreover, these beads should be located in different places on each tier of the bracelet. But the gradient should not go far from the center. When all the layers are assembled, we attach them to the fastener. To make the transition less harsh, put a few beads on each line. To one of the parts of the metal fastener you need to attach blue and white balls, hang them in the form of a bunch.

Beads and beads

bead and bead bracelet

On a respectable lady such an adornment will look out of place. But a teenage girl will use a bracelet made of beads and beads. With your own hands, you can make a decoration, focusing on the picture of the step-by-step process presented above. Let's consider it in detail. For the manufacture of jewelry, it is necessary to prepare a thread or fishing line, beads and beads in the same color scheme. Let's start weaving a bracelet from beads and beads. We put two large beads on the fishing line. Now on one end of the fishing line we string 6 light beads, 1 yellow and again 6 light. We stretch the end of the thread through the beads, thereby fixing the product in the center. We will carry out work on the manufacture of jewelry in two directions at once. String the unused string of beads in the same sequence and pull it through the center. Now put a bead on one of the ends and repeat the manipulation of putting on the beads. Thread the thread again through two beads. And the same thing needs to be done from the other side. When you weave a product of the required size, you will need to attach a fastener to both ends of the thread.

Beads and chain

beads and chain

Such an ornament can be made from ordinary, plastic beads, or use semiprecious stones. If you have processed amber, quartz or moonstone in stock, use them. How to make a bead bracelet with your own hands? Take two kinds of chains. Attach smaller ones to large metal links, and attach a lock to them. This will be the bracelet mount. Now take the fishing line and tie a knot at one of its ends. Pass the line through the large links, and then through the bead. Wrap the ball with a chain and fix the chain in this position with a fishing line. In a similar pattern, you will need to make a decoration that resembles a snake. You can use several chains. In this case, the beads will need to be twisted on both sides. Balls can also be used differently. They can be both monochrome and multi-colored.

Beads and leather

beads and leather

You do not know where to put an old coat or boots? Do not throw them away. You can give these things a second life and make a fashionable bracelet out of them . Prepare the material for work. If this is a coat, cut a piece from the hem, and if it is a boot, cut a part from the shaft. Billets are made, you can begin to make patterns. Print the image above, or redraw the pattern manually. On this stencil, cut the leather parts. You can experiment. For example, twist the tape on this stencil. When all the blanks are done, you can begin to work. We string the elements of the bracelet on top of one another, as shown in the picture. You can fix the elements with threads or use glue. The length of the bracelet must be calculated individually, depending on the diameter of the hand. As a fastener to a bracelet you can sew on a flypaper. Decorate each sector of the decoration with beads. It is advisable to sew balls, and not stick them. If you want to make a bright decoration, then before fastening the leather details together, you can paint the workpieces. For this purpose use a spray can.


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