How to tame the ocelot in Minecraft and why is it needed?

Playing Minecraft alone is sad. Therefore, many gamers strive to have their own pet, which could embellish the everyday life. And in this case, you have a fairly wide selection. You can tame sheep to use them in the household. You can also make a choice in favor of the horse, as you can move much faster on it. The tamed wolf will turn into a dog and will guard your house or travel with you, helping in battles. But what will the ocelot give? And is it even possible to tame it by turning it into a domestic cat? This is what will be discussed in the article. You will learn how to tame the ocelot in Minecraft, how to detect it and how to use it.

Search for the ocelot

how to tame ocelot in minecraft

Ocelot is a wild cat, which is the only representative of the cat breed in Minecraft. They are quite difficult to find and notice, because they like to hide in the grass and move very quickly, so if you saw an ocelot - this is real luck. However, you face a more serious task - you have to find out how to tame the ocelot in Minecraft. This process will require a lot of time and effort from you, but you can safely say that this creature can be turned into a domestic cat, so the myths about the incorrigible savagery of the ocelot remain only myths, there is not a grain of truth in them. But before you can find out how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft, you need to find it. They live exclusively in the jungle, so that you can significantly reduce the search area. They spend their time in tall grass or on trees, so it will be quite difficult to notice the ocelot. Therefore, you need some landmarks, the main among which are feathers and bones. It is these objects that drop from the hens, which the ocelot feeds on, so if you see feathers and bones on the ground, this means that the ocelot lives nearby. You can also pay attention to creepers, because they are terribly afraid of these animals. If a creeper runs past you, not paying attention to you, then to you in the opposite direction - there you can find out how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft.


ocelot minecraft

The process of taming the ocelot is no less complicated than its search. Firstly, if you want to learn how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft, you will need to stock up with an impressive amount of fresh fish. When you find where the ocelot is, you will need to slowly approach it, but not too close - these animals are very shy. Stop and sit down, taking the fish in your hand - the ocelot will notice this and will begin to approach you slowly. It is very important to sit still, not to change objects and not even touch your inventory. When the ocelot approaches, it will sit next to you, and then you can start feeding it. An ocelot will eat fish - and with a 40% chance it will become a domestic cat. This will testify to the collar on his neck. If this does not happen - continue feeding - only this way the ocelot is tamed. Minecraft is a game in which each animal has its own method of taming, but they are all based on feeding.

What does a cat do?

If you were successful, in your Minecraft game the ocelot turned into a domestic cat. And now you need to figure out what exactly she can. Unlike other animals, the ocelot is practically useless - it serves as a decoration, in fact, like a cat in real life. Ocelot starts jumping on the bed and loves to sleep on the stove. However, you can get some benefit from it.

Ocelots and Creepers

minecraft ocelot

As you already understood, creepers are terribly afraid of ocelots, and as soon as they see these animals, they start to run away. You can use this by taking your cat with you to an area you didn’t risk coming to because of the abundance of creepers there.


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