Dry skin in a child. Dry skin in a child is the cause. Why is baby skin dry?

Human skin condition can tell a lot. Most of the diseases known to us have in the list of symptoms certain manifestations on the skin. Parents should pay attention to any changes, whether the child has dry skin, redness or peeling. Any deviation should cause a trip to a specialist. All childhood diseases should be treated under the supervision of a doctor, timely treatment of which will be the key to a successful recovery. Never tighten or treat yourself. This can harm and significantly worsen the condition of the baby.

dry skin in a child

Why does dry skin appear in a child

The reasons are simple enough. A similar phenomenon occurs when there is not enough moisture in the stratum corneum. It may come in insufficient quantities or not contact. In both cases, dry skin can be observed . Such dehydration at first glance seems harmless. However, this is not at all true. Dry skin areas lose elasticity, become scaly, rough. But the worst part is that small cracks appear in these places. Through them, pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, dry skin in a child can cause dermatological disease.

What to do first?

The skin of babies is different from adults. The protective function in it is still poorly developed. Therefore, children are especially sensitive to external stimuli. If you notice that the child has dry, rough skin, then it is time to radically change the care system.

the child has very dry skin
Cosmetics such as gels, foams, shampoos, soaps, and so on can cause this reaction. Dry skin can cause not only cheap products, but also high-quality products of famous brands. As a rule, such an allergy manifests itself on one or more components. Choose hygiene products and washing powders should be very careful. They must be marked "hypoallergenic." As a rule, manufacturers write on the packaging that the product can be used from birth. Means for newborns do not have a pronounced color or smell. When preparing a bath for a child, do not forget to lower a special thermometer there. Remember that hot water can also damage your skin.

What to look for?

Dry, red skin in a child may be the result of a change in temperature or climate. Very often, such deviations are observed in winter. Low temperatures, wind cause redness and irritation on the skin. In autumn and winter, the rooms have little moisture due to central heating. It also negatively affects the condition of the skin.

What can be done?

why dry skin in a child

Before going out, lubricate the skin with a special cream or baby vaseline. This will protect her from the wind and cold in winter, and in the summer from sunlight. So you help the baby avoid unpleasant rashes and dry skin. You can freshen the air in the apartment using special humidifiers. If there are none, just place water containers in some places. By doing this you do a great service to the whole family. You will certainly notice how much easier it became to breathe.

Health care

If the child has very dry skin, do not be too lazy to see a doctor. Only a specialist can pinpoint the cause. So you can start treatment on time and avoid serious consequences. The top layer of skin in a child is not yet able to retain moisture in the right amount. In this case, it is necessary to compensate for it using various means and preparations.

the child has dry rough skin


Dry skin in a child very quickly becomes healthy under the action of urea, or rather preparations containing it. They act in a special way, in two directions at once. First of all, urea is a natural moisturizer. It makes up for the lack of moisture in the stratum corneum and makes the skin smooth and supple. In addition, urea penetrates deep into the skin and increases its ability to bind moisture. As a result of such exposure, the moisture balance is leveled and the mechanism of self-supply with it is improved. The beneficial effect of drugs with urea does not end there. Thanks to them, itching, redness and irritation are significantly reduced.

How to choose a drug?

Only a doctor can answer the question of why dry skin in a child. However, you can choose the drug for treatment yourself. This requires a minimum set of knowledge. It’s not enough just to buy urea cream. It is very important to choose the right concentration and type of base. If the preparation contains 5% urea, then it is better to postpone it for the future. Such a cream can cause an unpleasant and even painful sensation in a child.

dry red skin in a child
The best option is a 4% drug. When using it, negative reactions are excluded, and the therapeutic effect is achieved quite quickly. The choice of the basis of the drug will depend on the time of year and on the causes of the appearance of dry skin, since the type of basis determines the characteristics of the effect of the drug. As mentioned earlier, the skin of a child is very delicate, imperfect, it reacts sharply to external stimuli. Therefore, the means for its treatment must be selected very carefully. Perfectly recommended preparation "Excipial M". It is produced in two forms: lipolotion (water in oil, 4% urea) and hydro lotion (oil in water, 2% urea). This allows the doctor to choose the right combination of substances, which, in turn, contributes to a quick recovery and protects the baby from various side effects. The preparation "Excipial M" is used in dermatology as the main and supporting agent.

Folk remedies

Dry skin in a child can be cured with traditional medicine. They can be used only in case of a mild lesion and only after consulting a doctor. Baths with chamomile and rose petals are very useful in this case. The flowers are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. Insist them should be about 20 minutes.

dry skin in a child causes
After this, the infusion is filtered and added to the baby bath. Keep your baby in the water for at least ten minutes. This procedure can be carried out every other day. Such a bath has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the baby’s nervous system. Flaxseed oil is considered very effective. A tablespoon of it is poured into the bath and the baby is bathed. After that, it is good to massage with wheat germ oil. Dry skin areas are greased with peach or almond oil. All of these products are hypoallergenic. They eliminate itching and peeling, leave a thin protective film on the skin . A great tool is a series. It is insisted in the same way as chamomile, and added to the bath. When using folk remedies, it is very important not to overdo it. Do not use them all at the same time. Remember that everything is good in moderation. Most parents who encounter a problem such as dry skin, agree that one of the best remedies is a trip to the sea. A warm climate, salt water, a huge amount of healthy fruits - all this perfectly cures many ailments, including skin ones. Do not spare the energy and time, and you will surely be pleased with the well-groomed and happy faces of your kids.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7684/

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