Clematis Arabella: grade description, care and reviews

Clematis Arabella is a beautiful plant that blooms all summer until mid-autumn and is characterized by the fact that it is densely strewn with many flowers, changing their color from purple to blue.

This plant attracts a lot of people, as it is very easy to care for and ideal for beginners and experienced gardeners.

Grade description

Interesting and spectacular clematis Arabella is a beautiful plant with long flowering. Liana can wander along the supports or just spread along the ground, it all depends on your own preferences. It is often planted to cover the soil, as the flower is beautifully interwoven with other plants and has a simply luxurious look. According to the description, clematis Arabella in height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

clematis arabella
This is a very beautiful and original liana, densely strewn with flowers, which in the process of growth change their color from dark purple to light blue with white stamens in the center. The flowers of the plant are quite unusual, they have 4-5 petals, reaching 7-9 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts from June to October.

Shrubs are often used as a support for clematis Arabella. In addition, their shoots can be let out along the trunk of conifers. Their combination with low junipers or thuja looks very original. You can use it as a balcony plant.

Features of cultivation and care

When growing Clematis Arabella, minimal care is required, since this is a fairly unpretentious plant. This is a photophilous shrub that prefers to grow in places protected from the wind on fertile loamy soils. The best time to land is considered the end of May - the beginning of June. Before landing, you need to prepare the soil. Crushed stone or sand is poured at the bottom of the prepared pit with a layer of 10-15 centimeters for drainage. In the pit you need to put compost mixed with earth. When planting a plant, you need to make a small mound of earth so that the roots reaching a meter deep do not rot under the influence of groundwater. Since the plant is sufficiently photophilous, it is best to plant it in a well-lit area, as this will ensure good growth and long flowering.

clematis arabella reviews
Plant care implies abundant watering at least once a week, loosening the soil and fertilizing, at least 3-5 times per season. In addition, it is necessary to carry out the fight against diseases and pests as necessary. For winter, clematis takes refuge immediately after the first frost in dry weather with a layer of sawdust and earth.


Clematis Arabella is a fairly unpretentious plant, however, to increase resistance and give the flower a more beautiful appearance, it is necessary to prune the plant for the winter. The shoots are cut 1.5-2 meters from the ground, laid on the ground and covered with a layer of sawdust and earth. This method of shelter will protect the root system from freezing.

clematis arabella description
Pruning can be carried out several times a year with very strong growth, as well as to remove damaged shoots.


Propagation of the Clematis Arabella flower is carried out only in plants no older than 6 years, since it is rather difficult to divide the root system of an older plant. For reproduction, the shrub is carefully removed from the ground, its root system is thoroughly cleaned, and division is carried out using a secateurs so that each part has buds on the root part.

clematis arabella care
To make layering, in autumn, after flowering is completed, you need to cut leaves from the shoots, separate part of the plant to the first well-developed bud, weave them in a strong tourniquet and lay the cuttings in grooves with a layer of peat. Fix the cuttings and sprinkle on top with a layer of peat, cover with earth and tighten it well. Plants need to be covered with dry foliage. In the spring, you need to water the planting site abundantly and often, and as soon as the first shoots appear, you need to mulch the surface of the soil with humus or peat.

In autumn, the shoots of young plants will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place. It is best to dig sprouts with a pitchfork so as not to damage the root system. You can bookmark cuttings in the summer, however, in this case it is quite difficult to keep the sprouts that appeared in the winter.

Plant reviews

Flower clematis Arabella gardeners have only positive reviews, as it is a very beautiful and hardy plant that can be used to decorate a garden. Many say that literally the next year after planting, it becomes quite strong and stable, and also the first flowers appear on it.

This is a fairly popular plant among gardeners, as it helps to decorate not very beautiful buildings or create beautiful decorative arches on its site. In a very short time you can plant your personal garden and make it original and unique. In addition, many say that this plant is very easy to care for, which is why it does not require much effort and time to grow it.


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