Open lesson in the senior group in mathematics: abstract, math games for children

During the school year, various open classes are held in preschool educational institutions as part of the methodological work. This form of pedagogical activity has been practiced at DOW for more than a decade. This can be explained by the fact that open classes are an effective and affordable way to improve the professional skills of teachers. The preparation and conduct of such work involves taking into account certain features of this activity in a preschool educational institution. In our article, we will tell you how to conduct an open lesson in the senior group in mathematics: we will share pedagogical ideas and methodological recommendations.

open lesson in the senior group in mathematics

Open classes in the preschool educational institution: purpose, features

The main purpose of conducting open classes in a preschool institution is the exchange of pedagogical experience. In particular, specialists can demonstrate professional skills to colleagues, test author's techniques, and innovations. In addition, they conduct open classes in the framework of working with the family, as well as to assess children's learning of educational material for a certain period.

But the organization of such activities has certain features. A common methodological error of teachers when conducting an open lesson in a preschool is the lack of so-called novelty. The content of this activity should include relevant pedagogical problems. And also be a source of innovative professional experience. For example, conducting an open lesson in the senior group in mathematics, one can set a goal to demonstrate the methodology of using an interactive whiteboard or other modern information and communication technologies in the process of educational activity.

It is also important to note that such a lesson is held as part of the educational program of the DOE. It does not differ in duration from the standard one, it is organized in natural conditions for children, in compliance with all the requirements of the educational process.

Lesson Summary

It is recommended to draw up an extensive and detailed abstract of the open lesson. It will describe each stage and sequence of work. This document is checked and approved by the DOW methodologist. In addition, the synopsis may later become material for publication in a scientific journal or attached to the certification work of a teacher.

Choosing a topic and form for conducting an open lesson

The topic is selected based on the educational program. For example, you can hold the final open lesson in the senior group in mathematics, "Traveling through the Spring Forest." During it, children are invited, along with a fairy-tale hero (for example, a character from the cartoon "Smeshariki") to go in search of a "magic flower for Nyusha." Such activities can be carried out not only in a group, but also in the fresh air.

As pedagogical experience shows, it is non-traditional forms of conducting open classes (in this case, in the form of travel) that are highly effective and efficient. They create conditions for the multifaceted disclosure of the pedagogical skills of educators, as well as a comprehensive demonstration of the level of assimilation of educational material by children. In particular, mathematics in kindergarten is often carried out in non-standard forms, since preschoolers, due to physiological characteristics, cannot for a long time focus on monotonous monotonous activity with numbers and numbers.

math for kids

The structure of open classes in preschool education

The structure of the open lesson does not differ from the standard. It consists of the following steps:

  • motivational;
  • main;
  • the final.

At the first stage of an open lesson, it is important to activate the kids. In particular, in order for mathematics for children to subsequently not become overwhelming and tedious work, it is important to interest preschoolers in their upcoming activities. This can be done with the help of such effective techniques as conducting the "ritual of the beginning of the lesson" and the "surprise moment". It is also important to create a problematic situation that children will need to resolve during the class. So, the appearance of a fairy-tale hero who will talk about the problem that has arisen will be a surprise moment. For example, kids will need to complete various tasks to find the "magic flower for Nyusha."

The main stage includes directly organizing the educational activities of children. So, "traveling through the spring forest," the kids are invited to complete various math assignments. At the final stage, results are summarized (a fairy-tale character evaluates the work of children) and a problematic situation is solved ("the magic flower of Nyusha is found").

math in kindergarten

Setting goals for an open lesson

The objectives of open classes are formulated on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and the educational program. They are similar to those that are pursued during the standard lesson. For example, when planning an open lesson in the senior math group "Traveling through the Spring Forest", you can formulate the following goals:

  1. Educational. It is necessary to consolidate the score within 10, the ability to create sets, improve orientation skills in space.
  2. Developing. The goal is to form logical thinking, the ability to research.
  3. Educational. The main task is to increase the motivation for learning.

Education Integration

Modern requirements for the educational process in the DOE provide for integrative methods. Therefore, in preparing for an open lesson in a preschool institution, compiling a summary, it is recommended to use material from various fields of knowledge. So, a lesson in mathematics (senior group) in GEF can combine such educational areas as artistic and physical development. Pay attention to the cognitive functions of the lesson. For example, children are asked to count only spring flowers. Thus, the pupils not only learn numbers, but also fix the names of seasonal plants.

Lesson in mathematics (senior group) in GEF

Math games

Math in kindergarten is not just learning numbers and rules. This is an exciting gaming activity. Therefore, when planning such a lesson, it is important for the teacher to choose the right didactic games. A wide range of material is presented on the shelves of bookstores. In addition, you can make benefits yourself. But interactive math games are gaining more and more popularity. In any case, you should choose the material according to the topic and objectives of the lesson, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children, as well as focusing on the technical capabilities of the DOE.

In the lesson “Traveling through the Spring Forest”, you can, for example, conduct the interactive game “Birds Have Arrived”. Children are shown using a projector slides depicting birds (each with a different amount). Preschoolers need to count the number of birds and raise the appropriate plate. For each correct answer, the child receives a score in the form of a paper dove. Thus, mathematics for children is carried out in a playful way, thereby increasing the effectiveness of learning activities.

open class abstract

Lesson Analysis

Despite the fact that the analysis of a math lesson in the senior group is not a mandatory requirement, most often such activities are discussed in the pedagogical circle. Results and errors are analyzed, new ideas and recommendations are formulated. The evaluation criteria, in the first place, are the following points:

  • achievement of goals and objectives;
  • the presence of an innovative component, the educational value of the lesson;
  • level of organization of activity;
  • the degree of activity and independence of children in class.

An analysis of the math class in the senior group allows you to identify and parse various issues related to the methodology for conducting this subject in a preschool educational institution. Often at this stage, as a result of professional discussion, innovative ideas are formulated, areas of pedagogical work. In addition, non-standard approaches to further activities within the framework of a separate DOE are proposed.

math class analysis in senior group

Thus, when planning an open lesson in the senior group in mathematics in a preschool institution, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for the organization of the educational process as a whole, as well as the features of the organization of this activity in a preschool educational institution.


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