The largest predatory dinosaur. Spinosaurus: face reconstruction, behavior, diet

Spinosaurus is a dinosaur from the spinosauridae family of the lizards of the lizards. On Earth, these creatures lived in the Cretaceous period (about 112-93 million years ago).

Currently, only about two dozen remains of spinosaurs have been discovered, all of them found in Africa. Such a modest amount of paleontologists is clearly not enough to get the full picture, so the debate related to the appearance and lifestyle of the spinosaurus in the scientific community does not subside.

Spinosaurus Remains

A skeleton with huge spikes on the vertebrae was first found in 1012 in Egypt. Three years later, paleontologist Ernst Stromer made the first description and gave the name to a dinosaur, previously unseen. The word "spinosaurus" literally translates as "lizard with spikes." It's all about the vertebral processes, the length of which could reach from 1.2 to 1.8 meters.

Spinosaurus skeleton

Shtromer moved the remains to Munich, where they were exhibited at the museum. Unfortunately, during World War II, a valuable skeleton disappeared after an air raid by the British Air Force.

Later, several skeletons of spinosaurs were discovered in various parts of Africa (mainly in the north of the mainland). Judging by archaeological finds, dinosaurs belonging to other species of the spinosauridae family also lived in Australia, South America, and Eurasia.


It was originally believed that the spinosaurus belongs to the therapies. Since the first remains found did not contain whole skulls, the shape of the head remained controversial. Initially, the lizards were depicted with a small rounded head, standing on two powerful hind legs.

Later, scientists were able to establish that the spinosaurus had a huge head, similar in shape to a crocodile, and reaching almost 2 meters in length.

Spinosaurus Reconstruction

Modern reconstruction of the appearance is very different from the original. But it's too early to put a point. Perhaps scientists will find out some more details that shed light on how these creatures looked.

Note that one thing is clear: among all the predatory animals that have ever existed on Earth (including among all predatory dinosaurs), the spinosaurus was the largest. Most scientists agree with this view. True, there are those who dispute it.

External features

So, we already have a rough idea of ​​what these dinosaurs looked like. Modern guides describe the rather impressive sizes of the lizard: up to 18 m in length. Weight, as expected, could reach 11.5 tons.

The spinosaurs had a crest or sail on their backs, the role of which has not yet been fully established. It is believed that he served to attract the attention of partners during the mating season. Along with this version, there are others: according to one of them, the sail was needed for thermoregulation, and the other says that it was not a sail at all, but a real hump that allows you to store reserves of fat.

So far, not a single skeleton has been found in which the bones of the limbs are completely preserved. But the available fragments suggest that the spinosaurus had equally well developed front and rear legs. They had rather large sharp claws.

spinosaurus on land

Among other things, the researchers found that the long jaws of the spinosaurus were studded with conical teeth. Paleontologists even managed to detect fragments of the bones of a swordfish among the teeth on one of the jaw samples. This allows you to judge the nature of nutrition.


Other evidence suggests that the spinosaurus was a fisherman and a fish eater. The very shape of the jaws favors water hunting. But the pangolin was not completely water; he spent part of the time on land.

The largest predatory dinosaur

Apparently, the spinosaurus was at the top of the food chain. Huge sizes and powerful jaws served as sufficient means of protection. It is unlikely that smaller dinosaurs against a spinosaur could resist.

Probable diet

The analysis of calcium isotopes in the teeth suggests that the fish was the basis of the menu of the prehistoric giant.

Researchers study not only the remains of a spinosaurus, but also all the found skeletons of related spinosaurus. This helps to judge the lifestyle and diet. It was established that the spinosaurus hunted not only under water. Small dinosaurs could also be his prey.

spinosaurus head

So, in the contents of the stomach of one of the spinosaurids (baryonyx), the bones of a young iguanodon were found. And in the remains of a pterosaur found in Brazil, they found a spinosaur tooth stuck in the bone. Apparently, these creatures preyed on other dinosaurs. Perhaps this only happened during periods of severe drought.

The shape of the jaws, according to scientists, gave the spinosaur the opportunity to grab, hold and tear into pieces not only fish and amphibians, but also terrestrial reptiles.

In popular culture

Many lovers of the history of our planet are interested in films, popular programs and cartoons about spinosaurs and dinosaurs living at the same time with them. But it should be understood that cinema, animation and fiction, although they can help to get an idea of ​​various animals, should not be considered as a source of reliable information. It is advisable to reinforce knowledge by reading scientific directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias.

cartoons about dinosaurs spinosaurs

Nevertheless, you can consider the list of films and cartoons in which the spinosaurus is found.

  • The popular science film "More Than T-Rex", filmed in 2015.
  • "Jurassic Park". Spinosaurus is the main predator of the island, and in general one of the largest and most dangerous dinosaurs.
  • Documentary film "Dinosaur Planet".
  • Season 4 of the Jurassic Portal. The spinosaurus pursues the two main characters and enters the modern world.
  • The animated series "Dinosaur Train." Spinosaurus is one of the heroes.
  • Dino Crisis S (video game). Spinosaurus mutant periodically attacks the main characters.


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