Battery-powered compressor for an aquarium: description, functions, types

To make the inhabitants of the home aquarium feel comfortable and safe, it is necessary to create a comfortable microclimate. To do this, it is recommended to equip the vessel properly. For this purpose, it is necessary to use units that contribute to the improvement of the microclimate. Among these gadgets, the first place goes to the battery-powered compressor for the aquarium. This device can be purchased at specialized pet stores or do it yourself.

Aquarium Compressor Features

The artificial aquarium biosystem should be supported by all kinds of equipment. The vital activity of aquatic inhabitants depends on the quality of the devices. Perhaps the most important unit for the aquarium is a battery-powered compressor. It is he who provides aeration of water, that is, the saturation of space with oxygen.

Aquarium compressor

The compressor operates to release air jets into the water. In addition to supplying oxygen, the aerator provides equalization of temperature in the aquarium. Also, the presence of the apparatus does not allow water to stagnate due to its constant circulation.

In addition to the functions described above, the compressor gives the aquarium an aesthetic appearance. Of course, it is not necessary to install an aerator in a small container. But the larger the aquarium, the more oxygen will be needed for its inhabitants. As a result, you need a powerful compressor.

Types of devices

The aerator for a home reservoir is of two types:

  • Piston compressors. They are used in large aquariums. A vessel of about two hundred liters is the most suitable option for installing such an aerator. Such filter compressors for the aquarium have a fair amount of noise, since a powerful piston makes a loud sound when moving.
  • Diaphragm compressors are almost silent. The operation of such aerators is based on the movement of a rubber membrane pumping air flows into the outlet tube. Such battery-powered compressors are suitable for small aquariums.

How to choose and install a device

Since an artificial home pond is usually located in a recreation area, it is recommended to choose a silent compressor for a battery-powered aquarium . Reviews of such a device indicate that it is the absence of sound and unnecessary electrical wires that increases coziness and comfort. The aerator should have a smooth adjustment of the air flow.

Compressor operation principle

The compressor power is recommended to be calculated according to the following formula: 0.5 l / h per 1 liter of water. If the aquarium is large in volume, it is recommended to install a piston aerator with a low-voltage power system. For vessels less than 100 liters, a membrane compressor can be purchased.

DIY battery powered aquarium compressor

Battery powered aerator can be made by yourself. This will require very little time and materials.

To assemble the compressor you will need: a small plastic bottle, an electric motor from an old toy, a cooler, a tube from a dropper, wires, batteries, a battery socket, a toggle switch to turn on the device, and glue.

The bottle must be cut in two equal parts along. Next, you need to connect the wires to the motor using a soldering iron. The device is supplemented with a cooler and placed inside the bottle. Fix everything with superglue.

A tube is attached to the neck of the container, having previously sealed the upper end and made many small holes in its lower part.

DIY compressor

Next, connect the toggle switch and the battery socket with wires and close the bottle with the second half. As a result of the manipulations, a portable compressor on batteries for an aquarium will turn out.

Similarly, you can make a portable aerator on a simple board, without the use of bottles.


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