The procedure for the formation of the Federation Council

The procedure for forming the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation is enshrined in the relevant law. So, the structure includes 2 representatives from the subject of the country. The State Council of the Russian Federation includes one from the executive and representative (legislative) authority of the subject.

A member of the body under consideration may be appointed (elected) a citizen of Russia, not younger than thirty years. Moreover, a person must have the right to choose and be elected in accordance with constitutional norms.

The procedure for the formation of the Federation Council provides that members - representatives of the legislative bodies of power of the subjects are elected for the term of office of these bodies, and during their formation - for the term of office of deputies elected once.

Representatives of a bicameral legislative institute are elected in turn from each chamber for half the period of activity of the corresponding chamber.

The procedure for the formation of the Council of Federations provides for consideration of candidates for election as chairman.

A representative from the executive state power body of the subject is appointed by the official (head of the executive supreme body) of the subject.

The procedure for the formation of the Federation Council involves a secret ballot when electing a representative of the legislative institute of power. The decision made is drawn up by the relevant resolution.

The decision made by the official on the appointment of a representative from the executive body is fixed by a corresponding decree. This decree is sent to the representative body of state power of the subject within three days.

The procedure for the formation of the Federation Council provides for certain conditions for the entry into force of decrees and ordinances on appointments. For example, a decision to accept a representative from the executive authority in case if at an extraordinary (regular) meeting of the representative body of state power of the subject two-thirds of the total number of deputies do not cast their votes against the appointment.

Decisions on the appointment (election) of members of the State Council are sent by the bodies that have adopted them to the Federation Council.

According to the legislation, the formation of the body in question was completed by the beginning of 2002.

In accordance with constitutional norms, a list of issues that the State Council is in charge of has been established. Among them, questions should be noted on:

  1. Approving changes in the boundaries of entities.
  2. The approval of the Presidential decree on the introduction of martial law in the country.
  3. The presidential election.
  4. To resolve the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the country beyond its borders.
  5. The removal of the President from office.
  6. Appointment of judges of the Supreme, Constitutional, Supreme Arbitration Body of Justice.
  7. Appointment and release of powers of the Prosecutor General of the country.

According to the relevant constitutional norm, the State Duma and the Federation Council form the Accounts Chamber. The order of its activities, the composition is fixed by law.

From its composition, the Federation Council nominates the Chairman, as well as his deputies. They are in charge of the internal regime of work, conduct meetings. The State Council forms commissions, committees, holds parliamentary hearings related to issues of its jurisdiction. In this case, the formation of parliamentary associations and factions is unacceptable in the structure of the body.

A collegial and operational discussion of any urgent issues related to the activities of the State Council related to the continuous functioning of the body is ensured through the Council of the Chamber. This collegial body operates continuously. It includes the Vice-Chairmen of the State Council, the Chairperson, the chairmen of the commissions and committees of the Council, as well as the Commission on parliamentary procedures and regulations.


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