Certificate of marital status: where to get in a short time?

It is surprising and at the same time sad to imagine how many official papers and documents the average Russian citizen has been forced to receive in his entire life. And this need arises every time when the time comes to perform certain actions in certain legal relations.

certificate of marital status

One of the frequently requested documents from authorities in power is a certificate of marital status. It would seem that a very small format official paper is able to create the necessary conditions in a person’s life for a wide variety of vital and legally significant events.

What synonymous names does this document have

In essence, such a document is nothing more than an official confirmation of the presence or absence of the applicant at the moment of a spouse or spouse (depending on the gender of the applicant).

Very often, this reference is called differently:

  • certificate of marital status;
  • about unmarriedness;
  • about insolvency in marriage (marriage);
  • celibacy;
  • the absence of the fact of state registration of marriage.

Where this certificate was issued earlier, and where now

Many compatriots are still in the dark, remembering how a few years ago, an application for this official and much-needed paper was submitted to the registry office. Moreover, at the place of residence of the citizen. Such a certificate even had a specific form number 35. But this order of affairs seemed somewhat absurd, because it was not a fact that a person had not been married in another city. A common database of registry offices in the Russian Federation does not exist.

take a certificate of marital status

Therefore, now a certificate of marital status is issued not at the registry office, but at a notary public in Russia or at the Russian consulate within the borders of another state (of which the future spouse is a citizen, for example).

The main situations when such a document is needed

The most common case is a marriage with a foreigner :

  1. Or in our homeland they will require a certificate stating that the future foreign spouse is not currently married.
  2. Or, a citizen of the Russian Federation will need a certificate of marital status in the state where the future spouse lives (if the marriage is planned to be concluded outside of Russia).

Why else do I need this help

There are a number of cases where further legal actions without providing such a document are simply impossible:

  • In order to make a purchase of a share in the LLC.
  • When selling / donating / pledging by the owner of a share in the LLC.
  • For a sales transaction with movable / immovable property (the need to take a certificate of marital status and provide upon request will be determined by the Family Code of the Russian Federation).
  • In other cases established by law and providing for the presentation of a certificate of marriage.

Registration at the consulate

When the Russian consulate is located in the state where the marriage will take place (or in the native country of the “second half” - the future spouse), then you should contact this place.

The procedure is quite simple, because you only need to present your Russian passport. Then the consular officer will write out a certificate of marital status - this is the first scenario. The second option is when the applicant will be given a ready-made form, which will need to be completed and signed on their own.

where to get a certificate of marital status

The result will be a trip to the notary public to certify the written certificate or the completed form. In some states (for example, Belgium), you will need a double apostille or double circle of legalization (as in Syria), as well as an additional translation into the state language, plus a notarization of this translation.

For any state, a statement of marital status must be submitted exclusively in the original. As a rule, an apostille will be affixed within three to five business days.

Getting help in person at a notary's office

Going to a notary will not require a long collection of necessary documents in order to receive a certificate of marital status. The whole package of papers consists of just one of:

  • Passports of a citizen / s of the Russian Federation.
  • Identification code.
  • A document certifying the fact of a divorce at the moment (when the citizens were in a previous marriage).

The notary will issue a notarial statement on the official hologram form stating that the applicant is currently unmarried. The applicant signs this statement, which confirms the absence of any obstacles to the conclusion of a future marriage, since he is not in other officially registered marriage relations with anyone.

What this help should look like

The law does not provide a strict form for such documents. Therefore, we can only consider an approximate sample of a certificate of marital status, which is presented in the photo below.

get a certificate of marital status

The form contains information about the organization that issued this document, the place and date of issue, as well as the outgoing number for the reference journal. The main semantic load is represented by information about the person to whom this certificate is issued. Indicate information about the citizen (last name, first name, patronymic), his place and date of birth. Information on parents is fully indicated (full name in words and without abbreviations). A certificate of marital status is issued only with an identity document. In those cases when a passport was presented by a citizen, data on the date of issue and the validity period of the submitted document are also entered in the certificate. For Russians, the registration address on the citizen’s internal passport is mandatory fixed: city, street, house, apartment. And only then the help displays the current status of marital status.

The authenticity of this document is evidenced by personal information about the person who signed the certificate, his position and the official stamp of the institution.

It makes no sense to give a sample certificate, which is drawn up at a notary's office, because certain forms are provided for it. Each notary has them in his arsenal. An application for marital status will be drawn up on such a special form and will contain similar information and information on the fact that the applicant is not married at the time of compilation of the document (divorced, etc.).

Lawyer assistance in obtaining

Although at first glance the whole algorithm, how and where to get a certificate of marital status, simple enough, but it has its own nuances.

registry office certificate of marital status

In a set of circumstances, when the deadlines are running out, and there is no desire to mess with documents, you can turn to specialized law firms. For a fee, the applicant will be helped to fill out forms, submit an application, and you don’t even need to stand in line for a notary public. Dates can be even no more than one day.

How long will such a certificate be valid

According to the standard rule, the duration of the certificate of non-certificate is 3 months from the date of its execution and issuance. Earlier in practice, there were appeals of citizens of foreign countries with the fact that the validity period of their certificates was up to six months (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan). But the moment should be registered on the form itself, otherwise the general rules for the Russian Federation apply.

certificate of marital status sample

In some countries, on the contrary, a certificate is valid for a shorter period - even up to 1 month. Although according to statistics, a more rational option is 3 months, as in most states, so that future spouses have time to collect the remaining documents for marriage, and the certificate was not expired at that time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7729/

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