The largest spider in the world

These relatively gigantic creatures were inhabitants of the dinosaur era. It's about spiders. And in our time, you can meet such animals, many people cause either surprise and panic, or, conversely, admiration.

The article will focus on one of the representatives of the arthropod order, which is much larger in size than its counterparts. This is one of the largest spiders in the world.

A bit about phobias

The list of phobias is diverse and huge. Someone is afraid of confined space, fire and altitude, while someone cannot fly on airplanes or panic even at the sight of a dog. Some of these fears are most common. Fear of spiders is one of the leaders.

What is the reason for this attitude towards these harmless creatures in most cases? Of course, there are poisonous ones among them, but most of the spiders are not even able to bite a person. Perhaps the reason lies in the appearance of the spider - a large number of paws, covered with hairs, and huge eyes. All this does not look very pleasant and frightening.

About rating

Before we find out which is the largest spider in the world, we will introduce the largest of them, especially since today there are many of them on earth.

It is important to note that it is not advisable to view this rating for those who have increased suggestibility and a weak psyche, as well as arachnophobic people (they experience inexplicable fear at the sight of arachnids). Moreover, this list represents the largest species of arachnids, most of which are the most dangerous and poisonous, and, of course, the most disgusting (from the point of view of many people). Some of them even feed on rodents and birds.

Below are the 10 largest spiders.

Goliath Tarantula

Tops the list of the largest spiders.

The name itself speaks of its size. The largest representative of the genus in weight reaches about 200 g, in length - 28 cm. These sizes belong to the largest specimen.

The largest spider in the world: photo

Officially, he is called Therafosa Blond. It should be noted that in reality he does not eat birds. It is difficult to breed this spider in captivity, and export from the territory of the homeland is prohibited. Most of the pupae and spiders found on sale are the result of poaching.

A more detailed description of this spider is presented later in the article.

Geteropoda maxima

Maxim's heteropod may well be called the largest spider.

The scope of his paws sometimes exceeds 30 centimeters, although he does not look as impressive as the above presented Goliath, which is more massive. The second is most likely thin and articular. It lives in the caves of Laos.

Heteropod Maxim

Giant crab spider

A creepy-looking similar animal lives in Australia. It should be noted that among the fauna of this exotic continent, where many animals are equipped with poison, this spider does not have it.

The span of his limbs is 30 centimeters. He is also more elegant in appearance, but, in any case, having seen him, it is quite possible to be frightened. Although the giant spider itself will be scared too.

Giant crab spider

Salmon Pink Tarantula Spider

This species is found in Brazil. It is not very clear why he was named that way if his coloring is brown-black.

Its size does not reach 30 cm, however, the lack of growth is compensated by its fluffiness. The life span of such a spider can be 15 years.

Salmon Pink Tarantula Spider

Camel Spider (largest phalanx species)

He is not the largest spider (phalanx - a detachment of arachnids), but it can scare very much. A thick body, large jagged stings, many paws - an eerie sight. He will not bite at a meeting, but is quite capable of causing serious damage. Wounds can be quite painful.

The phalanges are not spiders, but due to their external similarity they are often attributed to them.

Camel spider

Purple tarantula

This spider is both creepy and cute. The combination of blue (or purple) and black looks beautiful. This is his coloring.

He has the right to get on the list of the largest spiders. Sizes of females averaged 25 cm, but sometimes they can reach 30 or more. These spiders do not have poison.

Purple tarantula

Giant baboon spider

This species has a huge well-fed body (about 13 cm). Thick and long shaggy paws along with a large abdomen are quite impressive. The paw span of some individuals reaches 30.5 cm.

The spider is poisonous. True, his poison is not enough for a person, but he can very well kill a mouse.

Giant baboon spider

Zerbal Arabian

Which spider is the largest of all presented here is quite understandable. And Zerbal Arabian is also the most “new” species. Scientists learned about its existence in 2010. The size of this individual reaches 20 cm.

It lives in Israel and Jordan. One of the factors that affected such a late discovery of this species is its nocturnal lifestyle.

Brazilian wandering

This species is among the top 10 most poisonous spiders in the world. The length of the body is 5-7 cm, and together with the legs - up to 17 cm.

It lives in America (South and Central).

Teghenaria Wall Arachnid

The spider is not very large (body - up to 14.5 cm), but visually it looks more thanks to the long curved limbs. Tegenaria, with a pale color, is an excellent runner for short distances.

This species is rarely found in nature, to a greater extent in caves and destroyed buildings in Africa and Asia.

Teghenaria Wall Arachnid

The largest spider in the world: photo, description, habitat

The goliath tarantula (Terafose Blond) on average grows to 25-30 centimeters (with limbs), while the length of its body is approximately 10 centimeters. The largest specimen of the spider was found in Venezuela (Rio Cavro) during a scientific expedition led by Pablo San Martín in 1965. The total size of the discovered Goliath tarantula was 28 centimeters, and its weight was 170 grams.

The trunk consists of the abdominal and cephalothoracic departments. Eight legs and eyes - the cephalothorax, heart, spinning and genitals - the abdominal part. Through the whole body passes the excretory system. Females have an egg chamber in the abdominal region. On the first pair of paws, the male has sharp spikes that serve as protection from the female.

With poor eyesight, a spider is able to see in the dark. Goliath is a carnivorous animal, like all tarantulas. Mature are those individuals whose age is 3 years. Males live on average about 6 years, and females can live up to 14.

These spiders are most often painted in dark brown. On the legs they have brown-red hairs, which are also a kind of protective measure. On the skin, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, as well as in the lungs, they cause quite severe irritation. In addition, they serve as the organ of touch, since they capture even the smallest vibrations of air and earth.

The largest spiders on earth in the tropical forests of South America, especially in Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana, are quite widespread. They prefer moist wetlands.

Goliath Tarantula

About the venom of the Goliath tarantula

It has long been believed that its poison is dangerous and even fatal. In reality, this is far from the case. Its impact bite is comparable to a bee. A small swelling appears at the site of the wound, followed by quite tolerable pain. True, allergy sufferers can suffer very much from this, poison is dangerous for them.

In smaller living things, poison can cause paralysis of the nervous system. It is dangerous for frogs, insects, small snakes, lizards, rodents, etc. After its impact, the victim is not even able to move.

Goliath nutrition features

Before eating, he injects digestive juice into his prey, which breaks down soft tissues and allows the spider to suck out fluid from it and eat soft meat. The main diet is invertebrate animals (mice, beetles, lizards, small snakes, butterflies, etc.).

The spider of the species in question, as noted above, does not feed on birds, but occasionally can eat a chick that has fallen from the nest along the way.

Some interesting facts about the goliath tarantula

  1. In the habitats of these largest spiders, many residents eat them, not only mature individuals, but also their eggs. As a result, the population of these animals in nature is gradually decreasing.
  2. A goliath spider can go without food for about 6 months.
  3. The most difficult period in the life of this animal is molting. The goliath tarantula at this time moves a little and eats nothing.
  4. The web of these spiders does not serve as a trap for their prey, as in other representatives of the species. The tarantulas are real hunters; they themselves hunt down prey and attack it.
  5. There are cases - after mating, the female eats her partner.


Many even imagine a scary spider, the size of which is comparable to a large plate!

Involuntarily surprises some people’s desire to have such a "pet". However, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of such breeders.


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