How and how to clean the iron at home on their own

Regardless of whether you have a cheap iron or an expensive one, sooner or later, but you will encounter such a problem as soot on its sole or scale inside this device that is necessary and useful in everyday life. You can, of course, throw away the old and buy a new one. This is the easiest. But, do not rush, it is better to try to clean it on your own, using improvised tools and more. And how to clean the iron so that it will please you for many more years, we will tell you.

In what cases does the iron itself cope with scale

Yes, such “smart” irons exist. These are household appliances that have:

  • Self-cleaning system integrated inside. To start the process, pour water into the liquid container, turn on the iron and set the temperature to maximum. After the heating element is automatically switched off, under the influence of a powerful steam jet, the ejection (through the openings on the sole) of all the scale that has formed in the reservoir of the appliance begins. This procedure must be repeated so many times until the flakes of reddish color stop coming out.
  • Granular cartridges (rods) that counteract lime deposition. Some rods have a “permanent residence” in the device, while others must be changed periodically so that they remain effective and continue to filter the water mechanically.

Having such electrical appliances available, there is no need to think about how to clean the iron from scale inside.

The causes of soot on the sole and scale inside

The reason for the appearance of soot on the sole of the appliance is a simple inattention and unwillingness to follow the elementary rules of its operation. For example, which is simpler, when ironing things from wool, do not forget to use a damp cloth (or gauze), and putting in order things from silk, set the smallest temperature regime.

We clean carbon deposits on the sole of the iron

The reason for the appearance of scale inside is that most often tap water is poured into the liquid tank. As a result of such rash actions, the deposition of calcium and magnesium salts occurs on the walls of the tank itself and the channels through which the steam exits. So that soot and scale do not spoil things, they must be fought with mercilessly. How to clean the iron at home, read on. Think and choose what suits you best.

Clean home remedies

What improvised means can be used to cope with this “nasty” scum:

  • vinegar
  • citric acid.

Clean vinegar

How to descale iron using table vinegar? The algorithm of your actions:

  • We prepare a solution of water with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Fill the iron reservoir (which is for liquid) by 1/3 of the prepared mixture.
Pour the mixture into the liquid tank
  • Turn on the appliance and leave it for 8-12 minutes in an upright position.

On a note! At this moment, the appliance, having warmed up, will turn off, then turn on again: do not interrupt this process.

  • After the specified time, we keep the iron on weight (in horizontal position) above the previously prepared container and press the button that is responsible for releasing the steam. Drops of a reddish color begin to appear from the holes on the sole. Repeat the procedure for releasing steam until the liquid with scale stops flowing out.

Important! Be extremely careful when performing these manipulations: keep the appliance away from you (preferably at arm's length): first, so as not to scald; and secondly, so as not to inhale a pair of vinegar.

  • Pour clean water into the tank and turn on the iron to the maximum. Again, hold the appliance above the container for collecting dirty water and repeat the procedure for releasing steam several times. We do this in order to eliminate any remnants of vinegar (their presence may not reflect in the best way on things with further ironing) and scale.
Letting out steam
  • We wipe the sole of the appliance first with a damp cloth and then dry and the question of how to clean the iron inside does not bother you anymore.

Important! Do not get tired of repeating: it is better to keep the windows open during these actions.

Citric acid will also help

How to clean iron from limescale at home using citric acid? This can be done quickly and easily:

  • Dissolve in one glass of water (warm) one small bag (about 25 g) of citric acid.
  • Pour this mixture into the liquid tank, turn on the iron and set the maximum temperature. We put it vertically and leave it in this form for 8-12 minutes (no more).
  • Next, we act in the same way as in the above method.

Household chemicals to help housewives to fight carbon deposits

And if the iron burned: how to clean this much-needed electrical appliance in the household? You just need to go to any hardware store or a specialized department of the supermarket and purchase household chemicals that will help to quickly and efficiently clean the iron from carbon deposits. Such funds include:

  • special pencil;
  • agent related to the "anti-fat family."
We clean the iron with household chemicals

We clean with a special pencil

The cost of this pencil is low, but it works very efficiently. Its main component is ammonia, and in appearance it resembles an ordinary candle. The advantages of using this tool include the fact that it does not contain any abrasive components: therefore, they can clean any surfaces (for example, ceramic or metal-ceramic). What to do:

  • Turn on the appliance and set the temperature. After it has warmed up, disconnect it from the electrical network.
  • We smear the sole of the iron (directly on the tan) with a pencil.
  • We constantly monitor the chemical reaction taking place at the bottom of the device: as soon as the peeling of the carbon begins, iron the previously prepared (unnecessary) fabric (without lint) with an iron. Everything, the appliance is clean. As a result of manipulations, all the components of the scale will be on the fabric and will no longer be the cause of your bad mood.
  • After the iron has cooled completely, the surface of its sole must be wiped with a damp cloth. The iron sparkles again and is completely ready for use.

Important! Before starting the procedure, be sure to open the windows, as a result of the use of a pencil, a sharp smell of ammonia appears.

Clean anti-grease

How to clean the iron yet? Try it with any anti-fat product. The algorithm for removing carbon deposits from Teflon, ceramic and steel surfaces is quite simple and straightforward:

  • We apply the product on the surface of the soleplate and leave “all this charm” for 30 minutes (it is not necessary to heat the device).
  • Then we wash the iron and iron some unnecessary rags.

Home Remedies Help Keep Your Iron Sole Clean

The sole of the iron became dirty - it doesn’t matter. You can deal with this problem with improvised means at home: it would be patience and desire. What can help in solving this issue:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • baking soda;
  • finely ground salt;
  • laundry soap;
  • Toothpaste;
  • some medicines from your medicine cabinet;
  • acetone.

Important! The idea of ​​removing carbon deposits with a kitchen knife, a construction scraper or, worse, sandpaper is not a good idea. Do not try to do it. Otherwise, you will definitely have to say goodbye to the device, since you will remove the layer of non-stick coating, which is specially applied for easy gliding on the most delicate fabrics.

We clean the sole with vinegar

Wet a small piece of cloth (or a soft sponge for washing dishes) in a solution (vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1); squeeze it to get rid of excess fluid; carefully wipe (in a circular motion) with it the contaminated surface. And the holes located on the surface of the sole through which steam escapes are recommended to be cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in the same solution with vinegar.

We clean the holes in the sole with cotton buds

In order to remove traces of vinegar after cleaning, iron the damp cloth first and then the dry one. This method is excellent for both Teflon and ceramic surfaces.

Important! The iron does not need to be heated during these procedures!

Lemon juice

If you are an esthete and the smell of vinegar discourages you, then you can use citric acid. The algorithm of actions is the same as in the above method.

You can also try soda

Soda is an excellent assistant in many household matters:

  • We prepare a paste of two teaspoons of soda (food) and a small amount of table vinegar (or warm water).
  • We put it on the sole of the iron (it is not necessary to heat it) and leave it for 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove the paste with a damp cloth, and then wipe it dry.

Every house has salt

Pour fine salt onto a piece of white paper. We turn on the iron to the maximum and begin to “smooth” the salt until the soot completely leaves the surface of the sole.

We clean with salt

On a note! Take just a white sheet, not a piece of any newspaper. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the fact that all printed text may be on the sole of the iron.

If the first time it was not possible to part with the soot, you can repeat the procedure. By the way, it is not necessary to heat the iron, you can try it cold (just press more and carry out the procedure longer).

Important! This method is absolutely not suitable for Teflon-coated appliances.

Not all forgotten laundry soap

Although the laundry soap looks unpresentable, sometimes it is impossible to do without it. So the iron can also be cleaned with it: slightly heat, then turn off the appliance from the mains, carefully rub the soiled areas with soap and wait only a few minutes. Wipe the sole first with a damp cloth, remembering to clean the steam holes with toothpicks or cotton swabs, and then dry. This method is suitable for tidying up any surface, including Teflon.

Take a peek into your home medicine cabinet

Hydrogen peroxide or ammonia can be used to clean the soleplate. In order for the surface of the iron to shine again, it is enough to moisten the napkin in any liquid (from the above) and wipe the contaminated areas with it. Before this, the appliance should be slightly heated and be sure to turn off.

The combination of vinegar and ammonia in equal proportions

This combination is also good for removing carbon deposits. If the pollution is too strong, then you can slightly increase the proportion of ammonia. Try all the ways and luck will be on your side.

Controversial method, but you can try

There are traces of burnt synthetic fabric on the iron, and you do not know how to remove them? No problem. Acetone will help. He will easily cope with this problem. It is enough to moisten a small piece of cotton paper (or a cotton pad) in acetone and wipe the problem area with it. The method is suitable both for ceramic surfaces and for teflon.

On a note! Instead of acetone, you can use (you won’t believe) nail polish remover.

Iron Care Tips

If you follow our recommendations, then you may not have to wonder how to clean the iron:

  • After purchasing the appliance, do not be lazy and read the attached instructions for use. In particular, it indicates the temperature conditions for each type of fabric, as well as other useful information.
  • Try not to scratch the surface of the soleplate. Otherwise, scratches can cause rust and, as a result, can spoil things.
The appliance is ready to iron delicate fabrics again
  • Observe the temperature regime strictly.
  • Only fill the tank with water passing through the filter.
  • Never use abrasive cleaners on the sole.
  • After each use, wipe the surface of the sole with a cloth dampened with plain water.


Now you know how to clean the iron and how to do it. Go ahead and your “home helper” will delight you with an easy glide.


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