When can a child be given cow's milk? Opinions of experts and reviews of parents

When the baby is born, the first thing he tries is mother's milk or a special mixture. This kind of food is ideal for crumbs in the first six months of life. After this, pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods and gradually accustom the baby to adult food. However, such a process should proceed correctly. This article will show you when you can give your child cow's milk. It is also worth mentioning what experts and experienced parents think about this. How long can I give cow's milk to children and how to do it as correctly as possible? Consider the main opinions on this subject.

when the baby can be given cow's milk

What do our grandmothers think?

When can a child be given cow's milk? Representatives of past generations say that such meals should be organized as early as possible. Surely everyone remembers how a few decades ago women left maternity leave when a child reached three months. Representatives of the weaker sex did not have the opportunity to properly organize breastfeeding. That is why mother's milk was replaced with cow and goat milk.

It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this. More than one generation has grown on this product. Grandparents still convince their grandchildren and granddaughters to teach cow milk from birth.

when children can be given cow's milk

What do breastfeeding experts think ?

When can a child be given cow's milk, according to physicians who advocate natural feeding? This group of specialists argues that this product should be introduced into the diet of crumbs no earlier than three years. It was at this age that the baby already received all the healthy from motherโ€™s milk and you can safely replace it.

Until the baby reaches this age, experts strongly recommend sticking to breastfeeding. Indeed, this is how the child receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and antibodies.

What is the opinion of pediatricians?

When can a child be given cow's milk, according to children's doctors? Pediatricians strongly do not recommend introducing this product into the baby's diet before reaching 12 months. Everything is explained quite simply. Cow's milk can cause leaching of iron from the body. This leads to anemia, which is very dangerous for babies.

Milk contains a large amount of minerals. These include phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium and potassium, sodium and calcium. It would seem good. However, an excess of these substances can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Often due to an overabundance of minerals, kidney stones and gall bladder are formed.

What time can cow's milk be given to a child?

What do allergists and nutritionists say?

What time can cow's milk be given to a child? Experts say that many children are allergic to casein protein. That is why it is worth avoiding such nutrition until the child reaches the age of five.

Also, newborn babies may have a lack of lactase. This substance is necessary for the breakdown of milk sugar - lactose - and its proper absorption. With age, less lactase is produced. That is why milk causes indigestion and diarrhea in many people. If your child is faced with a similar pathology, then you should completely exclude this product.

how much milk can be given to children

When can children be given cow's milk and how to do it as correctly as possible?

Of course, it would be better if you forget about this product until the child reaches the age of three or five years. Absolutely all doctors tell nursing women that they should not use such a drink. All due to the fact that part of the product enters the baby's body. What can we say about the direct feeding of the baby with cow's milk.

If you decide that you will give this drink, despite the opinions of doctors, then start doing this no earlier than nine months. It was during this period that the baby had already met many food products and could show his own addictions. It is necessary to introduce milk into the diet of the child gradually. Perhaps this process will take even longer than learning to cereals and vegetables.

On the first day, give the crumbs milk in the amount of one teaspoon. In this case, add plain clean water to the drink. Closely monitor the reaction of the crumbs on this day. If an unusual rash or indigestion occurs, stop experimenting immediately and consult a doctor. When the baby reacts quite normally, you can continue to learn to a new product.

Try to choose natural milk, not one that is crammed with preservatives and can be stored for several years at room temperature. If you take a โ€œliveโ€ product from under a cow, be sure to boil it. Otherwise, you can infect your baby with salmonella, toxoplasma and other microorganisms.


So, you now know when children can be given cow's milk and how to do it right. Experts strongly do not recommend the use of this drink when it is possible to replace it with a milk mixture or natural feeding. Let the nutrition of your crumbs be healthy and tasty!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7741/

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