DIY panel. How to make a panel?

The autumn panel looks unusual and bright . With your own hands you can create still lifes, landscapes, abstractions from ordinary needlework or natural materials. Panels can be created with children. It can decorate the house, become a great gift or educational tool. Let us consider in more detail how to make different types of autumn panels.

We create with children

Children love panels on the autumn theme, as there are many ways to express their ideas.

  • Drawing leaves. You decorate ordinary leaves from different trees with green, red, yellow, orange paints. Carefully paint over from the back of the vein, turn on a sheet, press down with your palm. It turns out the autumn forest.
  • Appliques made of fabric. Cut ovals, circles from the fabric of different colors into circles of trees. Stick on cardboard. With paints or felt-tip pen, draw branches with a trunk. It turns out the autumn panel (photo number 1). For fabric crafts, use non-bulk materials.
  • Figures from the leaves. Perfectly develop fantasy animals from leaves. Just collect a wide variety of leaves, depending on which animal can be made. For example, a protein is obtained from an oak leaf (tail), 3 leaves of mountain ash (forelegs and nose), 4 leaves of birch or linden (trunk, head, legs), 2 small leaves of elm (ears). Cut the shape with scissors if necessary, and draw the eyes with paints.
    do-it-yourself autumn panel

Types of children's creativity

We continue to consider how you can create an autumn panel with your own hands.

  • Paper art. Colored, corrugated, creped, velvet, metallized paper (and its other varieties) allows you to create autumn forest, leaves, animals in a different plane. For example, kids can cut tree trunks from cardboard, and a crown from paper. Stick on the base, make fruit from yarn or napkins (using the ramping technique) and put into the frame. How to make a panel with older children? Using templates, cut colorful leaves of different trees, draw veins, add shades of paint. Bunches of mountain ash made of wire and large beads. Now place all the elements on the cardboard in the form of a wreath and glue with glue.
  • Quilling. Using various elements, you can create interesting compositions. Branches with bunches of mountain ash are especially popular. In this case, the berries will be from tight rolls, leaves from “eyes” and “leaves,” branches from strips of quilling paper. Volume is created by overlaying elements.
    how to make a panel

DIY do-it-yourself autumnal mural

Particularly unusual developing panel. In appearance, it can be the most diverse - it depends on the tasks set (broadening one's horizons, enriching knowledge of trees, season, color, learning to count, developing fine motor skills of a hand, imagination, logic). Consider an example of a panel on magnets.

  • Collect branches of different lengths and thicknesses from which the base of the tree will be created. Sticks are coated with stain and varnish. Glue a magnet or tape in certain places.
  • Cut the leaves of different trees, paint them. For the template, you can take ordinary leaflets. Transfer them to paper, cut them out, glue the magnet on the back.
  • Gather natural material (cones, acorns, berries, seeds). Fruits can be stitched or knitted. Also attach a magnet.
  • If necessary, make additional volumetric details (mushrooms, flowers, grass, animals, birds, etc.).

Now the kid on a magnetic board can design his own tree or forest, set his own time of year. Such an autumn panel with your own hands will not bore the children, it can be supplemented.

panel on the autumn theme

Panel from the gifts of autumn

Now in stores you can find a wide variety of foam, plastic, wooden analogues of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, cones, seeds; straw, birch bark, cardboard baskets, plates, dishes. Combining elements, create a panel, a wreath, a picture.

To make a panel on a dish, take:

  • wicker plate;
  • cones or shells from pistachios;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • peanuts, hazel;
  • analogues of pumpkin, onion, quince, pear, apples;
  • tubes from loofah.

Now consider how to make a panel:

  • glue large parts onto the dish, dividing it into “vegetable” and “fruit” halves;
  • on top of the pumpkin, attach a tube from the loofah;
  • arrange the cones (or make them from pistachio shells);
  • arrange nuts and pumpkin seeds along the edge;
  • varnish the product.

This panel is made of papier-mâché, dough, clay, and the dish is woven from newspaper tubes, painted with stain, and varnished. Also pay attention to the weight of the product. For heavy parts, take a wooden blank if the panel hangs on the wall.

autumn panel photo

Preparing the leaves for work

Leaves in the fall acquire such multifaceted colors and saturated shades that a panel or a wreath of leaves alone looks bright and harmonious. But for this you need to save them in their original form. There are several ways.

  • Collecting leaves. Put them between the sheets of the book, dry. Place no more than 4-6 sheets per volume. After this method, the smell persists, but the color fades, and the sheet becomes brittle.
  • Lay sheets between white sheets of paper, put cardboard under them and dry with a hot iron. In this case, the leaves dry quickly, practically retain their color, but emit the smell of raw foliage.
  • Take an ordinary candle, put in a bowl, melt over low heat. The main thing is that the wax does not boil, otherwise the leaves will lose color. As soon as the paraffin is melted, you dip a sheet into it on both sides, let the excess drain, put it on the newspaper. Such leaflets are solid, suitable for volumetric panels, wreaths, crafts. So it is possible to process and mountain ash.
  • Mix glycerin with water (1: 2), soak the leaves in it for several days or months (until a gloss is formed).
    panel of autumn leaves

Panel of autumn leaves

For the holiday of autumn, you can make a wreath of leaves. Cut a large ring from cardboard. Wrap it with twine, twine, yarn to create volume. For this purpose, a synthetic winterizer or crumpled newspaper can be glued to the front of the ring. From the back, immediately make the mount. Glue the leaves in several layers on top.

Paraffin leaves can stand in a basket for decoration. From them make a garland, hang on curtains or walls as an element of decor. Together with the wax clusters of mountain ash, you can make a bouquet in a basket. To do this, first make a basket, attach it to paper (a plastic cup is cut and braided with paper strips). Then glue leaves and berries on top.

With young children, the leaves can be glued in a chaotic manner, focusing on different shades. Older children can create a plot. For example, glue the corner of a leaf with leaves, creating an image of branches. In the middle (closer to the foliage) position a web. It can be built from yarn, dew drops from beads. In the center - plant a spider (from papier-mâché, dough or pompom with wire paws). It turns out an interesting panel of autumn leaves and improvised material.

wood panel

Mixed media

By the way, a combination of different materials creates unusual compositions. For example, if you use decorative wooden blanks of musical instruments as a basis, glue them with cones, nuts or acorns along the contour, decorate them with flowers or berries and arrange them on a gramophone pasted with notes, you can get an unusual panel.

Organza and leaf panels also capture the eye. That is, on the cardboard you have an organza, which in color harmonizes with the leaves. Form chaotic folds and stick. Then stick the glycerin leaves. The effect of soaring leaves in the wind.

To give the panel a “store-like” look, you can print a colored blank on photo paper. For example, a photo of the Autumn Maiden, and using natural material to create a volume (a dress and a wreath of leaves, beads and earrings from berries). Needleworkers create unusual crafts from any material, even twist roses from leaves, create topiaries, voluminous paintings, trees, combine decoupage with the gifts of autumn.

Brief Summary

On the autumn theme, you can create a wide variety of crafts, even wood panels. To make the composition look rich, stock up on plant seeds, leaves, cones, acorns, twigs, berries in advance. Store them in paraffin or glycerin and use in work.


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