To Tallinn by car from Moscow: how much to go?

Fans of outdoor activities prefer to travel by car in order to fully enjoy the road views, nature and the settlements lying on the way. Traveling by car to Estonia will bring a sea of ​​new experiences and will allow you to see the country from the side.

Capital of Estonia

Tallinn is not only the capital of Estonia, but also one of the largest administrative centers of the country. According to recent estimates, about a third of the total population lives here. The city is a highly developed cultural and industrial center, perhaps the largest in the country. Here are the largest industrial factories and plants, the largest airport, as well as the sea and commercial port. Located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, it is one of the most visited cities in Europe.

Tallinn is a tourist center. Travelers will need several days to go around all museums, theaters and cultural venues. Entertainment can be found for every taste and for any age. Clubs, sports fields and discos will be appreciated by young people.

Tallinn city

Road preparation

A trip to Tallinn by car from Moscow is fraught with certain difficulties. The main issue is getting a visa. Estonia is a European country, therefore we need Schengen. If you do not have an open Schengen, you need to take care of this in advance. On the embassy website, familiarize yourself with the list of necessary documents, collect them, and pay the consular fee. Do not forget to take out medical insurance. Riding a car is a rather dangerous travel option, and you should not neglect safety. Buy water, products that will not go bad on the road for a long time, sort out the first-aid kit. Be sure to bring containers for backup storage of gasoline. On your way, either a very expensive refueling may occur, or it may not be at all for quite some time.

Route to Tallinn

The road from Moscow

To decide how to travel by car from Moscow to Tallinn, you need to get acquainted with the route. The distance between cities is about 1100 kilometers. For comparison, the distance from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don is about the same. If you go slowly, you will spend about twelve hours on the road. However, if time permits, it is better to stay overnight in a large city, for example, in St. Petersburg. And relax, and look at the city. And from St. Petersburg to Tallinn, about 350 kilometers remain. The road passes through Zelenograd, Tver and Veliky Novgorod. If you pre-calculate the amount of gas, then be prepared to buy about 110 liters one way.

Be careful on the road. Travelers say that a good road ends with the Moscow region. Go around all strange bumps and bumps to protect the car from unnecessary troubles.

port of Tallinn

On my way

Departure from Moscow is carried out along Novorizhskoe highway. On the way there are the cities of Velikiye Luki, Pustoshka, Pechora. You need to consider that, leaving Moscow, you can get into a traffic jam and stand in it for several hours. If your trip is designed up to a minute, it is better to choose an early morning for departure. Be prepared for the fact that along its entire length you will meet toll roads. Prepare small money in advance.

If you leave Moscow to Tallinn by car early in the morning, then by four in the afternoon you will be at the Russian-Estonian border of Kuchinin Gora – Koidula. The rules for passing border controls are simple: you can’t transport anything prohibited. Passengers must provide passports with visas and medical insurance, and the owner of the car - documents for the vehicle itself and confirming the right to drive a car.

Houses in Riga

Useful Tips

In principle, the distance Moscow - Tallinn is quickly overcome by car. However, even in this short stretch, traffic rules should not be neglected. Here are some basic travel tips:

  • do not exceed speed; regardless of weather conditions and time of year, something unexpectedly may go wrong;
  • remember the cameras; it will be nice to choose a car in front and follow it, always observing the distance; often traveling along this route they know where the cameras are, so pay attention to the cars in front;
  • comply with one of the golden rules of traffic rules - do not overtake if you are not sure; this is a dangerous maneuver, especially on suburban roads, where the speed is not less than one hundred kilometers per hour;
  • and, of course, be polite not only on the track, but in all crowded places; nobody likes rude people.

How much to travel by car from Moscow to Tallinn, each, in principle, decides for himself. Someone is in a hurry and overcomes a distance of a thousand kilometers in ten hours, and someone will be interested to get to know more about places or people they meet on the way.

Trip through Belarus

This is another commonly used route. If you go by car from Moscow to Tallinn through Belarus, you will have to cover the distance almost the same as on the way through St. Petersburg - 1220 kilometers. But the route is much more interesting, as it runs through cities such as Minsk, Riga and Vilnius.

People who often travel or are forced to travel in this direction on business, note that this route is much more convenient, although not more economical. It mainly deals with roads. Unlike the northern roads of the neighboring republics are pleasing with their good condition.

View of Minsk

Despite the good quality of the roads, the path through Belarus will force you to spend from 13 to 17 hours on the road. It all depends on the workload of federal highways. Keep in mind that all roads are equipped with speed cameras, and if you neglected traffic signs or allowed yourself too much, the penalty will surely overtake you.

Road through Latvia

When planning to travel from Moscow to Tallinn by car through Belarus, remember that you will have to cross the border not only of Belarus and Estonia, but also of Latvia. You must familiarize yourself with the list of documents that may come in handy. Basically, this is a standard set: foreign passports with Schengen visas, medical insurance, a green card for a car and documents for a car.

Border Belarus Latvia

Remember that when entering Latvia, a law restricting the import of meat is in force, so if you still have sandwiches that you did not eat, it is better to throw them away to avoid problems from scratch. As a rule, there are no problems with passing border control.

When leaving Latvia for Belarus, remember that you need to declare everything, even one bottle of water. Therefore, be prepared for a serious search if you decide to go home the same way, through Belarus. The distance between Minsk and Riga is about 450 kilometers, and between Riga and Tallinn - only 280 kilometers. Border control can be completed quite quickly. Often travelers say that it takes about half an hour and never takes longer than an hour.


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