Sea buckthorn - growing in the garden

Sea buckthorn got its name for a reason. Its bright yellow or orange berries literally cling to branches. A variety of varieties allows you to make a choice to taste any gardener. There are varieties of plants with acidic or sweet fruits. Berries can have a rounded or elongated shape. In varietal sea buckthorn, they can reach a size of about ten millimeters. In order for sea buckthorn to take root in the garden, cultivation should begin with the right choice of planting material. Seedlings are best purchased in nurseries. Varieties bred in your area will be better developed. Sea buckthorn can be a tree or shrub, its branches are usually covered with thorns. The plant tolerates frost and drought well.

sea ​​buckthorn growing

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. Therefore, in the garden you need to grow one male and a couple of female trees. They begin to bear fruit after planting in the third or fifth year.

In order for the sea buckthorn to develop well, tree cultivation begins in early spring. When planting a plant, you need to choose a place for it. Sea buckthorn loves light and does not tolerate dark areas. The soil should not be acidic. For a seedling, dig a hole at least fifty centimeters in diameter. The root neck of the plant sinks underground at a distance of 4 to 10 cm.

sea ​​buckthorn healing properties

May is the time of flowering of sea buckthorn. It is necessary to monitor the crown of the tree. If it thickens, it is necessary to trim, otherwise the yield of berries may fall. Sea buckthorn should be planted in an open, free area, since it does not like neighborhood with other plants. After planting, seedlings must be mulched around the trunk. Care that requires sea buckthorn, growing it in accordance with all the rules requires regular watering, especially in the hot summers. One plant may require four to ten buckets of water. In this case, stagnation of moisture at the roots of the plant should be avoided. Berries ripen in late summer - early fall. Their collection falls on August-September. When harvesting, you must be careful to avoid breaking branches.

Not only excellent taste qualities can please gardeners sea buckthorn, its medicinal properties have long been known in folk medicine. Juice from its berries is recommended to use for pain in the stomach, anemia and lack of vitamins. A laxative is considered a decoction of the seeds of the plant. An infusion made from sea buckthorn leaves helps with gout and rheumatism. From sea buckthorn berries make an oil that has the properties of healing and painkillers. It is used to treat frostbite, burns, eczema, senile cataracts, pressure sores, to treat wounds, with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Sea buckthorn oil is used for female diseases. It is used for inhalation. Oil is also used in cosmetics.

healing properties of sea buckthorn

Use sea buckthorn and colds. For this, there is the simplest recipe: the berries are mixed with sugar. Due to the large number of vitamins (B1, C, B9, B2, PP, F, B6, K, E), the healing properties of sea buckthorn are recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. These berries are widely used in cooking. They make jam, marmalade, compote, jelly, jelly. After processing, these products retain their beneficial properties and vitamins.

Amateur gardeners have long been able to appreciate all of the above advantages that sea buckthorn has, the cultivation of this garden plant has become widespread.


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