Which scissors are best for newborns: rating, successful models, recommendations and reviews of moms

Young mothers, collecting a dowry for their baby, do not forget anything important. After all, such a thing as manicure scissors is simply necessary in caring for a newborn. For some mothers, it becomes a complete surprise when he is born with overgrown nails, thin and soft, but very sharp. Therefore, parents are interested in which scissors are best for newborns. Reviews of experienced mothers will help them with this. The article will discuss the features of choice, popular models, their characteristics and parental feedback.

Why do you need scissors

In a newborn, it is necessary to constantly cut the nails, because it can be scratched and the wound becomes inflamed. One option is to wear mittens on the handles. But still, you need to get rid of sharp nails in time. Scissors are essential items, so refuse to purchase them will not work.

Scissors for newborns rating of the best

It is important to determine the criteria that should be presented for the selection of scissors.

How to trim your nails

Moms are interested in which scissors are best for newborns, because the process of cutting nails depends on this in many respects.

Someone is performing the procedure while the baby is sleeping. Indeed, at this time he is in a relaxed position.

Some mothers are afraid to disturb the sleep of a newborn, so they cut their nails during wakefulness. It is most convenient for parents to do this together. Dad will be able to distract the child during the procedure. On the handles, the nails need to be cut in a semicircle, and on the legs horizontally.

Which scissors are best for babies

The right procedure will help prevent nail ingrowth. According to the expert, this causes improper care for them.


Young mothers ask which baby scissors for babies are better, although sometimes they do not fully realize the need for them. It seems that the problem of children's manicure can be solved with the help of adult tools. However, the baby’s arms are in a constant chaotic movement in the first months after birth, and cutting their nails is not an easy task. Many mothers cope with this task when the baby falls asleep. Therefore, an important quality that distinguishes children's scissors from adults is their safety.

Best scissors for newborns

Typically, most models have plastic rings and small blades rounded at the ends. This is necessary so as not to injure the baby’s finger when cutting, but sometimes it interferes with the quality removal of the corners of the nails.

What is the difference between scissors from adults

When mothers become interested in the question of which scissors are best for newborns, they understand that they have their own characteristics. A children's tool differs from an adult in size, shape, color and model.

Scissors are available with rounded tips, supplied with cases for safe storage. They are sharpened differently than for adults, the distance between the blades is minimal, because it is designed for thin nails. Finger rings are made of non-slip material, as well as to make them comfortable to hold.

Scissors for newborns which are better reviews

To cut nails with adult scissors is not only unsafe (after all, other models are available with pointed ends), but also not hygienic.

Moms trim their nails with a 10-day-old baby and then carry out the procedure every week. A children's tool must be prepared in advance. During pregnancy, when a woman has a lot of free time, she will be able to go shopping and choose her favorite model.

Criterias of choice

Any mother knows how she will cut her baby's nails. It is difficult to carry out the procedure for the first time, but the necessary skills come later.

Some women first learn from more experienced mothers which scissors are best for newborns. Although sometimes they use their tools. This is acceptable but undesirable. Before the procedure, the scissors must be disinfected. It is necessary to cut their nails with extreme care so as not to injure the newborn.

Which scissors for babies is better to buy reviews

Some mothers skillfully wield tweezers, which have a limiter that prevents cuts. Special tools for children are on sale. This includes tweezers, nail files.

When mothers ask experts what scissors are best for babies, they are sure that this is the most convenient and safe type of tool. After all, with tweezers it is unrealistic to make a smooth and rounded line of the nail bed. After them, you must use a nail file. Therefore, experienced mothers avoid such a tedious procedure so as not to upset the baby.

Scissors overgrown nails can be cut off with an even oval line, so they should not be ground. In addition, the tools are available in small size, with rounded tips, which is completely safe for children's fingers.

Most often they are made of stainless steel, from which surgical instruments are made. Scissors remain sharp up to 3 years and do not rust at all.

Pediatricians recommend disinfecting instruments before use. This can be done with alcohol or other special solution. After the procedure, the scissors are wiped dry and put on the cover, which is included in the kit.

What are the requirements for children's tools

According to GOST, scissors for children must be:

  • sharpened and equally cutting in any part of the blades;
  • they are sharpened at an angle of 60-70 degrees;
  • the knives fit snugly together;
  • connection in the center contributes to the smooth movement of the tool;
  • the surface is smooth and even.

Therefore, before choosing scissors, mothers need to familiarize themselves with these conditions.

Popular manufacturers

Currently, the choice of tools for children's manicure is particularly diverse. Rating of the best scissors for newborns:

  1. Pigeon. The Japanese manufacturer produces scissors that meet all parameters. They have large plastic rings for holding with three fingers, as well as thin blades. They can be used from the first days of a newborn’s life. The kit includes a plastic blade case.
  2. Mertz Manicure. The company produces high quality tools that serve for several years. The children's model has thick blades with rounded ends, which makes their work convenient and safe.
  3. Zinger. Scissors from this manufacturer are of particular quality. Their thin blades end with small thin rounds that serve as a safety feature. And their slight bend makes it easy to trim the corners of the nails.
  4. Chicco. Scissors from this manufacturer come with short and long stainless steel blades. A convenient case is included.
  5. Kiehl Russia and Yoko. These brands produce professional scissors and other manicure tools. They are made from various types of steel. This manufacturer does not produce baby scissors, but young mothers often use the products of this company to cut the nails of babies.
  6. "Staleks". The manufacturer produces manicure scissors made of medical steel. The children's model is distinguished by sharp blades, slightly curved and rounded at the ends.
  7. Canpol babies. The brand produces children's scissors that have an affordable price. They have a bright design and long straight blades.
  8. Kurnosiki. A well-known Russian brand produces children's scissors at an affordable price.
Baby scissors for newborns which are better

Young mothers can easily choose scissors from all this variety of models and brands.

How not to make a mistake with the model

Many mothers are interested in experts, what are the best scissors for newborns to choose. Follow these tips:

  • Before buying, mom needs to carefully inspect the scissors. If possible, they should be removed from the packaging and air cut. A woman should be comfortable holding scissors. Her fingers should easily enter the rings and not slip.
  • The scissor blades should be sharp and free to diverge. Thickness also plays a role. Thick blades are not suitable for cutting children's nails.
  • It is very convenient if children's scissors are sold with caps. They protect the blades from dirt and dullness. The child will not be able to accidentally reach out to them.
  • Be sure to find out the country of origin and clarify what material the scissors are made of. Sometimes in this situation the feedback of experienced mothers helps.
  • You should not buy cheap models. They will not last long, and sometimes it’s simply unsafe to use them.
  • Some manufacturers produce children's manicure sets. They include tweezers, scissors and a nail file. However, when choosing a set, mothers should understand that, except for scissors, they will not need anything.

All these recommendations should be considered by parents before choosing a tool.

What do parents most often buy

There are many models on the market. The best scissors for newborns, according to parents, Chicco. In their opinion, this is the safest tool for cutting nails in newborns. The material from which the scissors are made is stainless steel. The case protects the blade from contamination.

Dads choose Pigeon most often. They are more expensive than all other models and made in Japan. The tips of the scissors are rounded and the blades are made of high-carbon stainless steel. The rings in this model are large, therefore it is convenient to hold them for dads. Parents note minus scissors. They can be used only after the baby is 3 months old.

Best baby scissors reviews

What newborn scissors is better to buy? Reviews of experienced mothers are advised to stay at Mertz Manicure. The models of this manufacturer are made of high quality materials, therefore they have a long service life.

However, many mothers are unhappy with the products of Kurnosiki. They motivate this by the fact that the scissors cut poorly and it is inconvenient to use them.


The choice of scissors for newborns is a difficult process, but necessary. After all, children's nails require special care and a delicate attitude. Therefore, the right tools and timely procedure will help prevent the occurrence of infection.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7758/

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