How to build a brick garage with your own hands

Modern technology does not stand still. This gave an impetus to the transition to more modern alternative materials for construction. However, most motorists today prefer to build brick garages. The main explanation for this is the characteristics of the material, among which are: strength durability reliability.

If you also decide to engage in the construction of such a structure, then you must choose the type of structure that can be wall, built-in or look like a separate building. Garages attached to the main dwelling are very convenient, since you can enter them from the house, side or front. One of the walls will be heated with the house, which will save you energy consumption.

Built-in garages are usually laid at the construction stage, such solutions have their advantages, namely convenience and space saving. The most common option in our area is a separate building. Such a garage is usually built in line with the fence so that the gates face the street.

Creating the most successful project

brick garages inside

Before you start building a brick garage, you must create its project. At this stage, important tasks are solved. Among them, it should be noted whether the garage will be used as a parking lot for a car or if you plan to operate it for inspection and repair of a car. In this regard, it is important to determine whether a cellar or a viewing hole is necessary.

brick garage foundation

Sometimes a brick garage project provides an attic. At the second stage, it will be necessary to determine the size of the building. They are selected taking into account the area where the construction will be carried out. It is important to consider the tasks that the garage will have to perform. If it is necessary only for car storage, then the dimensions can be as follows: 3 x 5, 5 m. If there is a viewing hole or a cellar, then the dimensions will be different, as in the case when it is necessary to install additional equipment inside.

Marking the terrain

Before building a brick garage, it will be necessary to mark the territory. To do this, take care of the availability of:

  • pegs;
  • roulettes;
  • sledgehammer or hammer;
  • long rope.

The latter can be replaced with a 40-meter nylon cord. Pegs should be about 10, their length is 40 cm. The tape measure should be at least 5 m. As soon as all the tools are prepared, you should clear the place for construction.

Pegs are driven in the corners of the future building, while you should adhere to the specified sizes. Pegs are connected by a cord or rope. This will prepare the foundation for the next step.


The brick garage has a rather impressive weight, so it will require a foundation. Based on the markings, you should dig a trench under the base. You can do this manually or by ordering an excavator, which will cost more. A strip foundation is suitable for the garage, the width of which is 40 cm or more. The depth of the base can vary from 60 to 120 cm, which will depend on the line, freezing of the soil. The average depth of the base is 100 cm. Given these dimensions, you should dig a trench, watching for the verticality and evenness of the walls. The bottom should not be loose. To improve the quality of the foundation at the bottom, you can make a 5 cm pillow of sand or gravel, compacting it.

Foundation pouring

When building a brick garage, in the next step you should start filling the foundation. The simplest solution will be a concrete structure. To implement the undertaking, it is necessary to lay a rubble stone in the prepared trench, fill each row with cement mortar until the trench is filled. The stronger the foundation, the longer the building can stand. The degree of shrinkage of the garage, as well as the likelihood of cracks, depends on this.

For the solution, you need to choose high-quality materials. For this, high grade cement is combined with plasticizer, sand and water. The solution is mixed in a concrete mixer. A bucket of cement will need 2, 5 buckets of sand. Fluids must be added so that the desired consistency is obtained.

When building a brick garage with your own hands, you can use ordinary mortar to fill the foundation. In this case, rubble is added instead of rubble stones. In this case, more solution will be spent, and in the trench it will be necessary to install a reinforced mesh. If the soil is quite hard, formwork is needed only in the ground part to form a basement. They make it from the boards set on the level.

In order to prevent cement spreading, there should be no holes or gaps in the formwork. It must be strengthened by braces. Filling should be carried out in several layers, and not partially. After pouring, air is expelled from the solution, the concrete is compacted, and its surface is leveled with a trowel. In about a week, the cement will dry out, but it will be possible to start masonry no earlier than in a month.

When building a capital brick garage, you will need to protect its base from water ingress, ensuring that a waterproofing layer is laid. For this, a roofing material in 2 layers is laid on the base. It can be covered with bitumen. Due to this, the walls will not absorb moisture from the soil, and the base will not collapse.

Masonry walls

photo of a brick garage

Once the foundation has dried, you can proceed to the construction of walls. They can be formed into one brick, if construction is carried out in an area with a warm climate. When winters are cold, it is better to lay 1.5 bricks for insulation. It is important not to skew.

The solution should have the same consistency throughout the entire masonry. To do this, you can use 3 parts of sand and one part of cement. It is important to monitor the thickness of the seam, which should not be more than one centimeter. You can use a sample in the form of a reiki when setting a brick.

Preparing for installation work

brick garage project

Having finished with the foundation of a brick garage, you can prepare all the tools, among them:

  • building level;
  • lace;
  • bricks;
  • capacity;
  • shovel;
  • plumb line;
  • Master OK;
  • pickaxe;
  • buckets.

The construction of walls must be carried out using chain-laying technology so that one row covers the seams in the other row. Start laying from the corners. When erecting walls, the construction level should be used. By pulling a fishing line or rope between two extreme bricks, you can achieve perfect horizontalness.

Once the rows around the perimeter are laid out, you can raise the corners and pull the cord, continuing to work. If the roof is sloping, it is necessary to provide a slope for the drainage of water. The end walls are made of different heights, while the upper edge of the walls - with a slope. If the garage has a length of 6 m, a slope of 30 cm will be sufficient. For this, a slope of 5 cm is made for each meter.

Options for the construction of a two-story building

solid brick garage

A two-story brick garage can be built in one of several ways. The first is the construction of a penthouse made of wood, in this case, wooden beams will act as a ceiling. The second option is to use reinforced concrete slabs for overlapping, the walls of the second floor will also be made of brick. The first option is easier to implement, while the second floor has less load on the walls and foundation.

The attic can be built of wooden beams. First, the transverse beams are laid, which serve as the basis for the overlap. Then you can start the construction of the second floor frame and the laying of roofing material. Two-story garages with monolithic slabs are erected using a crane. At the final stage, you can finish the premises of the garage itself and the second floor, this is usually required to protect the brick from the outside. For this, plaster is used, and mineral wool is insulated from the inside. With external insulation, you can use polystyrene, which not only protects the brick from moisture, but also eliminates its freezing.

Garage inside

brick garage

Inside, brick garages can be finished with different materials. For walls, for example, plaster can be used, and the floor is often poured with concrete screed. This approach meets most of the requirements for such buildings. In this case, the walls will be strong, fireproof, resistant to mechanical stress and durable. The need for repairs will arise not so soon.

do-it-yourself brick garage

Instead of the wet method, you can resort to dry plaster, which is known as drywall. Sheets are fixed to the wall with special glue or attached to a metal frame. The latter option is used when the surface has large skews or walls need to be insulated. However, this approach damages the free space in the garage.

Specialist recommendations

Having examined the photo of brick garages, you can choose for yourself the most acceptable option for interior decoration. If you decide to use drywall, you should purchase fireproof and moisture resistant material. Sometimes motorists resort to decorating the walls with ceramic tiles. It gives the surfaces accuracy, has water resistance and fire resistance. It can be easily cleaned, even with detergents. For finishing the garage, it is recommended to use porcelain or clinker versions of this finishing material.


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