Konevets - an island that is worth a visit

Konevets is an island located off the west coast of Lake Ladoga. Hundreds of pilgrims and tourists from all over Russia visit it every year.

general information

Konevets Island has an area of ​​just over 8 square meters. km Its maximum length is about 2 km in width and 5 km in length. At the same time, the western extremity is elongated by a narrow sandy oblique about 1 km long, and several islands of granite boulders are located off the southeast coast. On average, Konevets rises above the surface of Lake Ladoga to a height of 3 meters.

Konevets island how to get

Konevets is an island with a temperate climate, where in summer the air temperature can reach plus thirty degrees Celsius, and in winter it can drop to minus forty degrees. As for the island flora and fauna, frogs, lizards, small rodents, foxes, hares and squirrels are found from animals there. Rarely, but still there are muskrats. Sometimes on the coast of the island or on coastal cliffs you can see seals - the only mammals living in the waters of Lake Ladoga. In addition, there is a large colony of gulls and many migratory birds. Eighty percent of the territory of Konevets is covered by pine and spruce forests. Deciduous trees also grow on the island : alder, birch, mountain ash, aspen, linden, oaks, maples, poplar, chestnuts and acacia. Over the past six centuries, people have imported and planted gooseberries and currants, raspberries, plums, cherries, apple trees and lilacs.

Konevets Island: Attractions

Konevets Island Attractions

The object in question is incredibly attractive both for lovers of ecotourism and for those who wish to get acquainted with its unique sights. In particular, tourists come to Konevets to see the so-called Horse-stone, which is a huge boulder with a diameter of 10 m, in shape resembling a horse’s skull. In the pre-Christian era, it was a pagan altar on which Finnish tribes performed sacrifices. According to legend, Saint Arseniy Konevsky, who settled on the island in the 14th century, expelled from Horse Stone ungodly spirits that turned into ravens. In memory of this miracle in 1895, a small chapel was built on the boulder, which exists to this day.

Konevets - an island considered one of the centers of Orthodoxy in the west of Russia; for more than 6 centuries it has been of great interest to travelers. For example, Alexander II with his family, Alexander Dumas, Nikolai Leskov and Fedor Tyutchev visited here at one time. Tourists who follow their example will be able to see the magnificent Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and several other buildings of the 19th century.

Konevets Island: how to get

To get to Konevets, you should go to the Finland Station in St. Petersburg and take the train heading to Priozersk or to the Kuznechnoye station. You must get off at the Gromovo station and transfer to the bus following the Sosnovo - Vladimirovka route.

Konevets - island

Going to the island of Konevets (photos of the object are presented in the article) in your own car, you should leave St. Petersburg along the Priozersky highway and turn right for 106 km. Then, after driving 0.5 km, at the fork in the village of Plodovoye, make a left, then proceed straight through the village of Zaostrovye to the intersection and turn right. After 4 km, there will be a fork in front of the tourists, where you should turn along the sign "Vladimirskaya Bay", and after 1 km (near the bus stop) - to the left, towards the pier.

Konevets Island photo

If the trip takes place in the summer, then you need to wait for the boat cruising between the village of Vladimirovka and the island of Konevets. If we are talking about a winter trip when Ladoga is covered with ice, then you can get there on foot along one of the trails. Do not be afraid to get lost, since the distance that you have to go is only 5 km, and the island is clearly visible from the coast.

Best time to visit

Unfortunately, the island of Konevets, travel reviews on which are always enthusiastic, is a rather inaccessible place. Those who have often been there do not recommend going on such a trip during the period from late October to early December and from late March to early April. The fact is that otherwise the tourist may be ashore at a time when navigation is difficult, and it is dangerous to move on ice. You should not go to Konevets in June, as this month there is an increased activity of mosquitoes.

Konevets island, reviews

Where to spend the night

Konevets is an island where in summer tourists and pilgrims will not have problems with organizing an overnight stay. As an option - just put up a tent in the forest. In addition, Orthodox tourists can spend the night in a monastery. If we are talking about visiting the island in winter, then the only way out is to take a bed in a small guest house on the shore. The building belongs to the Konevsky monastery and is intended specifically for pilgrims.

Holy place

As already mentioned, for several centuries Konevets is a place of regular pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians. Such a trip has its own characteristics and rules. In particular, those who wish to go to the Konevsky shrines should contact the monastery pilgrimage service, operating at the St. Petersburg courtyard at Zagorodny pr., House 7. In addition, the pilgrimage is not just an excursion. You need to prepare very carefully and seriously for him, to properly tune in. Be sure to talk with the priest whom you trust in order to receive a blessing and to listen to the advice of a wise and experienced person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7764/

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