War Thunder: Tank Games Guide

Should I use the guides for War Thunder? In any case, we recommend that you at least familiarize yourself with them. Yes, sometimes quite strange and ineffective options come across, but if you try, you can find quite suitable guides. The main thing is to have a desire to play the game, know the terminology and get ready for practical use. If all this does not scare you, then you can safely begin to study useful recommendations. And today we’ll talk about ground equipment.

We play on ground equipment

Guides for beginners in War Thunder are not so popular, as players like to learn everything themselves. We support this initiative, but do not miss the opportunity to give some advice:

  1. It’s much harder to play on tanks.
  2. Be sure to read all the specifications.
  3. Do not try to quickly go through all stages of development, it is better to break in each piece of equipment, so you will quickly figure out all the nuances available.
Tanks perfectly complement War Thunder

Such banal tips are guaranteed to work. In principle, guides for War Thunder are a small reminder of simple things. And as practice shows, this must be done necessarily and regularly. And given that the foundation is ready, we can proceed to the initial stage: the choice of a nation.

What nation to start playing for?

In total, several nations are available in the game:

  • USA;
  • Germany;
  • USSR;
  • Great Britain;
  • Japan;
  • Italy;
  • France.
The game has several sides to the conflict.

In fact, each side has its own interesting types of technology and can offer unique options. But even with this option, we highly recommend that you start pumping from the USSR. This nation has the most balanced tanks and allows you to get comfortable in the game. We will not consider each tank individually, but immediately note that at first it is quite difficult to realize the potential, but after the T-34 things will go uphill.

What is worth considering?

Choosing a nation, you should decide on the style of the game. You won’t be able to do this right away, since tactics depend on how you like to play, which tank you drive, etc. There are a large number of tank guides in War Thunder that reveal a variety of features and nuances. But we will only note the main points that will allow you to decide on a personal strategy of actions:

  • Be sure to use the mini-card, it will provide you with an information field and will enable you to accurately determine further activity.
  • You should not immediately rush into battle, attack gradually, it is better to first shoot from afar and enter the clinch exclusively in hopeless situations.
  • Consider the composition of your team, thanks to the correct positioning and use of the advantages of other equipment, you can accurately determine the scenario for further actions.
  • Be sure to take into account the class of equipment on which you play. Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, try to implement them correctly.
  • Do not forget that the tank, standing at an angle, is difficult to break through.
  • Play from the tower.
  • Try to attack enemies from different sides.
  • Do not forget about the basic tasks.
Veterans in the game are capable of much

The guides in War Thunder describe a large number of actions and secrets, indicating the particular advantage of a particular technique. But sometimes they forget that the situation mainly depends on the prevailing conditions. It is very difficult to predict exactly how the battle will begin. Therefore, you just need to remember our recommendations, be careful in the battle and try to immediately respond to a changing situation.

Features of technology classes

In the final part of our small guide on War Thunder, I would like to note the main features of the classes of equipment:

  1. Light tanks are the fastest, fastest, and weakest in terms of booking. Mostly they serve for reconnaissance and are very strong provided that they have a couple more of the same tankers in the allies.
  2. Medium tanks are a universal class, which should operate depending on the situation. They perfectly perform the role of "fireflies", overwhelming strength and support. The main thing is not to risk much and clearly calculate your chances of completing one or another maneuver.
  3. Heavy tanks are slow, armored and quite powerful. They serve as a "shield" and must push through the flanks of enemies, taking damage on themselves.
  4. Self-propelled guns - artillery units. Very weak in melee, but have the ability to throw projectiles over long distances, causing tremendous damage. Among them there is a small subclass: tank destroyers, the purpose of which is the targeted destruction of tanks. They must act exclusively from afar, taking full advantage of camouflage.
  5. ZSU - the only way to organize the defense of ground equipment from air attacks. In simple terms, they serve as protection against aircraft.

That's all the information that may be helpful. We remind you that this guide is intended exclusively for beginners. Veterans of the game will not learn anything new from it. But all new players will receive good information on how to act and what to choose. We wish you successful fights!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7768/

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