Eichornia azure: types, features of content, photo

Eichornia azure (pictured) is a popular aquarium plant. In nature, it usually grows along the banks of bodies of water with stagnant water or a very slow flow.

Aquatic azure eichhornia is a member of the Pontederiev family. In natural conditions, nature densely grows on the surface of water bodies, covering large areas with its surface stems and leaves. In this case, the underwater part practically does not develop and makes up a tiny part of the whole plant.

Blooming Eichornia

Azurena azure can be found mainly in swamps, ponds and lakes of South America, the northern parts of Argentina, in freshwater bodies of North America and Africa.

The stem of eichhornia, located under water, consists of short internodes, and the part that is above the water has long internodes. Leaves protruding above the surface of the water, have the shape of an oval with a ribbed surface, the petiole is also elongated.

The underwater leaves are elongated and pointed, in appearance resembling a palm branch of a bright green color.

During the flowering period, Eichornia is covered with beautiful flowers of blue, purple or pink with a dark middle. The plant blooms in just one day.


Floating eichhornia are of various types: azure, variegated, and thoracic (water hyacinth), varieties of seed, floating.

The many-leafed is in many ways similar to the azure, but the surface part does not grow on it. Growing, it becomes like a beautiful dense thicket.

Eichornia azure

The centipede species is more common than the rest. The plant is called differently - eichhornia is beautiful, water hyacinth, green or water plague. They called her a plague because of the peculiarity of tightly covering water bodies with a thick layer of surface leaves.

Water hyacinth blooms surprisingly beautiful, but only one day. The plant has filiform roots, and its petioles seem to be swollen because they are filled with air. The latter helps the plant stay on the surface of the water.

Varieties of seed Eichornia is considered a marsh plant, growing mainly in shallow water and on silty shores. The stem and petiole are painted wine red.

Floating view is quite rare. This plant is thermophilic and photophilous, in an aquarium it can live only in soft water saturated with nutrients. The leaves are shaped like a heart.

Prerequisites for keeping in the aquarium

Eichhoria should be planted in an aquarium in small groups in the center or in the back of the structure. For maintenance, only the lower underwater part of the plant is used, so the upper one must be trimmed as it grows. If this is not done, then the specimen will lose its attractive appearance, and the lower leaves will gradually fly around.

Azure echornia is most suitable for keeping in an aquarium with water at a temperature of 19-28 ° C. As for stiffness, the best indicator would be dH 2-15 °. The optimum level of acidity of the water should be pH 4.5-7.0.

Plant on the pond

Eichhornia will require high-quality circulation and water filtration, as well as a weekly change of about 25%. This resident of the aquarium loves light, so you need to take care of sufficient lighting with fluorescent lamps, with an intensity of 0.7 W / l or more. The correct daylight hours for eichhornia is considered to be 12-hour.

If the plant becomes thin and weak, and the lower leaves turn black and rot, then lighting is not enough. To maintain a decorative look, periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and CO 2 is required.

In general, no extraordinary methods are needed to maintain azure eichhornia, because the plant feels great with minimal requirements.


The presence of soil is not important for eichhornia. It is allowed to immerse the rhizome directly in the water.

Thickets of plants

If necessary, you can take a moderately silted soil of small fractions, about 4-5 cm in thickness. Better if it is a mixture of clay, sand or peat. From peat soil a beautiful green rug is obtained.


Despite the ability of the plant to bloom, this can only interfere in the aquarium. Only underwater parts will be more valuable.

Bushes of azure eichhornia in the aquarium, located to the very edge, will create a beautiful background for any kind of fish. In the center or front, they harmoniously fit into almost any composition. An amazing design is obtained if you have shoots in the form of a ladder.

The plant, as it grows, can reach a length of 60 cm. And if you managed to successfully breed it, then real dense thickets form, because of which most of the aquarium can hide in the shade.


In an aquarium, it is not possible to obtain azure echornia seeds. Reproduction is carried out by the vegetative method.

Lateral shoots formed at the ends of daughter processes with leaves can be easily separated. It is necessary to do the procedure with caution, because eichornia juice can cause irritation and itching of the skin. It contains alkaloids and hydrocyanic acid, which cause allergies.

The cuttings of eichhornia quickly take root, without causing any problems for both the inhabitants and the owners of the aquarium.

Natural water purifier

Eichornia azure, due to its unpretentiousness, is suitable for keeping in spacious aquariums, paludariums, garden ponds and decorative pools. It has the exceptional ability to process organic pollutants.

Flowering plant

The main in the process of purification are the mesh roots of the plant with long lateral hairs. The root system of Eichornia is able to process phenol, cadmium, phosphates, insecticides, nickel and silver. She even feels better in that reservoir where there is a certain amount of pollutants.

The aquarium plant Eichornia azure is a kind of natural filter that purifies water from excess salts that adversely affect fish.


Eichornia azure is easy to cultivate and maintain, fits perfectly into any decor, and tolerates a trim.

This plant with small requirements will become a decoration of any aquarium. Timely care will allow you to enjoy a wonderful view for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7769/

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