Indian Vedas: universal sacred knowledge

The Indian Vedas are the oldest scriptures written presumably in the second millennium BC. The Vedas contain spiritual knowledge, covering all aspects of life and regulating social, legal, everyday, religious life. They describe the rules that must be followed at the birth of a new person, marriage, death, etc.

Indian Vedas

When the Arians mastered the Hindustan Peninsula, they did not have a written language, respectively, and chronicles that would record in chronological order the events of both external and internal life. Spiritual history, dating back to time immemorial, has come down to us in poetry collections, which were originally transmitted over the centuries through the oral tradition.

The Indian Vedas, written in a special kind of language that does not coincide with Sanskrit and is closest to Avestan, contain hymns, descriptions of the details of various rituals, spells and conspiracies that should be used to protect against all sorts of diseases and misfortunes. According to the orthodox interpretation, the composition of hymns was perceived as a sacred act. Their creators were not just priests, but seers. Obtaining knowledge from the gods, they comprehended them with intuition or โ€œinner gazeโ€.

According to tradition, the Indian Vedas were collected and classified into four collections (samhitas) by the sage Vyasa. He is the author of the epic work Mahabharata, as well as the Vedanta Sutra. The question as to whether he was the only person who divided the single collection into four parts, or whether several scientists did this, is still the subject of discussion. One way or another, but the word "vyasa" means "separation."

Vedas are Indian

The Indian Vedas, containing the essence of ancient philosophy, are literature that has stood the test of time and has high religious authority for all of humanity. It must be said that a diverse literature arose on their foundation. These are the Brahmins, Upanishads, Aranyakas. The purpose of the comments was to make accessible the understanding of the sacred texts to future generations. Thus, the "brahmanas" offer a comprehensive interpretation (theological, etymological, grammatical), explain how all the Vedas are related.

Indian Vedas read

The Indian knowledge contained in these collections is the basis not only for local beliefs; in fact, all the major religions on the planet to one degree or another were under their influence in the process of their creation. It is clear that today these roots are forgotten. But among modern religions, there is one that preserves the flame of Vedic wisdom - Hinduism.

Serious steps have been taken over the centuries to preserve the greatest heritage, even though its meaning and meaning are poorly understood today. The messages in these scriptures are very thoughtful and remain beyond the reach of ordinary people. Of course, any person can spend a lot of time studying the Indian Vedas (read them, try to understand the hidden meaning), but in general this enterprise will have little success. The main reason, as a rule, is that our landmark is modernity. But still, many are trying to comprehend the truth of the scriptures, which are the gateway to the depths of eternity.


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