Calculation of heat transfer from the heating register

The register of the heating system is a device made of smooth-walled pipelines. According to its design features, the register served as the basis for most radiators. Very often, these devices are located in technical and industrial premises. In addition, there are cases when they are installed in apartments as part of autonomous heating systems. However, not everyone knows how to calculate the heat transfer of the register.

register heat transfer calculation

Main types and specifications

There are several main varieties of these heating devices. Registers are classified by installation method, form of execution and material. Therefore, before calculating the registers from smooth pipes for heating, we will consider in more detail each group of these devices.

calculation of heat transfer register from smooth pipes

According to the form of execution

  1. Sectional registers. Such heat exchangers are made of one or more smooth-walled pipelines with a diameter of 25 to 400 mm, interconnected by nozzles and closed with plugs. The coolant through the pipe enters the upper section, and flows into the next section at the opposite end, etc.
  2. Coil (S-shaped) devices - pipelines are connected by arcs, resulting in a continuous pipe. This form allows you to use the surface of the device as a whole, which increases the effective area of ​​the heat exchanger. Below we consider how to calculate the heat transfer of a register from smooth pipes.

By installation method

Registers for heating systems are divided into portable and stationary. Portable or mobile devices, as a rule, are used in rooms where temporary support of the set temperature is required before the device of the main heating system. For example, during the construction of a new building or during repair work in the garage. In such systems, antifreeze or synthetic oils are used as a heat carrier , and heat energy is generated by means of electric heating elements.

heat transfer calculation of the heating register

By material

  1. Steel registers. This is the most popular type of instrument made of steel. It is also worth noting that steel is a fairly durable material. It is perfectly welded and at the same time has good thermal conductivity.
  2. Cast iron devices. Currently, the most popular registers of cast iron pipelines. But, despite the low cost, this material is quite fragile and unstable to mechanical damage. In addition, cast iron is poorly welded, which makes installation difficult.
  3. Aluminum registers. In popularity, these devices are slightly inferior to the registers of steel pipes. At the same time, they have several advantages: they look attractive, weigh a little, give off heat well and are resistant to corrosion. The main and only drawback of aluminum registers is the high price.

Heat Transfer Calculation: Highlights

During the installation of the heating system, many are interested in the calculation of registers from smooth pipes. How to calculate that there are not too many of them (it will be very hot) or too little (it will be cool)?

calculation of registers from smooth pipes for heating

  1. For a private house or apartment there is no need to calculate the exact figure, since in this case the specific temperature value does not matter. It is important that the temperature regime is optimal.
  2. The simplest calculation: one section (cast iron or aluminum) should fall on 2 m 2 , one section (bimetal) on 1.5 m 2 .
  3. If the ceiling is more than 3 meters, add one section. If there is a balcony, one or two sections are also added, depending on whether the balcony is insulated or not. A section is added if the room is angular.
  4. Since the flow temperature of the coolant is regulated by the communal service, it is allowed for the apartments to calculate the heat transfer of the register regardless of climate.
  5. In private homes, this calculation is not suitable due to the fact that too hot water enters the system . This gives a strong overheat if the structure is located in warm regions.
  6. In addition, the heat transfer calculation of the heating register can be performed using online calculators. To do this, you need to enter some data, and then the program will calculate the required number of pipes.

Calculation Method

When choosing this device, it is important to choose the diameter of the pipelines from which the register will be made. The most optimal diameter is 32 mm, but it is allowed to install registers of another diameter, but not more than 80 mm. If the diameter is more than 80 mm, then there simply may not be enough power of the heating system to warm up such a device, since the boiler will not be able to supply the required volume of coolant.

calculation of registers from smooth pipes how to calculate

In order to correctly select this plumbing element and calculate the heat transfer of the register, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • The material from which the structure is made.
  • Wall thickness.
  • The number of window and doorways.

When calculating the heat transfer of the register, it is necessary to know the heat transfer value of one linear meter of the pipeline. For example, one linear meter of a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm can heat 1m 2 of a room with a height of not more than 3 meters.

The table below shows an approximate calculation of the heat transfer of the register depending on the diameter of the pipelines.

Pipe diameter, mm253240577689110133167
Heated area, m 2 .0.500.560.690.941.191.371.662.002.43

The table shows data with a ceiling height of not more than 3 meters. In other words, to heat 60 m 2, you will need 87 meters of pipeline with a diameter of 40 mm or 44 meters with a diameter of 89 mm. After the calculations, it is necessary to make drawings. You will also need to consider all the nuances of register placement in the room.

Register mounting

When installing the registers, the most expensive are welding work, which as a result will become a determining factor when choosing between a radiator and a register. However, you can do without them. The joints in this case are connected using threaded joints, which, although they are somewhat inferior to the joints in welding, can also serve for a rather long time.

how to calculate heat transfer

During installation of these devices, it is necessary to observe a slight slope (0.05 ‰) in the direction of movement of the coolant.


So, summing up, it is worth noting that the registers are able to compete with other varieties of heating appliances. The most optimal configuration of the device should be selected individually for each specific case, taking into account personal wishes and features of the room. However, the manufacture of heating registers, as well as their installation, is still advisable to entrust to professionals.


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