Food chain in nature

The fauna and flora are closely interconnected. Each process taking place in the world of plants or animals unites them. The food chain that connects them is a good example.

Every living creature needs to be nourished in order to grow and develop. Everyone needs food. But for every living organism you need your own nutrition. Plants use solar energy, water, and essential components from the air to grow. In the animal kingdom, things are different. They need a substance for nutrition, and they themselves cannot produce it. These living things use plants and other animals to feed. This is the simplest food chain in nature. It connects the flora and fauna, located in a specific area.

Predators eat herbivorous animals, together they make up a longer chain. As a result of the vital activity of animals, substances arise that enter the soil and decompose. In this case, organic compounds are formed . They are consumed by plants. So the food chain closes.
This is the simplest type of connection between the plant and animal world. Typically, the food chain has a complex structure. It consists of many plants and animals, as well as microorganisms.

The food chain is of two types. The first species is a grazing chain or a grazing chain. The plants that stand at its origins are food for herbivores. Followed by predators that eat these animals.

The second type begins with the remains of animals, including herbivores, which, when decomposed, serve as food for microorganisms. This chain of decomposition.
Any area of ​​the earth has its own food chain. It depends on what animals and plants live there. There is a food chain of the sea, steppes, forests, meadows, etc.

The food chain of any zone begins, as a rule, with the plant world. Its representatives are eaten by small animals or animals that feed exclusively on plant foods. Further on the rise are followed by predators. There are scavengers that feed on dead animals and plants. They also occupy a certain place in this chain.

Nature is a very subtle mechanism in which everything is interconnected. Any failure in the plant or animal world leads to an imbalance. The disappearance of any representative of this complex system leads to its violation. This can cause the extinction of other species. The extermination of animals and the destruction of plants is unacceptable. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to control.

Therefore, many food chains are destroyed, which jeopardizes the existence of some representatives of the animal and plant world. The reason for this is man. Speaking about the structure of the food chain, it should be noted that it stands in its forefront. It is man who is the most important predator in nature. If people did not violate natural selection and allowed the ecosystem to recover, then the problem would not exist.

Unfortunately, uncontrolled extermination of animals and plants occurs everywhere. Nature is not able to restore balance on its own. Only in the power of man to stop this destruction and help the world around us. Ecologists around the world are sounding the alarm and are engaged in the rescue of plants and animals.
It is clear that as a result of such rash human activities, an environmental disaster can occur . Some species of animals and plants are destroyed and irretrievably lost to humanity. Others are on the verge of extinction. Only in our power to prevent them from disappearing.

Man needs to learn to live in harmony with nature, without breaking its food chains. Only then can we hope that in the future we will be able to enjoy the beauty of plants, admire graceful and strong animals and observe insects.


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