Jumpers: the pros and cons (Komarovsky). Jumpers: Pros and Cons

Very often there are disputes on the topic: "Jumpers for and against." Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich (a famous pediatrician) speaks out on this subject unequivocally. Unlike many mothers and generous relatives, among whom there is an opinion that jumpers are the most successful gift for the birth of a baby, he does not have any doubts.

Jumpers for and against Komarovsky

What are jumpers?

Jumpers or a children's developmental simulator is a design that is fixed in the doorway. Due to the rubber holders, the child can bounce and swing in different directions. To do this, he just needs to push his legs off the floor.

This entertainment, as a rule, causes stormy delight in the baby, and the mother frees her hands. Thus, she can do some household chores while the baby is having fun on his mini-attraction. Many parents choose jumpers as their child’s entertainment. The price of this product is low, and then they can be gifted or sold, because the period of use of jumpers is short, and during this period of time they will not lose a presentable appearance.

jumpers photo

At what age do parents think about purchasing jumpers?

The average age when adults put the child in the jumpers is 3-4 months.

If a child confidently holds his head by 2 months, then you can try to put him in jumpers, but only after consulting a pediatrician, orthopedist and neurologist.

If you listen to the advice of a well-known children's doctor, then in his video, where he discusses the topic “Walkers, jumpers: pros and cons,” Komarovsky does not give a clear answer at what age you can resort to these devices. Moreover, he clearly formulates the idea that the time that the child will spend in them should be minimal.

But most often this developmental simulator for children is recommended after 4 months. For this age, models are selected that have devices for support in the armpits.

jumps for children

If the child is more than 6 months old, he can already buy other jumpers, the age is just such that a model without support is suitable.

Specialists who advocate for jumpers recommend starting their use when the baby already knows how to hold toys in their hands, trying to manipulate them and trying to actively learn about the surrounding reality.

Why buy jumpers?

Jumpers for children are usually purchased in order to entertain the child. In fact, this desire has a hidden meaning. Adults rush time, they want the baby to quickly get on his feet and be able to contemplate the world around him in an upright position.

jumpers Price

Naturally, we, adults, are more familiar and more comfortable, therefore, it seems to us that the child is also more interesting and more useful for general development.

Plus, this is a telling name, which is also misleading - "a developing simulator for children." What mother does not want her child to develop physically? And for this, is she ready to use jumpers, the price of which does not bite compared to many developmental toys?

The main arguments of manufacturers in favor of jumpers

  1. Jumpers help the baby to master upright posture.
  2. A little researcher begins to realize that he can control his movements, adjust the speed and acceleration of his jumps.
  3. During the "exercises" on the developmental simulator strengthen the muscles of the legs and back.
  4. Considering the question "jumpers for and against," Komarovsky mentions the very first and most important advantage of this invention - the free hands of mother.
  5. During the stay of the child in the jumpers, his vestibular apparatus develops, coordination of movements improves.
  6. The child’s hands while in the jumpers are free, and he can do some other useful work, for example, wrinkle a rough object in his hands.
  7. Jumpers lead the child into indescribable delight, because this new position allows him to make new discoveries and explore the world while standing.
  8. In jumpers, the child is protected from dangerous objects.

Variety of models

Today, the market for children's products offers a huge number of jumpers of various designs. Models differ from each other by means of fastening, seat structure, spring elements. This factor can be attributed to what encourages parents to acquire jumpers.

The most popular on the market of children's products are the so-called VIP models, which include 3 functions: jumpers, swings, bungee. Their main plus is that the age of the child for this developmental simulator is up to 2 years, in contrast to the classical model.

jumpers swing

When can not jumpers be used categorically?

Despite the fact that there is no unequivocal opinion on the benefits or dangers of this entertainment, there are a number of situations where jumpers for children are prohibited. It is worth paying special attention so as not to harm your baby.

  • You can not put the child in the jumpers when his skin is inflamed where there is close contact with the elements of the product.
  • If the baby does not hold his head, such entertainment is not for him.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use jumpers when a child has violations in the field of neurology and orthopedics.

Dear Doctor Against Jumpers

In a wonderful video entitled “Jumpers: Pros and Cons" Komarovsky very clearly explains the harm of “verticalizing” devices for children. These include jumpers and walkers.

The most important and convincing argument is this. First, the child must know himself and the world in a horizontal position. It is inherent in nature that babies first learn to crawl, and then they already stand and walk. And this is no accident.

Everything in the kid is “planned” by nature. She protects the incompletely formed children's spine from the heavy load that jumpers exert on him.

In addition, during crawling, muscles and ligaments of the back are formed, which later become the key to a healthy erect posture.

More arguments of opponents of jumpers

Not only Dr. Komarovsky is against the use of a children's developmental simulator. Many pediatricians also come up with their thoughts on the dangers of using jumpers.

  • There is a violation of muscle tone when the child is put in jumpers. A photo of the child in this position clearly shows that there is compression in the perineum.
    jumpers age
  • If adults do not control the time the child stays in jumpers, a long load creates a large load on the legs. In the future, this can result in deformation of the bones of the legs and even lead to curvature of the spine.
  • Jumpers create obstacles to the development of the foot, the transition to standing on a full foot is erased, thus, it is difficult to develop a sense of balance.
  • By “jumping”, the child gets used to the fact that he leans on both feet, this in the future can lead to problems in learning to walk.

Observe safety precautions

If the choice is made and you want to buy a child jumpers, photos of happy children in this device do not give rest, and you want to please your baby, then you need to follow a number of security measures. This will minimize all risks.

  1. Limit the length of time your child dives. It should be no more than 15 minutes at a time. You can “jump” several times a day.
  2. When the child has not yet learned to sit, then to reduce the load on the spine, the baby’s posture is fixed with special straps that stretch out under the armpits. When the spine becomes stronger, it will be possible to remove these straps.
  3. Before letting the baby “jump freely”, it is worth checking the accessibility of the edges of the furniture, which the child may be injured in when they accidentally collide with them.

Jumpers for and against Komarovsky
It can be seen that opinions about the dangers and benefits of jumpers differ, but it is worth treating everything, listening to common sense. After all, a child can grow up healthy and strong in jumpers, and can have a bunch of health problems if he has never been planted in either jumpers or walkers. Everything is very individual, and you should focus only on your baby and on his state of health today.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7794/

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