Primrose, care of which does not present any difficulties

These wonderful spring flowers have been grown by people for centuries. Such a commitment to the flower is due to the fact that the primrose, care for which does not give gardeners any special worries, pleases with its flowering for a long time.

Primrose genus includes many varieties of flowers of the primrose family, which are common throughout Central Europe, as well as in the temperate climatic zone of North America and Asia. A feature of some species of primroses, the care and reproduction of which are simple, is that they can bloom repeatedly in the fall. This flower is also often grown as an indoor potted plant.

Primrose can be annual and perennial. They belong to stemless herbs. Their leaves are green, rosette, slightly corrugated, located on short petioles. A short rhizome grows, and then throws out a lot of floral arrows with pleasantly smelling flowers of different colors. It’s hard to imagine all the colorfulness of primroses. Some species have flowers with a brightly colored core and two-tone petals. This plant has single flowers, but there are specimens with umbellate inflorescences, with terry or simple corollas. Growing this plant in yourself, it should be borne in mind that the primrose, the care of which is simple, will delight the flowering longer if you place this flower in a cool, slightly shaded place. These flowers prefer drained soils. They can be transplanted even blooming. The primrose is propagated by dividing the bushes. Division is performed at the end of the flowering period. The primrose, the care of which before dividing the bush consists in good watering, is dug up and divided into 4-8 parts (depending on the size of the plant). New plantings need to be watered daily in the evening. Young plantings need to be shaded from the sun. In spring and summer primroses also reproduce with leaf sockets, easily rooted after 3 weeks. This flower can also be propagated by seeds, but this is a more time-consuming process.

Primrose is used for rabatki, borders, as a decoration of lawns. Often these flowers are distilled, and stemless hybrids of primrose - for growing in pots. Some varieties of high primrose are grown for cutting. Few people know how to care for room primrose. But this is not at all difficult to do.

Primrose akaulis, care for which is the same as for other species, is the most common. This species has many hybrid forms. Flowers located on short pedicels can be of various colors. They are collected in the center of the rosettes of bright green, corrugated leaves. This plant is cultivated at home. Primrose akaulis begins to bloom in winter. This plant does not bloom again in the room.

Primrose, room care:

1. Flowers are placed on well-lit window sills or on insulated balconies and terraces, but not in direct sunlight. Most suitable for primrose eastern and western windows.

2. The temperature in winter and during flowering in spring should not fall below 8 Β° C, but they feel better at 12 Β° C. These flowers bloom well in greenhouses and inside window frames. When the temperature rises, the flowers can quickly fall. In summer, the primrose should be taken out into the open air, placing it in the shade.

3. The soil should be moist during flowering. Overdrying often leads to the death of a flower. Water the primrose with soft water, trying to prevent water from entering the leaves. During dormancy, watering plants are reduced.

4. The plant prefers high humidity, but it should not be sprayed. The pot is usually placed in a pan with water.

5. During the period of budding and active flowering, you need to regularly feed the plants with liquid fertilizers.

6. Perennial primrose transplanted in the fall. Propagate indoor specimens in the same way as the rest of the species.


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