Etiquette and culture of France

It's no secret that France is considered to be one of the "classical countries of etiquette." The term etiquette really has a French origin, but you can not call this country its homeland. If you look at the history of European countries, you can find that back in the Middle Ages , many of them, including France, were dominated by ignorance, rudeness of morals, dominance of brute force and violence. Etiquette at that time in the modern sense of the word was out of the question. In addition, for many centuries the country was involved in numerous feuds (at the moment we can talk about both the front and the revolution of 1789), when his military merits were considered the main merit of a man . However, today we are talking about France as a country with a unique lifestyle and style, which is reflected in all spheres of human life.

Currently, etiquette is an integral companion of the cultural life of the French Republic. According to him, one of the most important personality traits is the ability to show individuality and demonstrate indifference to the opinions of others. The culture of France gave rise to a very liberated in communication, famous for grace and ease of manners, a nation, one of the main life priorities of which is thought. A real Frenchman is not guided in his life by the instructions, formalities and behavior patterns of other people.

The French are very emotional and temperamental, and therefore the etiquette of the country allows them to express their emotions and thoughts not only with words, but also through gestures and facial expressions. A friendly greeting on the cheek and a handshake is considered the traditional greeting sign in the country. Etiquette and culture of France also allow patting the interlocutor on the shoulder during a conversation. As you know, each person has an intimate area of ​​communication - the distance at which he is comfortable when communicating with strangers. If in Russia this zone is limited by the distance of an outstretched hand, then the French culture allows you to come much closer during a conversation. Moreover, French etiquette does not accept familiarity, which is considered bad form in the country. The French, as a rule, do not talk about their inner feelings and feelings to unfamiliar people, especially foreigners.

The ability to speak correctly and beautifully in the country is given special importance, this is taught, as a rule, from an early age. The French are fluent in the art of eloquence, are excellent psychologists and do not tolerate irony in their address. In the country it is not customary to address strangers by name. Usually for such purposes impersonal appeals are used: "Monsieur", "Madame", "Mademoiselle". Calling a stranger by name should only be done if he himself asks for it. Greeting or saying goodbye, you should also add impersonal treatment to the end of the phrase.

As you know, France belongs to a number of countries with the highest standard of living, this is due primarily to its economic and political position in the world. The political culture of France also has a certain etiquette and is characterized by a high interest of ordinary citizens in the political life of the country. Most of its residents love the history of their country, the language of their people, have an active life position.

Any country follows the path of development, over time, people's views, their worldview, and hence cultural values , change . The etiquette and culture of France of the 20th century, of course, are significantly different from the cultural traditions of earlier centuries. However, even today the culture of France among many foreigners is associated, first of all, with friendliness, gallantry, grace, high etiquette.


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