How many missions in GTA 5 on PC?

Many computer games offer users only a plot. Of course, it can be incredibly exciting, but still gamers usually want something more. If this is not an open world and not limited to freeplay, then at least some bonuses and secrets to somehow diversify the passage. And if some projects may have problems in terms of originality, then this danger certainly does not threaten the GTA series, which today remains one of the most original, since the number of possibilities in each part for its time can easily be called almost unlimited. That is why, if you think that it will be enough for you to go through the storyline in the game to finish it, then you are mistaken. To get the cherished 100%, you will need much more effort. And here the question already arises: "How many missions in GTA 5? What to strive for?"

Variety of missions

how many missions in gta 5

If you are interested in the question of how many missions are in GTA 5, then this article will help you figure it out. In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It cannot be said that all tasks are divided exclusively into story and non-story: the system is much more ramified. Even plot tasks are divided into two types, which will be discussed later. What can we say about side quests, which can be divided into a large number of sections. In any case, you only need about twenty-five hours to go through the storyline, but the whole game you can go through about a hundred hours. However, all this information is introductory, because at the moment the most important and relevant question is: "How many missions in GTA 5?"

Main story missions

how many robbery missions in gta 5

If you want to understand how many missions are in GTA 5, then you should consider everything in order. Accordingly, it is worth starting with the plot tasks, which, as already mentioned, are divided into two types. The first is the robberies, which are the most important and key in the plot. Your goal in the game is to rob six different points, which will become available to you as the plot develops. You will carry out your first robbery in the first training mission, but the other five will be much more difficult. Please note that these tasks are scattered throughout the storyline, so that for you the gaming experience is the sharpest and most pleasant. However, this should not bother you, and if you are interested in how many robbery missions are in GTA 5, then there is only one answer: there are six of them. But at the same time you should understand that everything is not limited to robberies alone.

Other story missions

how many major missions in gta 5

You already know that there are six key robbery missions in this game. But how many main missions in GTA 5 in total? In fact, there are quite a lot of them, otherwise how would twenty-five hours of gameplay have accumulated? So, taking into account six robbery tasks in total, there are 69 story missions in GTA 5 that will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of the fictional Los Santos and definitely will not leave you indifferent. What you just do not have to do: and go in pursuit, and conduct a fierce firefight, and fly a helicopter, and dive to the ocean floor. At the same time, all tasks are interconnected by a fairly strong storyline, which cannot be said about most of the previous games in the series, which were frankly focused on freeplay. Well, now you know how many missions in GTA 5 on PC in the storyline campaign. But, as you already understood, you will need to complete many more tasks in order to get 100% completion.

Freaks and strangers

how many missions in gta 5 per pc

If you are interested in how many missions are in GTA 5 on the Xbox 360 or any other platform, then you should definitely pay attention not only to the plot tasks, but also to those that do not affect the storyline. For example, on the streets of the city there is a separate class of characters who are called cranks and strangers. When you meet them, you can get a certain number of secondary tasks from them. They can be carried out, or you can ignore them, but it is recommended that you deal with them for a number of good reasons. Firstly, it diversifies your passage, secondly, you can earn good money on some of the tasks, and thirdly, as mentioned earlier, without this you will not get a 100% completion. So go in search of all the strangers who in total will give you another 58 missions. Just remember that some of the strangers will agree to speak with only one of your three characters. Well, now you know about one more type of tasks, but still you still have not received a specific answer to the question of how many missions in GTA 5 are on PC.


how many missions in gta 5 on the xbox 360

If you are considering the question of how many missions are in GTA 5 on PS3 and other platforms, then you should also pay attention to hobbies and entertainments that your characters can engage in. Here we are talking, for example, about playing darts, street racing, shooting at a shooting range and so on. This is a good way to have fun, have fun, prove to everyone their superiority and get bonus for the victory. But also do not forget for a second about the cherished 100%, because you will need to perfectly cope with the competitions in both racing and darts in order to achieve an absolute result.

Additional tasks

how many missions in gta 5 on pc

This section will list those tasks that cannot be fully attributed to missions. This is difficult to explain, so it is better to demonstrate with an example. You will complete one of the tasks if you acquire five real estate properties. You will also be awarded a reward if you make your first purchase not in a real store, but via the Internet. However, note that these tasks do not affect your progress, as they do not add you interest. This is probably justified by the fact that almost all of them you will automatically perform during the game.

Random events

how many missions in gta 5 on ps3

Do not forget also about a very important section of random events, as they also relate to tasks, and they must be taken into account if you want to calculate the total number of missions in the game. A total of 57 events may happen to you, but for this you will have to spend a lot of time in the game. What are they? These are absolutely random events that can happen to any of your characters on the street at any given moment in the game. For example, there is an event that will allow you to chase a bandit who robbed a person at an ATM, and here you have to make a moral choice: keep the returned money to yourself or transfer it to the owner for a fee. There are a lot of such events, and you can not influence in any way whether they will happen or not. You just have to wait.

Total number of missions

So, it's time to calculate how many missions there are in GTA 5. You should start with story missions, which together with robberies are 69. After that, we talked about missions from strangers, there are 58 of them. Then we examined hobbies, which also belong to missions in the game , there are 59 of them. Well, there are only random events, of which there are 57. Thus, it turns out that in GTA 5 there are 243 missions in total, and this does not take into account additional tasks that simply do not go into the overall standings of the game, therefore they are not worth it include in the bill. However, there is another important question that plagues many gamers: do I need to complete absolutely all tasks in order to get 100% completion? It would seem that it would be quite logical, but the developers do not require the impossible from you. Naturally, the storyline will have to be completed completely, but for strangers you can complete only 20 tasks, for hobbies - 42. And random events, given their spontaneity, will be enough only 14. As a result, it turns out that for a 100% passage of the game you will need to complete all story missions, as well as 76 side missions related to various sections. In fact, this is not such a difficult task, especially considering the fact that the gameplay is incredibly exciting.


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