Mixtures in goat milk: reviews, price and composition. What are the benefits of goat milk based formulas?

The most valuable food for babies in their first year of life is mother's milk. Unfortunately, there are circumstances in which breastfeeding is not possible. In such cases, the baby needs a mixture that is as similar as possible to breast milk. It should provide good nutrition and strengthen immunity.

goat milk mixes
Today on the shelves of children's departments you can see the mixture in goat milk. What are their advantages in comparison with analogues, and is such a product capable of becoming a full-fledged daily food? You can answer these questions by studying the properties of the mixtures, the composition and reviews of consumers.

Product Advantages

The protein of goat’s milk, unlike the cow’s counterpart, forms a more tender clot when cured in the stomach of the crumbs, which is much easier to digest without irritating the mucous membrane. Due to this property and the content of beta-casein, mixtures in goat milk are relatively quickly digested and do not provoke the appearance of intestinal disorders and allergies. However, the protein of goat’s milk is not a remedy that relieves of allergic reactions, so if this food is suitable for the crumbs, you can only determine if you try it. Children with allergies need to introduce the product gradually, observing the condition of the skin.

Compared to cow's analogue, goat's milk is much closer in composition to female milk. Thanks to this, such nutrition is well suited for babies, without causing digestive problems. Quite often, pediatricians prescribe crumbs with dysbiosis mixture in goat milk. Reviews of most mothers note a significant change in the well-being of the baby for the better. Nutrition based on goat's milk restores the intestinal microflora and improves the functionality of the stomach and intestines.

goat milk mixes
The benefits of goat milk for a child are not limited to this. It contains three times more amino acids, for example, taurine, than in the cow analogue. This also makes nutrition for goat milk crumbs a good substitute for breastfeeding. The vital amino acids that make up its composition help the crumbs to properly form and significantly improve immunity.


Despite its positive characteristics, goat milk in its natural form is absolutely unsuitable for the baby's diet in the first year of his life. That is why companies producing products for baby food, make a mixture based on goat milk. They are artificially close in composition to the maternal counterpart and are called adapted. The complex process of adaptation of children's products on goat milk is more successful than on the cow's counterpart. Eating from cow's milk often causes digestive problems and troubles in the form of allergic reactions. In this regard, some companies took goat milk as a basis. But in mixtures its content does not exceed 45-46%, and the rest of the substances are specialized additives that bring the composition of useful elements closer to mother’s milk. These include the following components:

  • probiotics that support the favorable composition of microflora and regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, including baby stool, making it softer;
  • nucleotides that perfectly contribute to the restoration and strengthening of the immune system;
  • Vitamin and mineral elements aimed at meeting the needs of an intensively growing organism of crumbs: vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, potassium, cobalt, iodine, folic acid and others.

You should be aware that goat milk-based mixtures contain 57% less lactose than other dairy baby foods. In some cases, they become an indispensable food option for babies with individual lactose intolerance.


Any milk contains two types of proteins: difficult to digest casein and easily digestible whey. Cow's milk contains mainly caseins, for example, alpha-C1-casein, which causes adverse allergic effects. The main advantage of baby products from goat milk is the predominance of whey protein in the composition, so this food is less exposed to all kinds of treatments and does not provoke allergies.

the benefits of goat milk for a child
Studies have proven a number of unique advantages that goat milk formula has in comparison with cow counterparts. Here, for example, are some of them:

  • goat milk consists of a more uniform mixture of small fat droplets, therefore it is almost completely absorbed;
  • when interacting with the crumb's gastric juice, food based on goat’s milk forms friable and smaller curd clots that are easier for the fragile body to absorb;
  • the product does not contain some proteins that provoke allergic effects, for example, atopic dermatitis, which, as it grows older, can cause bronchial asthma;
  • in such a mixture there is a lot of natural vitamin A, which improves the visual functions and condition of the skin, and the vitamin element PP, which affects the oxidative processes in the growing body;
  • the product goes through fewer stages using processing technology that makes the mixture adapted.


What mixes on goat milk are available on the Russian market? This question is relevant for many mothers. Today on the shelves of baby food in Russia you can see the production of such brands:

  • Nanny (New Zealand);
  • Cabrita (Holland);
  • "MD mil SP goat" (Spain);
  • MAMACO '(Spain).

Mixtures of Cabrite and MD mil SP Goat have a ratio of whey protein to casein equal to 60:40, which allows us to call them whey. Nutrition for babies "Mamako" has a ratio of the same parameters equal to 50:50, so it occupies an intermediate niche between casein and whey mixtures. But in the production of "Nanny" the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 20:80, so they are considered casein.

Baby food "Nanny"

The factory, built by the company, is engaged in drying New Zealand goat milk and producing food for babies. Nanny Goat Milk Blends are made from dried milk powder.

milk formulas in goat milk
The brand is represented by such types of mixtures adapted to the nutrition of babies and made from goat milk:

  • "Nanny" from birth to a year;
  • "Nanny" No. 3 for children older than 1 year;
  • “Nanii” No. 2 with prebiotics (designed for ages 6-12 months);
  • “Nanii” No. 1 with prebiotics (recommended for babies from 0 to 6 months).

According to information from the manufacturer, all of Nanny’s baby food does not contain palm oils, demineralized whey, altered proteins, dyes, sugar, GMOs, or flavors.

Mixes "MD mil SP goat"

The trademark began selling in the Russian market from 2007 to 2011. Products were manufactured at the Dutch company Laypack BV. Currently, baby food is produced in Spain. Now in Russia you can buy such milk formulas in goat milk:

  • "MD mil SP Goat" series 1. For feeding infants from birth to six months.
  • "MD mil SP Goat" series 2. Designed for feeding babies 6-12 months.
  • "MD Mil SP Goat" series 3. Designed to power children over one year old.

Mixtures of Cabrite

The formula of each type of product has a specially developed composition, adapted for the baby at a certain stage of development. Baby food with Cabrita goat milk includes a wide assortment and age range.

what are the goat milk mixes
According to the manufacturer, the mixtures do not contain cow's milk. They are enriched with probiotics, nucleotides, omega acids, as well as a unique complex of triglycerides.

Mixtures MAMACO

The Spanish corporation ILAS SA has developed an assortment line for healthy babies as well as for babies with low weight or special dietary nutritional needs. Mixtures on goat's milk "MAMAKO '" are used for mixed or artificial feeding of children. They are recommended by dietitians and pediatricians to babies who have an increased risk of developing food allergic reactions, and those who can not tolerate cow's milk. Baby food includes the following types of adapted mixtures:

  • "MAMAKO '1" for babies from 0 to 6 months;
  • "MAMAKO '2" for babies from six months of age to a year;
  • "MAMAKO '3" with the addition of bifidobacteria for children over 12 months.

MAMAKO porridges for kids

In addition to mixtures, ILAS SA also offers a wide range of food for the first feeding of healthy crumbs and allergic babies. It includes baby cereals in goat milk and dairy-free cereals. In the lineup there is a monoslack diet food designed for the prevention of diathesis: buckwheat, corn and rice porridge from 4 months. They are suitable for babies prone to allergies, but in the absence of reactions to goat milk protein.

goat milk porridge
Multicomponent baby food with fruit and vegetable and fruit additives is recommended by the manufacturer to expand the menu of babies from 5-6 months: cereals, cereals, pumpkin and apricot, wheat with pear and banana and other types.

According to the manufacturer, all the cereals are developed with the direct participation of the Russian Institute of Nutrition Research Institute of RAMS.


Nutrition for babies in goat milk has its drawbacks. It can not be purchased at every store. Cow's milk products are cheaper than goat's milk mixes. The price of some types of products under consideration is presented below:

  • "MD mil SP goat" 400 g - about 800 rubles;
  • Kabrita Gold 400 g - 670-750 rubles;
  • Kabrita Gold 800 g - about 1350 rubles;
  • MAMAKO 400 g - 640-680 rubles;
  • MAMAKO 800 g - 1040-1150 rubles;
  • "Nanny" 400 g - 800-900 rubles.


A large number of women whose crumbs have digestive problems or are prone to allergic reactions have tried to give their children mixtures in goat's milk. Mommy reviews in most cases are positive.

goat milk mixes reviews
They note that when replacing infant formula from cow's milk with a mixture of goat's counterpart, favorable changes have occurred. The crumbs improved digestion, stopped frequent regurgitation, disappeared problems with constipation or diarrhea. Most often, babies stop worrying about bloating and colic.

Some babies have lost their food allergic rash. However, there are also such children to whom the mixture came up, but the diathesis remained. But for the most part, mothers described only the positive qualities of these mixtures for babies. Of the negative parameters, consumers noted only the cost, which is higher than that of similar nutrition from cow's milk.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7807/

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