How long is a passport after 20 years? Replacing a passport in 20 years through public services: documents and terms

Almost all civil documents have a validity period, after which you have to think about re-issuing them. Particular attention will have to be paid to the main identity card of a person in the territory of the state. This is a civil passport. Everyone will have to get it sooner or later. In Russia, this moment comes at the age of 14. After you have to regularly exchange ID card "by age". Today we will find out how much a passport is valid after 20 years, as well as how you can reissue it in a particular case. The information presented to you will be useful to all citizens of the Russian Federation, because the principles of replacing an identifier usually remain unchanged under any circumstances.

How to change a passport in 20 years

How to interpret the question

It is problematic to answer unequivocally how long a passport is valid after 20 years. The thing is that this issue can be deciphered in different ways. The final answer will depend on this.

Next, we examine all the existing options for the development of events. Namely:

  • the time allotted for the submission of an application for the replacement of an identity card;
  • Validity of the document until the next mandatory reissue;
  • in which cases the passport ceases to be valid prematurely.

In addition, we consider the period of recognition of a temporary identity identifier relevant. It can be requested when replacing the main civil passport and is used if necessary.

Time to contact the authorities

How long is a passport valid after 20 years? In general, you should not rush to apply for a document, but you also do not need to hesitate. You can easily skip the time allotted to appeal to authorized bodies without imposing certain sanctions on a person.

As soon as a citizen is twenty years old, he is given thirty days to submit an application and relevant documents to replace his passport. Otherwise, an irresponsible resident of the Russian Federation will be held administratively liable. We will talk about it later.

Until next mandatory replacement

How long is a passport after 20 years? As already mentioned, it all depends on how to decipher a similar question. For example, you need to know when the next time, without fail, a person will have to re-order the identifier of the person.

Documents for replacing a passport of the Russian Federation

At the moment, the replacement of passports in the Russian Federation is carried out at 20 and at 45 years old. So, after the first mandatory reissue, the document will be valid for twenty-five years.

After 45 years, citizens of the Russian Federation are relieved of the need for mandatory replacement of civilian identity cards without fail. It will be necessary to apply for such a service only upon the occurrence of certain life circumstances.

About early invalidity

I wonder how much a passport is valid after 20 years? It was previously emphasized that a definite answer will not work. Life is unpredictable. She often makes adjustments to the law. Therefore, we are studying a variety of scenarios.

Passports are exchanged not only by age. The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly indicates under what circumstances the corresponding document is declared invalid before the established time. There will still be a month left for his exchange.

Invalidity of an identity identifier in the Russian Federation occurs when:

  • its corruption;
  • theft or loss of a document;
  • changing personal data in any way possible (including marriage and divorce);
  • gender change;
  • a strong change in the appearance of a person (for example, after plastic surgery);
  • detect typos or errors in a civil document;
  • the appearance on the pages of the passport of third-party marks.

So, it’s problematic to say exactly how long a passport is valid after 20 years until its next reissue. Someone may wait for a replacement by age, and someone will have to face a similar operation shortly after reaching twenty years. This is a normal occurrence. True, women are increasingly confronted with it.

How long is a passport after 20 years

Places of public service

Now it’s clear how long the passport is valid after reaching twenty years. And how much time is allotted to appeal to the authorized bodies to reissue the corresponding document, too. Remember the proposed attention data is not difficult.

Next, we familiarize ourselves with the procedure for replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as with the consequences of its delay. Where to turn for help when re-issuing civilian ID cards?

As a rule, people can choose their own authorized body to renew their passport. The main thing is to take into account the place of your registration or temporary residence.

To date, services for the reissue of passports can be provided:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • branches of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation;
  • passport desks of the region.

In addition, you can cope with the task remotely. To do this, you need to have a registered and verified account on the ESIA "State Services".

Terms of service

How long does a passport replacement of 20 years take place in Russia? The period allotted for contacting the authorized service was fully understood. And how quickly will the passport be reissued?

Under the law, 10 days are allotted for the replacement of a civil ID. In practice, the process can drag on for 15-60 days. This is especially true of cases of contacting migration services through intermediaries or the restoration of a document after its theft.

The most accurate data on the speed of reissuing a passport is recommended to be specified in a specific authorized service. This is the only way to avoid mistakes and unjustified expectations.

Instruction: personally apply for a document

Replacing a passport at the MFC, as a rule, takes more time as a whole than when applying directly to the authorized body. This is a normal occurrence. How to proceed to order a new identity card?

Form 1P

Guidelines for replacing a passport by personal appeal to the above services are as follows:

  1. Form a specific help package. Its components may be different. They change depending on the reason why a person seeks help.
  2. Fill in the application form. This is a 1P form. It is a kind of profile.
  3. Pay for the production of a civil passport.
  4. Contact the selected authorized body with a statement and documents prepared in advance. You need to go to the registration service.
  5. At the agreed time, pick up the finished passport.

That's all. Thus, a passport is replaced at the MFC or at any other authorized service. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this.

"Government services" and the order of an identity card

Modern citizens are able to replace their passports through public services. In order to cope with such a task, you will first have to create a profile on the corresponding page, and then confirm the account in any way possible.

Suppose that these steps are completed, the account is fully prepared for further work. Then to change your passport after 20 years you will need:

  1. Visit the e-government website, while logging in to the system.
  2. Open the "Service Catalog". This button is located at the top of the screen.
  3. Find the option "Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation."
  4. Click on the line "Replace passport ...".
  5. Click on the line that most accurately describes the reason for using the site. In our case, this is "Replacement after reaching 20 or 45 years."
  6. Go to filling out the electronic application. In such circumstances, you will not have to fill out paper form 1P.
  7. Upload a passport photo in a dedicated block. It must comply with established requirements. It’s best to take a picture in a photo studio.
  8. Choose the date and place of delivery of the identity card.
  9. Agree to the terms of work.
  10. Submit an electronic application for processing.
  11. Go to the "My Account" and make a state fee for replacing a passport in 20 years.

At this stage, the action ends. The user must wait for an invitation to an authorized service, and then pick up a ready-made identity identifier. Very convenient, but with this technique you may have difficulty. Usually they overtake users who have not previously been registered with ESIA.

Replacing a passport at "State Services"

About Documents

How long is a passport valid after 20 years? From now on, everyone will be able to accurately name the corresponding period, depending on how exactly such a question is deciphered.

What documents will be useful to an applicant for re-issuance of an identity card? The answer directly depends on the reason for applying for the mentioned service.

Usually, to change your passport at age 20, you will need to prepare:

  • old passport;
  • statement of established form;
  • personal photos of a person (several pieces);
  • certificates of residence;
  • check or receipt of payment of duty;
  • birth certificate (recommended);
  • military card (for those liable for military service).

But that is not all. Additionally, for the implementation of the task the citizen may need such documents:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificates of divorce;
  • Conclusion on sex change;
  • statements indicating a voluntary change in personal data;
  • certificates of loss or theft of a passport taken in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

All of the listed components must be prepared in the originals. Their copies are also useful, but without the originals they will not be accepted.

How to order a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation on "State services"

How much is

What is the state duty for replacing a passport at 20? Typically, the amount of payment varies depending on the reason for the person applying for the relevant document. But what are the scenarios?

In general, replacing a passport in 2019 costs 300 rubles. The payment will increase to 1,500 rubles if the document is reissued:

  • in connection with his loss;
  • upon damage to an identity card;
  • if a person claims theft of a passport.

In other cases, as already mentioned, you will have to pay only three hundred rubles. If the passport is replaced through the "State Services", then when making a fee on the e-government website, a citizen will receive a 30% discount on the relevant transactions.

passport of the russian federation

About the validity of a temporary passport

Every citizen of the Russian Federation must receive a new passport at age 20. And if necessary, replace it on time before the 45th anniversary, too. When applying to the migration services for such a document, it is recommended to request a temporary passport. It will replace the main one for one or another term.

How long is this document valid? Usually it is issued for 10 days, but registration for a longer period is possible. As a rule, they try to issue temporary passports for the period spent on replacing a civil identification card.

Important: you can find out when the validity of the temporary passport is terminated from the corresponding document.

Overdue Responsibility

What will happen if you do not exchange your passport in time? The document is recognized as invalid, it will not work anymore. Moreover, the citizen will be brought to administrative responsibility.

This is a fine for an expired passport. At the age of 20 or at any other age, a delay has occurred - it does not matter. The main thing is the scene.

There is no separate article for expiring a passport in Russian law, but it does have an article for living at the place of residence without an identity document. It is with her that she will be faced with an untimely exchange of personal identifier.

In ordinary regions, a negligent citizen faces a fine of two to three thousand, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. There are no discounts when paying.


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