How to make a web for Halloween with your own hands?

How to make a web for halloween

Celebrating Halloween in Russia began relatively recently, while the holiday has a rich history and special flavor. So why not throw a theme “afterlife” party in mid-autumn? In order for the event to be remembered by all guests for a long time, it is necessary to take care not only of costumes in advance, but also of the decoration of the apartment. How to make a web for Halloween with your own hands?

Flat decoration of threads

If you need to decorate a wall or floor, the wicker web will be the best option. To create it, you need threads, the thickness of which depends on the size of the finished decoration. The most spectacular woven web will look on a dark background. For convenience, draw a sketch at random on a piece of paper. How to make a web for Halloween from threads? Very simple. Start with the basics. To do this, take several pieces of thread of equal length. The first two cross in the middle. Fix in a convenient way - cloves, push pins, pins or double-sided tape will do. Then, in the same way, attach the remaining threads, making sure that the intersection point is the same for everyone, and the segments are connected exactly in the middle. At this point, the Halloween web is like an asterisk. Now we can start weaving: moving in a spiral, it is necessary to connect the guide threads. Avoid excessive tension. It is up to you to leave the ends free or fix them in another round.

A spider braided an object ...

Spider web for halloween
If you want to shroud cobwebs of lights, interior trifles or a whole cupboard, you need a couple of coils of thin thread. Randomly wind it around an existing item. You can allow sagging, but you can form a tight cocoon. This technique with white threads or gray will look interesting. If desired, you can independently paint the cobweb in a dirty dusty color. For this, it is necessary to soak the thread in a solution of black paint, dry it, and then proceed to winding. To stiffen the web, you can make it from threads impregnated with PVA glue. But remember that such a decor can stain the base. It is ideal for decorating disposable tableware and bottles for the table.

How to make a web for Halloween from gauze?

To decorate the interior, ordinary gauze is also suitable. Cut a suitable piece of this fabric. Start pulling it randomly. You can even break in places. Such a web looks best in randomly hanging rags. You can wrap it with individual interior items. If desired, dye the fabric in the manner described above for the threads. If gauze is not at hand, a wide bandage will replace it. Such a web can be applied in several layers, this will give it an even more realistic look. If you decide not to paint all the used gauze, it is allowed to emphasize its individual sections with a coloring composition that must be applied with a brush.

What else can be decorated with cobwebs?

DIY Spider Web
It is not necessary to use this decor element only in the interior. You can supplement the web with a suit or some small accessories. Creating this jewelry is very simple. How to make a web for Halloween to decorate little things? It all depends on what material the selected product is made of. If there is enough time to prepare for the holiday, you can even paint glassware with special paints. Do not forget about the tablecloth and napkins. You can draw by hand or using a stencil. Accessories can be transformed in a less dramatic way, designed for one evening, for example, cut cobwebs in the manner of snowflakes from paper and lay them on a table. The Halloween web, drawn on invitation cards, as well as on cards to accommodate guests at the table, will be appropriate. The interweaving of elegant threads will be a good complement to holiday costumes. If desired, you can simply draw a web on the skin. In the embroidered version on the fabric, it will look good too. Do not forget about textile dyes, allowing you to apply any image on clothes.

The finishing touches of the decor

How to make a web with your own hands
Now you know how to make a web with your own hands. If the finished decoration seems too boring, you can improve it a bit. The web with the spider looks much more interesting. You can buy an arthropod figurine in a toy store or make it from improvised materials. All you need is one ball for the body and a wire or rope for the legs. Some craftsmen make interesting beautiful spiders from beads and beads. If the size of the scenery allows, you can try to sew a soft toy. Also, the web can be wholly or partially covered with dry spangles or a special spray. You can decorate a “dirty” decoration made of dyed threads or fabric by adding colors to certain places. Small debris is also suitable - for example, twigs or dried leaves. Remember what a real web looks like in the attic of a summer house. And try to achieve the same effect.


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