The Green Mile: Quotes That Are Hard to Forget

The cult film "The Green Mile", based on the novel of the same name by the no less cult writer Stephen King, appeared on the screens in 1999. At first glance it seems that this is a rather boring and even boring novel. But, having gone a few steps along the field of drama, you understand that the power of this work is in the word. Heroes speak simply but deeply. Directly, but with meaning.

If you tear the words from the actors, it becomes clear that the quotes from the "Green Mile" are strong in their own right, and a high-quality acting game only correctly shapes the plot. Of all the quotes with which the novel abounds, we have chosen the key ones. Those without which the spirit of the work fades away and is lost.

Quotes with a Deep Meaning

When you watch or read the “Green Mile”, you understand that philosophy is not the abstruse speeches of white-bearded old men. Philosophy is what is around us, this is our life, this is us and you. The following is a list of quotes from the novel, which do not just catch, but make you think and even argue a little with the author, but do not leave anyone indifferent.

If a person sincerely repents of his sins, he can return to the time that was the happiest for him and stay there forever. Maybe this is paradise?

I dreamed about you. I dreamed that you were wandering in the dark. And me too. And we found each other in the dark.

In the prison cinema

Questions about the meaning of life and the inevitability of death run through the novel with a red thread. And this is not surprising. Most heroes are either sentenced to death, or, having lost the meaning of existence, long for it. No wonder Paul Edgecomb at the end says that John Coffey “infected him with life,” and calls it a curse:

And you will die too. And I will live. And this is my curse.

And the following quote is interpreted differently. Many are embarrassed that love is called the cause of death. Think about these words:

Their love destroyed them. They helped him kill himself. And so it happens every day. Worldwide.

When Coffey says this, it becomes clear that he is not just a big child with a good heart - he is the one who understands a little more than others.

But the deepest quotes in The Green Mile are visual images. And it doesn’t matter whether you are reading a book or watching a movie - the picture that stands before you is sure to tell you something important.

Life Quotes

When can a work be considered classic? When is it popular? Unlikely. Classics are what always catches. This is something that does not become obsolete, because it hurts organic, unchanging human qualities and feelings. The quotes of the Green Mile are full of life phrases and expressions, for which the novel can easily be ranked as a classic. Just read them:

Such things are happening. How does God allow this?

According to the lawyer's speech, from the very beginning he was sure of Coffey's guilt. Therefore, his words about everyone’s right to defense sound ironic:

Thousands of people in search of earnings. Even such a giant as Coffey, no one will pay attention until he kills a couple of girls.

Everyone has the right to protection.

Edward Delacroix and his mouse

By the way, in an attempt to find out if Coffey is guilty, Mr. Edgecomb finds several interesting facts that the court did not take into account. But this is not reflected in the film, so you should read the book.

It’s impossible to hide what is in your heart.

You don’t notice how the past is leaning on you, do you want it or not?

Each of us must die. There are no exceptions. But, Lord, sometimes the green mile seems so long ...

The heroes of the work do not just pile words. They live a real life, analyze experience and draw conclusions. Therefore, the picture seems vibrant and resonates with the viewer or reader.

Quotes from the Green Mile book not included in the film

They say that the film adaptation of the book cannot be its worthy alternative. This does not apply to the Green Mile. Quotes, an excellent acting and camera work help the viewer recreate in the head a picture written by the author. The film was no worse and no better than a book. This is an alternative that is worthy of attention, but which is not worth replacing the book.

A frightened person is easier to negotiate.

Having learned what a person wants, you will know a person.

Once again, we successfully coped with the destruction of what we cannot create.

Much seems to be of little importance, but a person, however, often thinks about the little things.

TV is a good thing, I have nothing against him, I just don’t like the way he leads a person away from the real world, riveting him to the glowing rectangle of the screen. In this sense, radio is better.

Shot from the film "The Green Mile".

The book will explain why Edward Delacroix was sentenced to death, and how Paul Edgecomb, when his wife was dying, saw John Coffey executed earlier. But do not blame director Frank Darabonte for the fact that all this was not included in the film. Firstly, the director always has the right to his artistic interpretation. And secondly, the filmmakers nevertheless tried their best - the picture contains all the key points.

With tears. For those who watched the movie

In the end, we want to give a few quotes from the movie "The Green Mile" for fans of the picture. By themselves, they may not carry a special semantic load. But for those who watched a movie or read a book, they mean a lot.

The first acquaintance of John Coffey and Paul Edgecomb. A meaningless, in fact, excerpt from the dialogue has become one of the most cited parts of the novel:

- Your name is John Coffey?

-Yes, sir. Like a drink, it is only spelled differently.

John Coffey

In the same scene, the guards are slightly shocked by the words of the new guest of the green mile. The quote unexpectedly indicates the timidity and meek disposition of a black thug:

Do you leave the lights off? I sometimes feel bad in the dark if an unfamiliar place.

And these words are found more than once in the work, therefore, inevitably are deposited in memory:

What happens at the mile remains at the mile. This is the law.

The last words of an innocent man sentenced to death. They cannot but cause tears:

I am in heaven. I am in heaven. I am in heaven.

The Green Mile is a novel created not for entertainment. It makes you not only worry, but also think. It is worth to thank Stephen King, who gave us all this work, and to say that his work was not in vain. Because everyone who had the good fortune to get acquainted with his creation, discovered something new for himself and became a little better.


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