Wood carving tool. Wood carving knives

Wood carving is a very ancient art form that is still popular today. The fact is that with the help of a small set of tools you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Thread Benefits

wood carvings
Before you start choosing knives or mastering certain methods for making crafts, you need to learn about the merits of this craft. So, among the advantages of threading, one can distinguish the following:

- high quality finished products that are in great demand;

- very good decorative qualities of the finished product, which is able to decorate even the most inconspicuous interior;

- you can engage in carving yourself, while you do not have to finish any educational institution;

- the work does not require the purchase of any complex equipment, moreover, a tool for woodcarving can be made independently.

What tools will be needed to work?

wood carving tool
All devices can be divided into several types: cutting and auxiliary. The first type includes the following:

1. A variety of knives:

  • cutter - is used to design a "socket" or other element, which suggests the presence of bends;
  • spoon - the device is used to cut dishes, which inside has a hole-sphere (bowls, spoons);
  • jamb - this tool for woodcarving is sharpened so that it has an angle of 30-80 degrees. Most often it is used for applying geometric ornaments.

2. Chisels:

  • semicircular and sloping - indispensable devices for contour and geometric carving;
  • direct - is necessary in order to be able to clean the workpiece, as well as cut through the outline of the main drawing;
  • Kosyachok - this chisel is used for geometric carving;
  • corner - used to select narrow lines; this chisel is necessary for all types of carving ;
  • Caesar - used to embed narrow elements on a relief surface;
  • klukarza - most often this tool for woodcarving is used to design relief and flat-relief products.

In addition, you will need other devices. For example, for the initial processing of the workpiece, you need to purchase sandpaper, scrapers and cycles, rasps, metal wire brushes, embossments. And you will need drills and a drill, as well as devices for cutting this or that pattern.

And you also need stencils and simple pencils, with which you can transfer the selected drawing to a wooden blank.

equipment requirements

wood carving knives
The whole wood carving tool should be of the highest quality. That is, buy those products that are made of durable stainless steel. Naturally, it is necessary to give preference to well-known and bona fide manufacturers.

In addition, knives for woodcarving, as well as chisels, must be properly and well sharpened. Otherwise, you just crumble the workpiece. Of course, all safety rules must be observed during operation.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase tools, then you can make them yourself. For example, knives can be made in just a day. Naturally, you need to work hard for this. At the same time, do not forget to consider the types of tools, their sizes and purpose. Poor thin steel will not provide the required quality. Such a tool will quickly become dull and break.

Features of the choice of material

In addition to the device for work, you will need a base on which you will cut the pattern. The wood for this purpose is different: soft, hard and very hard. The first type includes linden, aspen and alder. These materials are suitable for your first steps in mastering art carving. The fact is that itโ€™s very simple to work with them and you donโ€™t need to put a lot of force to hollow out one or another element. That is, such blanks are usually given to beginners.

Hard breeds - pear, birch, oak, maple, beech - are used by experienced craftsmen who have good skills. The remaining breeds are rarely used. At first, you have enough linden preparations.

In addition to the hardness of the rock, the shade of its surface is of great importance. Naturally, after completing the work, you will open the product with colorless varnish. However, there is nothing better than the original shade. It will emphasize all the natural beauty of your masterpiece.

The main types of thread

wood carving tools
In order to make a craft, you need to master some types of work:

  • markup;
  • sawing;
  • cutting;
  • drilling;
  • planing;
  • trimming;
  • chiselling;
  • cycling;
  • grinding.

In addition, there are several types of thread itself:

  1. Through. This type involves cutting holes in predetermined places.
  2. Embossed. In this case, the basic elements are at different levels with respect to the background.
  3. Sculptural. This type of thread is quite complicated and is used only by experienced craftsmen. The fact is that this work is very delicate and requires compliance with all the necessary proportions.
  4. Flat-topped. It is with this type that beginners begin to accumulate their experience. All that is needed is to apply a drawing to the workpiece and hollow it out. In this case, all elements are on the same level with the background.

Features of using special equipment

wood carving machine
In addition to these tools, you may need a machine tool. Wood carving in this case is carried out without your direct involvement. All that is needed is to set the program and set the necessary ornament. Then the machine will do everything on its own.

There are different types of devices that can do this kind of work. They have different dimensions and functions. However, the main requirement for such equipment is the presence of mills. You only need control, which is done using the remote control. The rest of the process is automated.

At all times, woodcarving was considered a very lucrative and beautiful art. The tools for it are different, and their range is very extensive. Having acquired such a set, you will be able to hone your skills in order to one day make your loved ones an original and very beautiful gift. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7823/

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