American rabbit: breeds, photos, interesting facts

The American rabbit is a docile and calm animal. Its average weight is 9-11 kg, life expectancy is 8-12 years. Best suited for families with older children, the elderly, couples, single people. These are meek and flexible pets, they are very friendly, moderately playful, as well as unpretentious regarding the care of them. American rabbits show their worth at exhibitions.

American rabbits

general description

The American rabbit has a semicircular body type, which means that the upper body line (when viewed from the side) does not immediately rise behind the ears, but aligns and bends upwards in the middle. Their ears are rather narrow, proportional in length and narrowed. Animals can weigh from 9 to 11 kg. Both types of American rabbits (white and blue) have a short, soft and thin fur, silky to the touch.


You should take care of the American rabbit as necessary, and under no circumstances should you bathe them in the bathroom, as this can lead to heart failure. Bathing destroys many of the natural qualities of their fur. Do not worry, rabbits are relatively clean creatures and can take care of personal hygiene on their own. Care should be taken during molting. If it is not very plentiful, then combing with a brush should be minimized.

american rabbit photo

Wool color

The white American rabbit has white fur and red eyes, blue is dark gray. Both types have a short fur, which has one very interesting feature: if you pet the animal against the coat, then it immediately returns to its original place.

House for the rabbit

When it comes to buying a home for your rabbit, you have quite a few options. You can choose a covered cage and add some rabbit-friendly modifications that are great for apartment residents. If you have a place in the open air or even your own fenced back yard, you can purchase or build your own cage or a small barn. But whenever an animal is outdoors, one must always be aware of the outside temperatures, the amount of sunlight and the presence of any local predators.

american crawl

Domestic rabbits

Rabbits of the American breed, living under the same roof with their owners, will undoubtedly have a deep connection with their owners. Many rabbits like to be stroked, but most of all they like to be stroked on their cheeks and forehead. If your pet likes this, he will most likely lay his head on the ground and blissfully close his eyes.


In terms of nutrition, rabbits will enjoy a diet consisting mainly of pellets and hay (about 70 percent). Adult rabbits eat about 1/4 cup high-fiber granules daily for every 5 kg of their weight. They also enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, including carrots, red or green lettuce, celery, mango, pear, peach and more.


Most American rabbits are fairly obedient, and some are even a bit lazy. This breed is not at risk of any particular health problems. If you find your rabbit’s teeth grow a little faster than they wear out, provide them with straw or wicker rugs, safe wooden blocks or straw baskets. This is a great way for them to have fun and grind their teeth to the right extent.

Temperament and behavior

This breed was mainly used for commercial meat and fur purposes in the 1900s and less often as a pet. This means that you can expect him to be calm, obedient and very friendly to people. The American crawl can be a little shy, so it is not recommended for families with small children, as the animal can suddenly get scared and protect itself by biting a person’s hand. Some rabbits are full of energy and love to jump for hours in a row in the backyard.

american rabbit white

Other species

The American rabbit (see photo in the article) is not even one breed, but a whole genus that belongs to the hare family. In total, there are about sixteen species that can be attributed to the American. All these 16 species are distributed over a large territory, starting from the south of Canada and extending to the north of Argentina. The following varieties are found: aquatic, Brazilian, Costa Rican, swamp, Mexican, California and others.

As pets, they are very popular, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. They are not very expensive in cost, and do not need special care. They are very sweet and cute, as well as kind and calm, they are very friendly and quickly make contact with people. They quickly get used to favorable conditions, love to play. American rabbits are hardy and obedient in nature. In the wild, animals live on average about 15 months. At home, they can live up to nine years.


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