The most famous and famous dogs: feats of four-legged heroes and interesting facts

A dog is a man’s most devoted and loyal friend. For more than the first millennium, four-legged friends have served people, showing such dedication that representatives of the human race could envy. Many of the dogs managed to leave a noticeable mark on history.

History of Pavlov’s dogs

One of the most famous dogs, of course, is Pavlov’s dog. And this is not about a single dog, but about thousands of four-legged heroes who laid their lives on the altar of serving people. Here you can talk for a very long time about the ethical side of the issue. However, to this day, doctors rely on those studies that were conducted by Russian scientists. Thanks to Pavlov’s brutal experiments on dogs, millions of human lives have been saved today. Many treatment methods are based on the recommendations given by the Russian physiologist.

Pavlov himself, however paradoxical it may sound, loved the four-legged helpers and sincerely admired them. He often wrote that he grieves with all his heart for every lost life. The physiologist resorted to euthanasia only if the dog no longer had a chance to exist normally. Currently, the phrase "Pavlov’s dog" is used when it is necessary to say about cruelty, sadism. Surprisingly, contemporaries of the great Russian physiologist often wondered why he spent so much of his time and mental energy on grooming laboratory animals. They said: “This dog will die anyway - maybe in a year or two. But he is still going to feed him for nothing. ”

Pavlov's dog

Merits of the four-legged heroes

Thanks to the four-legged heroes, today mankind knows that reflexes are divided into conditioned and unconditioned. Also, experiments with Pavlov’s dogs made it clear in which area of ​​the brain a signal was generated about the start of a certain reflex. This gave a powerful impetus to the development of neurosurgery.

A few decades after Pavlov himself moved to another world, no one will even remember the nicknames of his experimental subjects. In memory of them, in 1935, a monument called "Pavlov’s Dog" was erected in present-day St. Petersburg. On a high pedestal you can see the Doberman Pinscher, which is surrounded by the heads of dogs of other breeds around the perimeter. From their open mouths pour jets of water.

Monument to Pavlov’s dog

Dog Dzhulbars

Another famous dog was a German shepherd named Dzhulbars. The dog was the only four-legged hero, who was subsequently awarded a medal. He was able to detect 7468 mines, as well as more than one and a half hundred shells. With the help of Dzhulbars, the old castles of Prague, Viennese cathedrals, palaces above the Danube River were cleared. After the war ended, Djulbars was awarded the honorary medal "For Military Merit". Rogue became the most famous dog, took part in the post-war parade of 1945, held on Red Square. But on his own, the dog could not walk, since at the end of the war he was wounded. At the Victory Day parade, the four-legged hero was carried to the overcoats of Stalin himself. The excellent instinct of the indefatigable hero was proudly noticed by sappers who cleared the grave of T.G. Shevchenko in Kanev, as well as the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

Dzhulbars - war hero

Rogue Talent

Dzhulbars, or Zhulik, as he was abbreviated as he was called, was a personal dog of Dina Volkats - the wife of Alexander Mazover, one of the most famous dog handlers of the USSR era. The famous dog was trained by its mistress in a wide variety of services. But the Roger was especially skilled at finding mines. In the first years after the war ended, on many buildings you could see the inscription: "Checked: no mines!" Under these inscriptions were the names of those servicemen who conducted the inspection - this was the rule for sappers. Mine detectors who worked with dogs did the same. They did this with particular pride, as it was believed that checking the four-legged sapper was a guarantee of security.

The feat of Laika - the first astronaut

The notorious dog is also the first astronaut - Laika. It was her flight that showed that a living creature can endure a state of weightlessness, survive the launch itself into orbit. However, the fate of the poor dog was a foregone conclusion long before the launch. Sputnik-2, on which it went into orbit, was not equipped to return. Little consolation: Laika had everything to live in space for at least a week. But even this experiment could not be carried out to the end. The poor animal died four hours after the launch of the satellite - the reason was the stress from the launch, as well as overheating due to a malfunction of the thermoregulation system. In the Western media, Laika was called "the most lonely, most miserable dog in the world."

Hachiko - An Example of Samurai Devotion

Dog Hachiko has become one of the most famous dogs in world history. A film was made in his honor. Hachiko has become a true example of loyalty and devotion. This story happened in Japan. The Akita Inu puppy was presented to a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno. The owner and his friend were almost inseparable. Every day, Hachiko escorted his friend to the station and specially returned to meet him again. But once there was a terrible misfortune - Ueno suffered a heart attack at work, and he did not return. Hachiko at that time was only about a year and a half - he was a very young dog.

And he continued to come to the station to wait for his master. Every day, Hachiko stubbornly walked to the station and waited. Relatives of the professor tried to take the dog home - in vain. Hachiko faithfully returned to the same place to someday see his friend. Waiting for a faithful dog lasted for nine whole years. So Hachiko died in his endless expectation. The day of his death was declared funeral in Japan - because at that time the whole country already knew about the dog, which had become the standard of true fidelity.

The most famous and famous dogs: Collie Dick

The dog Dick of the collie breed served in the 2nd regiment of the special service under the name "Kieletskiy". In the personal file of the dog it is written: “Over the years of the war he discovered more than 12 thousand mines. He took part in the clearance of Stalingrad, Lysychansk, Prague and other cities. ” However, Diku was destined to accomplish his main feat in Pavlovsk.

It was like that. Just an hour before the explosion, Dick discovered a huge mine with a weight of 2.5 tons, in which there was a clockwork. And a land mine was located not somewhere, but in the foundation of the Pavlovsk Palace. If there were an explosion, death would be waiting for thousands of people.

After the end of hostilities, Dick, despite numerous injuries, won victories in numerous exhibitions. The four-legged hero lived to an advanced age and was buried with all honors - as befits a hero.

Scottish Collie Dick

Kamikaze dogs

However, often during the war dogs were used as kamikazes. They were simply tied up with explosive devices from all sides, the poor animal rushed under the tank’s tracks and died. Until 1943, there were units of kamikaze dogs. According to some estimates, they were able to destroy up to 300 enemy tanks. But even more died four-legged heroes during the battles themselves.

Some dogs died before they rushed under the tank’s tracks. And sometimes they had to die at the hands of their own - because a dog with a mine, which for some reason did not complete the task, represented a danger to life.

On March 14, 1942, the commander of the 30th Army Lelyushenko made a report stating that during the defeat of the enemy in the territory of the Moscow Region, German tanks were put to flight by dogs. The enemy was afraid of anti-tank dogs - the Germans specifically hunted for four-legged heroes.

Famous dogs - war heroes

Mukhtar is a medical dog

Mukhtar continues the list of the most famous dogs in the world - a dog rescuing wounded soldiers during the war. On the battlefield, the dog crawled to the wounded man and set his side to him. Medicines were fixed on this side. Moreover, if the soldier of the Soviet Army was unconscious, then the dog licked him, brought him to his senses. The four-legged orderlies even without any pulse check knew whether the person was alive.

During the war years, the famous dog-nurse named Mukhtar pulled about 400 wounded from the battlefield, and also managed to save her guide - Corporal Zorin, who was shell-shocked. Orderlies for 80 wounded rescued from the battlefield were then awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. It turns out that Mukhtar was to become a five-time Hero ...

Dogs orderlies during the war

Terrible battle of border dogs

Not far from the village. Legedzino in Cherkasy you can see a monument to the four-legged border guards. It was they who broke the throats of several hundred fascists. On the monument you can read the inscription: "Stop and bow!" The following is a text stating that 150 service shepherds died in this place by the death of heroes, remaining eternally loyal to their owners. These were one of the most famous dogs in life, who managed to show true valor in the fight against the enemy.

Monument to Border Dogs

A dramatic episode in the history of the Second World War is the feat of 500 border guards near the village. Legedzino, which is located on the highway Talnoe - Uman. As part of this detachment, there were 150 (and according to some reports, 250) service dogs. The fighting was long and exhausting, and the squad leader Major Lopatin was asked to dissolve the dogs. After all, they still had nothing to feed. However, the major did not comply with the order, the four-legged fighters remained in the squad. Uman was a city of great strategic importance. 22 fully-equipped divisions were rushing to it, which also included elite units of the SS - one of Hitler's personal guard units.

Oscar Munzel, in his book entitled Tank Tactics, describes how scary the sight of this battle was. At a critical moment, when the Germans attacked again, Major Lopatin gave the order to introduce the last reserve - to send hungry dogs into battle. 150 four-legged fighters rushed into a deadly battle against the Nazis, watering them with machine gun fire. Some dogs dug their throats even while in a fatal cramp. The Germans began to retreat. However, tanks came to the rescue. Bitten fascists climbed on the tank armor and from there shot four-legged heroes.

500 border guards gave their lives in battle. None of them surrendered. Dogs that managed to survive, according to eyewitnesses, remained faithful to their owners to the end. Each lay down beside her master and did not let anyone near him.

Saint Bernard Barry

The dog named Barry is one of the most famous dogs in the world. Information about him has survived to our time. In Paris, a monument has been erected to a dog, whose neck is held by a girl. This is a monument to the four-legged hero, which is usually said about: "He saved 40 lives and died on the 41st."

On the territory of the Swiss Alps there is a dangerous pass called St. Bernard. The cold season lasts 8-9 months there, and frosts sometimes reach -34 ° C. A lot of people there have become victims of the elements. In the XVI century a monastery was built here, the monks of which were engaged in breeding large dogs. The breed was named after St. Bernard. Four-legged pets could find and dig up a person even under a large layer of snow. When the dog got to freezing, he lay on it and warmed it with his breath. And so that the lost would not die of hunger, a sack of provisions, a flask of wine and a warm blanket were tied to the neck of St. Bernard.

Saint Bernards save people

Barry has become one of the most famous dogs in history thanks to his instinct. When a storm was approaching, he became restless and often went to the mountains himself, where he easily searched for those in distress. Once, Barry scented in one of the deep crevices of people and began to make his way to the victims of the elements. In the abyss due to an avalanche was a woman with a child. When the woman saw the dog who wanted to help, she covered the child with a cloak of all strength and tied a shawl to Barry's back. The dog licked the baby's face until he woke up. Then he safely brought the child to the monastery.

The death of Barry

Barry became a very famous dog, as he saved 40 people. He died by an absurd accident. In 1812, the dog once again found a frozen man and warmed him with his warmth. When the rescued came to his senses and opened his eyes, he saw the snow-covered face of a huge dog. He thought it was a bear, and stabbed him. A seriously wounded dog barely made it to the monastery. He survived, but he was no longer able to engage in rescue due to weakness. In 1814, Barry died. For many years after this story, the St. Bernards were also called barrihundami.

The most famous dog breeds: rating of four-legged pets

After reading such stories, even those who have not experienced a special passion for four-legged pets before, may want to get a dog. But this step must be approached consciously, first considering all the costs. Those who are interested in what types of four-legged friends are popular today will be interested in a list of famous dog breeds:

  • welsh korg;
  • bullmastiff;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Border Collie;
  • chihuahua;
  • dachshund;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Pomeranian
  • dwarf poodle;
  • saint bernard;
  • mini maltese;
  • Siberian Husky;
  • Yorkshire Terrier.

There is nothing more touching and beautiful than the love of four-legged friends. They are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to save a person. In a dangerous situation, they behave like real heroes.


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