Deepwater Monster: Devil Fish

Damn fish is really some damn thing! Hence the name. Its appearance cannot be considered attractive: a huge and wide head is flattened from top to bottom and is more than half the length of the whole body of this fish; the lower jaw is set forward, and the upper jaw is retractable; the mouth is huge, strong and sharp teeth are located in it.

damn fish

The pectoral fins of this creature are quite wide and capable of making strange rotational movements. When the damn fish crawls on the ground, they serve as an indispensable support. The body of this creature is completely naked and covered with numerous skin growths that have a brown-chocolate color. From below it is white. But the most striking feature of this freak is its amazing dorsal fin. The first ray of the fin shifts slightly forward - directly to the jaw of the fish, turning into a kind of rod. Here's what a monkfish looks like!


Thanks to the peculiar appearance of the dorsal fin, this fish was called the angler. It is interesting that such a "rod" at its end has a certain thickening of a spherical shape (or blade), with which the sea features attract their prey.


Since our trait is nicknamed the sea, the main habitat is precisely the sea: fish are found in the coastal waters of the Atlantic, stretching from the Barents Sea to the Gulf of Guinea. Devil fish floats at a depth of 50 to 250 meters.

what does a monkfish look like


This creature spends the lion's share of its time at the bottom. It hides and waits for its prey. Monkfish - fish (photo 1, 2, 3) are quite large - up to 2 meters in length and weighing more than 20 kilograms! In addition, it is able to radically change its color under the surrounding objects, in this case, under the ground.


In anticipation of its prey, the monkfish lies absolutely motionless. He is quite capable of holding his breath, inhaling, exhaling after 2 minutes. As mentioned above, the lure for the prey is the thickening at the end of his "rod". Once a potential victim approaches this bait, then the huge jaw of the sea line opens and, swallowing the victim, instantly closes. You canโ€™t even imagine how fast this happens!

monkfish fish photo


The menu for this creature is this: flounder, cod, gerbils, gobies, stingrays, eels and even large vertebrates - crabs. From time to time, the devil fish rises in the water column, eating mackerel, herring and even waterfowl. Interestingly, the attacks on the latter sometimes end in disrepair for our โ€œdevilsโ€: often anglers are found dead because they choke on too much prey. It probably comes from greed ...


Spawning of these fish takes place at a great depth, but their eggs are much lighter than water, therefore they always float to the surface. It is here that larvae emerge from them, which begin to feed intensely, grow rapidly and slowly sink until they return to their "homeland" - to unknown depths. These amazing creatures live on our planet!


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