Writer Zif Kadyrov: biography, creativity

The writer Zifa Kadyrova does not consider herself a born writer. Writing novels for her is akin to a hobby and in the ranking of life values ​​takes only third place after family and work. The author works in the genre of a female novel, but her books have found many fans among the stronger sex. Some men do not hide the fact that the works of Kadyrova make them really cry.


Zifa Kadyrova
The writer is proud of her roots. She comes from the Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan. In the small village of Akhun, she received her only education - secondary. In many interviews, the author emphasizes that she did not learn to compose specifically. Zifa Kadyrova writes primarily with her heart, so she does not need to use special literary techniques. That is why the novels of the writer, despite the standard plots, have earned high praise among readers.

In 1978, the writer moved to Naberezhnye Chelny and got a job in the construction team. In this city she lives to this day. Zifa Kadyrov began to write books on the threshold of her fiftieth birthday. At 48, she published her first works at her own expense and continues to do so to this day. Today, her books can be taken in the original in the libraries of Tatarstan and Bashkiria, and fragments of works are often published in the press of Naberezhnye Chelny. The woman continues to inspire her readers despite her personal drama (a few years ago, the writer lost her husband). Zifa continues to be an example for her two children and many fans.

How did the author’s career begin?

Zifa Kadyrova books
Zifa Kadyrova created her first novel in two months. In total, there were 540 pages that were written by hand, almost without blots. This novel can be called a real cry of the soul.

At first, the writer was shy about her hobby. She worked on the ironing board, which she installed at the balcony door. She told her family that she was writing letters to numerous relatives.

In fact, the beginning of a creative career was primarily a psychological technique. The author of female novels splashed out her thoughts on paper. At first, a new hobby helped her calm down, and then she began to bring pleasure. In her books you will not find extra scenes and descriptions - most of the works are given to various situations and human emotions.

Next, we consider each major work of the author.

"Sagynyrsyn min bulmam"

Zifa Kadyrova
Let's talk about the amazing literary creation that Zif Kadyrov created. “Sagynyrsyn Min Bulmam” - the name of the work, which in translation into Russian sounds like “Miss you, but I’m gone.” In Russian, this story is known as Sumbul, but it is not a literal translation.

This story is about a love triangle that haunts the heroine throughout her life. Thanks to the skill of the author, you will move a few decades ago, in the 1970s. Also in the work describes the native village of Zifa Kadyrova - Akhun. Zifa Kadyrova wrote “Sagynyrsyn Min Bulmam” in just two months. In total, the story (this is what the author calls the book) has 540 manuscript pages. In 2011, TNV began the creation of a series for this work. His release was expected not only by numerous admirers of Kadyrova’s work, but also by the writer herself. Despite the fact that the work was inaccurate, the ratings of the series were quite high.


Zifa Kadyrova Sagynyrsyn Min Bulmam
Another earlier work that Zif Kadyrov created was “Saga Yazmysh.” It was published almost simultaneously with Sagynyrsyn Min Bulmam. The work also tells of love. Translated into Russian, the name of the story sounds like “Test of Fate”. This work took second place in the ranking of the most widely read books in Tatarstan.

Zifa Kadyrova “Sazmawy Yazmysh” created on the basis of real images. They were gleaned from the life of the writer. Partly the images of the heroes were collected during the residence of the Zifa Kadyrova family in the hostel. According to the author, there were many fathers who raised their children on their own, and she remembered this for a long time. These children were special: they had a different view of life and behavior.

The importance of the plot

Zifa Kadyrova Synsez Kilgan Yazlar
There is another wonderful work written by Zif Kadyrov's “Behetke yul kaydan”. This story is most interesting from the point of view of plot development and its selection. Many readers were surprised when in the book they met descriptions of the lives of people with no fixed abode. In order to collect material, Zifa Kadyrova talked with such people. They lived near a heating main, and during the conversation the writer found out how they ended up on the street.

First of all, “Behetke yul kaydan” is not a book about those who survived the family drama, but about the importance of forgiveness and preservation of the family. And often the thoughts expressed in books help real people. Zifa often receives letters from readers, written in the old fashioned way, on paper. After the release of "Behetke yul kaydan", many fans of Zifa Kadyrova's work admitted that they had reconsidered their attitude to the family.

Zifa Kadyrov's “Kotep Uzgan Homer”

Zifa Kadyrova Behetke Yul Kaidan
The title of this book by Zifa Kadyrova is translated as “Life lived in expectations.” This book, like the rest of the writer's works, also tells of happiness in personal life and the choice that everyone makes. It will be useful primarily to young women and girls. They will be able to recognize their mistakes or not make them in the future.

However, this story is most popular among senior citizens. Some Tatarstan libraries even draw up waiting lists for this particular work. Zif Kadyrov publishes books at his own expense, and therefore in retail they are not always affordable for older people.

Zifa Kadyrov's "Synsez Kilgen Yazlar"

The story "The Lonely Spring" (this is how the name of this book is translated into Russian) was released at the end of 2015 and became the fourth major work of the author. It was a highly anticipated book. Zifa Kadyrov, whose new book again claims to be the best seller in Tatarstan, again immerses its readers in the world of love, trial and error. The main problem that it reveals is the relationship between men and women.

This work was released not so long ago and after the writer experienced the loss of her husband. In it, the heroes together experience joy and sorrow, as befits real spouses. Zifa Kadyrova wrote “Synsez Kilgen Yazlar” so that readers would again have an occasion to think about how frivolity can lead to family drama. This work reminds that all the mistakes made in life have to be corrected independently. Critics took this novel favorably. They believe that this is the author’s most powerful work. Perhaps this story will be the next book translated into Russian.

Reader Reviews

Most often, authors use nationwide languages ​​to become popular. For example, they publish their works in Russian and translate into English. Zifa Kadyrov did otherwise. She began to write her books in Tatar in order to be closer to her audience and preserve the linguistic heritage of her ancestors. Unfortunately, large Russian publishers do not publish books without translation, but Zifa publishes novels at his own expense. This certainly brings her closer to the readers.

Local literary societies highly appreciate the work of Zifa Kadyrova and willingly call her to meet with fans. These meetings are held in clubs and libraries throughout the Republic of Bashkortostan. However, the writer agrees reluctantly to such an additional burden. Meetings take up a lot of time and effort. Much more than a writer likes to communicate with her readers through letters. For her, this is not just a response to creativity, but an additional source of inspiration. Very often, fans tell her about the most secret, about their life. During such communication, you can get inspiration and material for a new story.

Fans of Kadyrova’s work do not need complex turns of speech and multiple descriptions of nature. At readers' meetings, one can often hear the opinion that Zifa Kadyrova’s novel is something that modern literature lacked.

What book is preparing the play

Zifa Kadyrova Kotep Uzgan Homer
Tatar Drama Theater is one of the most powerful. His productions are always expected by the public. The beginning of 2016 was marked by a statement by the head of the theater about the desire to transfer the action of the play “Saga Yazmysh” to the stage. It is better known to the Russian reader as “Test of Fate”. Currently, a staging is being prepared for the production. Tukaev laureate Rkail Zaydulla took up it. He is a respected and famous playwright of Naberezhnye Chelny and the whole republic. Casting of actors has already been held, in which young and honored artists participated on equal footing. During the selection, the best and most suitable for the characters of the hypocrite described in the work were identified.

Theatricals are waiting for the premiere because of the cast, and fans of Zifa Kadyrova’s creativity are interested in how they interpret one of the most famous and favorite stories. Judging by the number of responses to this news, the production is doomed to success in advance, because it is based on an excellent work, and a talented team will transfer it to the stage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7838/

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